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Elisabeth Mess

Elisabeth Veronica Mess is a research associate at HSA_ias - Institute for Agile Software Development at Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences. She is a member of the Alliance of German Designers (AGD) and the Professional Association of German Usability and User Experience Professionals (German UPA), where she actively participates in the working group Usability in Medical Technology. Ms. Mess has an education in communication design, a bachelor's degree in graphic design, and a master's degree in design and communication strategy.

At the Technical University in Augsburg, she has been working since 2019 on DigiPÜB, a sub-project of the joint research project CARE REGIO, as a team leader with a predominant focus on user-centered design and the optimization of processes. Furthermore, she is doing a collaborative PhD with the University of Augsburg on User-Centered Data. In this context, the interdisciplinary exchange between design, computer science, and ethics is essential to her.

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