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English databases (selection)
Youtube channel THA Bibliothek
How to print in the library
Seminars and individual consultations
Information Literacy: Research
Learning environment (Moodle)
In Moodle you will find extensive self-study materials with which you can familiarise yourself with the topic of scientific research in English language. With the help of short YouTube tutorials and memorable cheatsheets, we have summarised the essentials for you and you have the opportunity to deal with the content that you really need.
If you have more in-depth questions, you can attend a training seminar or book an individual consultation.
Information Literacy: Citation
Learning environment (Moodle)
You have found a lot of literature with the help of the Moodle self-study course Information Literacy: Research and would now like to cite it correctly in your work?
In Moodle you will find extensive self-study materials with which you can familiarise yourself with the topic of citation in English language. With the help of short YouTube tutorials and memorable cheatsheets, we have summarised the essentials for you and you have the opportunity to deal with the content that you really need.
If you have more in-depth questions, you can attend a training seminar or book an individual consultation. You can also use the TU Munich Citation Guide (EN) it offers comprehensive instructions. Furthermore, the requirements of the faculty and the supervisor of your thesis are decisive. If you have any further questions about plagiarism and citation, you are welcome to come to the training seminar or book an individual consultation in the library.