



  • Nowadays, professional and convincing presentations are a key to success in many fields. International conferences, global business partners and customers worldwide require that professionals are able to deliver their presentations to an international audience in English - comfortably and convincingly. In order to meet this challenge, they have to master not only the linguistic aspects of presenting in English but also pay attention to the cross-cultural differences in presentation styles
  • This is a chance to learn the important phrases needed to present in English, while paying attention to the appropriate form, style, and visualization for an appealing and effective presentation in English



  • Effective Presentations
  • Getting started – effective openings, catching and keeping the audience’s attention, developing objectives and audience rapport
  • Structure & content – presenting in English is not presenting in German!
  • Presentation software tips – do’s and don’ts of Powerpoint
  • Delivery techniques in English
  • English language information – essential vocabulary, driving language & voice work
  • Intercultural communication – What to remember when presenting in an intercultural environment


Target group

Employees with extensive business experience who need to combine presentation skills with proficient language skills



This course is entirely in English and taught by a native and near native speaker of English. The discussions and lectures are lively and interactive.


Length of time

2 days



Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schönfelder, HS Augsburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaft

Alisa Kasle-Henke, M.A. (US-Amerikanerin), Hochschule Augsburg, Zentrum für Sprachen und interkulturelle Kommunikation

Prof. Dr. Schönfelder
Alisa Kasle-Henke