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Englische Bezeichnung

Banking Regulation





Art der Lehrveranstaltung




Wird gehalten







Final grade:
•50% written exam
•25% scientific paper from research project
•25% presentation

Dauer der Klausur

120 minutes



•Module M1 “Financial Market Decisions” is required as a prerequisite.
•A basic understanding of financial services industry (banking, insurance and securitiestrading) is necessary.



• Learning from a history of financial crises, students understand the need for financialsupervision and regulation on a global scale. They are able to critically reflect the shortcomings of former regulatory approaches (“lessons learned” from the past).
• Students acquire a thorough picture of today’s national and supranational supervisoryauthorities and institutions involved in the process of financial supervisory and regulatory standard-setting.
• Students understand the different pillars of today’s regulatory and supervisoryframework and are able to develop recommendations for further improvement.
• By deeply researching and analyzing at least one specific detail of today’s framework,every student understands the operational challenges that financial institutions face when the rules have to be implemented. Potential negative effects of regulatory activities may be identified.



• Introduction: The Need for Financial Regulation and Supervision – a Historical Approach
• Supranational and National Supervisory Authorities and Standard-setting Institutions
• Overview: Fields of Regulation in the Banking, Insurance and Securities Trading Industry
• Student Research (supplemented by regular lectures)

    oBasel III/CRD IV: Increasing Quantity and Quality of Supervisory Capital
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Enhancing Risk Coverage - Credit Risk
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Enhancing Risk Coverage - Market Risk
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Enhancing Risk Coverage - Operational Risk
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Supervisory Review Process
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Market Discipline
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Reducing Leverage in the Banking System
    oBasel III/CRD IV: Improving short-term and long-term Liquidity Standards
    oSolvency II: Overview
    oEMIR: Overview

• An Outlook: The Future of Global Financial Regulation and Supervision


Teaching and Learning Methods


• Lecture including small historical case studies
• Questions for discussion/practical problems (as homework assignments)
• Research project: Each student has to do an in-depth analysis of a specific regulatory or
supervisory topic and present his results in class

Recommended readings


• Official documents and legal texts provided by national and supranational supervisoryauthorities such as Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, European System of Financial Supervision, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (links provided in university’s learning management system Moodle)
• Supplemented by recent scientific papers and news reports to be either provided asonline resources in Moodle or as paper copies in class

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


6 ECTS x 30 hours = 180 hours,  combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours
  • Time for exercises and group work: 15 weeks * 2 hours = 30 hours
  • Semester project / presentation:
    •40 hours for scientific work
    •5 hours for presentations
  • Exam preparation: 15 hours
  • Exam time: 120 minutes

Pre-requirement for the exam
All students have to work on a semester project. As a prerequisite for the exam, students have to hand in a 20 page scientific paper and present their topic in a 20 minute presentation plus 10 minutes discussion.

Exam requirements
• Pocket calculator
• No other material allowed in the exam(„closed book“)
• Semester project and final exam arecombined into one grade. They don’thave to be passed separately.

Weighting in examination
Final grade:
• 50% written exam
• 25% scientific paper from researchproject
• 25% presentation
