Prof. Dr. Sc. Dr. Qeis Kamran, (Ph.D.)

+49 231 975139-582
Zu meiner Person
Prof. Dr. Sc. Dr. Qeis Kamran, (PhD), MBA-GM, MBA-PPM, EMBL-HSG, LLM, ist ordentlicher Professor für Strategie, Kybernetik und Designwissenschaft (Design Science) an der ISM- International School of Management, Dortmund. Zuvor war er in den Bereichen Vertrieb, Management, Entrepreneurship und Leadership im Einzelhandel, in der Energie-, Öl- und Petrochemieindustrie sowie in der Beratung tätig.
Zusätzlich ist er als Forscher (Researcher Scholar) in Marketing, Künstliche Intelligenz and Designwissenschaft (Design Science) im Department von Design, Production & Management an der Fakultät der Engineering Technology der Universität Twente, Enschede in den Niederlanden beschäftigt.
Er leitet auch diverse Studiengänge an der ISM:
Studiengangsleiter Bachelor of Science (BSc. E-Trail) International Management Studiengangsleiter Bachelor of Science (BSc.) International Management - Campus Dortmund Studiengangsleiter Master of Science (MSc.) International Management - Campus Dortmund Studiengangsleiter Executive MBA General Management
My current book has just been published(Nov. 3rd. 2020)—>

Presentations at International Conferences
- Kamran, Qeis, Becker, Marcus and Reshani, Ard (2021): Towards Designing a Raison D’être of Marketing in the Age of AI, 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference- The Human Side of Marketing in the Age of Digital Transformation, Track- Marketing Strategy, February 19-21 St. Pete Beach Florida -Virtual (
- Kamran, Qeis and Reshani, Ard (2021): The Design of Artificial General Marketing Intelligence (AGMI) as a Ubiquitous Control System, 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference-The Human Side of Marketing in the Age of Digital Transformation, Track-Customer Insights from Data Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, February 19-21 St. Pete Beach Florida – Virtual (
- Kamran, Qeis and Reshani, Ard (2021): The Design of an Artificial General Marketing Intelligence (AGMI), 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference- The Human Side of Marketing in the Age of Digital Transformation, Track-Customer Insights from Data Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, February 19-21 St. Pete Beach Florida – Virtual (
- Kamran, Qeis and Reshani, Ard (2020): Towards an Evolving Logic of Artificial General Marketing Intelligence (AGMI), 2020 Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics Virtual Conference December 10-11, 2020, organized by Co-organized by Stern School of Business, New York University, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University and Fox School of Business, Temple University- Virtual (
- Kamran, Qeis and Schmidt, Gerrit (2020): Towards a Coalescence of AR/VR and AI in Marketing, 2020 Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics Virtual Conference December 10-11, 2020, organized by Co-organized by Stern School of Business, New York University, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University and Fox School of Business, Temple University- Virtual (
- Kamran, Qeis; van Dijk, Jelle; Topp, Saskia; Henseler, Jörg (2020): The Evolving New Typology of Marketing from a Design Welatanschauung. 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference Bridging Gaps: Marketing in an Age of Disruption August 18-20, 2020 | Virtual Proceedings, Volume 31 Editors: Simon Blanchard, Georgetown University Amber Epp, University of Wisconsin-Madison Girish Mallapragada, Indiana University, p. 997-1012
- Kamran, Qeis and Topp, Saskia (2020): Towards the Co-evolution of Food Experience Search Spaces Based on the Design Weltanschauung Model in Food Marketing, 27TH IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management on June 8-9, 2020 in Brussels Belgium, virtual proceedings
- Kamran, Qeis The History of Design Thinking - From Pragmatism to Phenomenology, paper presented “Martin Heidegger – Being and Time - Summer School/Conference” in Meßkirch Germany between 06-13 July 2019. The concept of the paper was further developed as a part of the R&D project (Excellence) with experts in the field of Heidegger studies “Dynamics of Care and the Uncanny. Figures of the Uncanny in the contemporary phenomenological debate and the possibilities of a Philosophical Orientation. Theoretical and methodological configuration” (FFI2017-88770-P), sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Kingdom of Spain and the Universidad de Sevilla, which took place at Martin Heidegger Archives.
- Kamran, Qeis, Robin Eckhorst (May 27–29, 2019), Designing Freedom for HTSF and family-run SME’s. The embodiment of designing cybernetic organizational structures to dissolving disruption in fast-paced high-tech industries- University of Twente, Enschede Holland, organized by Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation Management (ESIM/NIKOS) – the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), May 27–29, 2019
- Kamran, Qeis (September 05–07, 2018), Structure does not follow strategy – structure is the strategy. How operational excellence through a viable organizational structure delivers the fourth generic strategy (University of Plymouth UK) Managing business for policy and integrated sustainable logistics operations – The 23rd Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), September 05–07, 2018,
- Kamran, Qeis, (January 26th, 2017), Developing Robust Strategic Models based on Sciences of Cybernetics, International Conference, Impact of globalization to National Economies and Business (University of Latvia, Riga). (Case study published under the title Kamran, Qeis, An Empirical Case Study of Applying the Sixth Force Model on a German Hidden Champion (May 14, 2017).
- Kamran, Qeis, (August 3rd–7th, 2016), Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force That Shapes Strategy in Turbulent and Complex Environments – A Cybernetics Approach to Porter’s FFM in Turbulent and Complex Environments, International Conference of Business Administration (ABA), Prague August3rd–7th, 2016.
- Kamran, Qeis, (August 3rd–5th, 2012), The Transformation of Porter’s Strategic Mind from ‘Shareholder Value’ to ‘Shared Value’ – Bridging the Sciences of Economics, Strategy and Cybernetics. International Business and Economics Conference, Innovative Approaches of Management Research for Regional and Global Business Development, Austria, Kufstein, August 3rd–5th, 2012.
- Kamran, Qeis, (10th–11th November 2011), Running Multinational Corporations (MNC) in China: A Survival-Kit to Western CEOs, 5th St. Gallen International Energy Law Forum IEF, St. Gallen Switzerland, 10th–11th November 2011
- Kamran, Qeis, (April 7th–8th, 2011), Running Multinational Corporations (MNC) in China: A Survival-Kit to Western CEO, 18th St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum ICF (, St. Gallen Switzerland 7th–8th April 2011.
- Kamran, Qeis, (December 1st–3rd, 2011), ‘Complexity’, the 6th Competitive Force that Shapes Management Strategy – A Cybernetic Approach to ‘Porter’s Five Forces that Shapes Industry Strategy’ in Turbulent and Complex Environments, International Conference, Fulda, Germany, December 1st–3rd, 2011
- Kamran, Qeis (November 10th–12th, 2011), Complexity of Negotiation and Negotiation of Complexity Getting to Trust, International Conference in Current Issues in Economic and Management Sciences, Riga, Latvia, November 10th–12th, 2011.
- Kamran, Qeis, (May 5th–7th, 2011), Management by Deception (MBD): The Need for Designing a Viable Strategy, International Conference Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development, Riga, Latvia, May 5th–7th, 2011
List of Publications
- Kamran Qeis, Henseler Jörg, Topp Saskia (2020) Towards the Co-evolution of Food Experience Search Spaces Based on the Design Weltanschauung Model in Food Marketing, the paper is submitted to Cogent Business & Management. (Accepted/forth-coming)
- Kamran, Qeis, (2021) Managing Complexity in Marketing: from a Design Weltanschauung. Doctoral Dissertation, Published by Proefschriftmaken BV.NL- ISBN-978-90365-5111-3. DOI-10.3999/1.9789036551113
- Kamran, Qeis, (2020): Strategic Value Chain Management. Models for Competitive Advantage. London, New York, NY: Kogan Page. 440 pages (
- Kamran, Qeis, (2019): Developing A Holistic Model for Competitive Strategic Management. Doctoral Thesis. University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, (
- Kamran, Qeis, van Dijk, Jelle, Topp Saskia, Henseler Jörg, (2020) The Evolving New Topology Of Marketing From A Design Weltanschauung The paper is published as competitive paper on August 18th at: Session Title: Responsible Services Marketing and Emerging Perspectives Session Day and Time: Tue,18 Aug 2020 @ 9:45 AM Session Topic: The Service Revolution Stage at the 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference. The author was also asked by AMA to chair this session.
- Kamran, Qeis (2018f), Structure does not follow strategy – structure is the strategy. How operational excellence through a viable organizational structure delivers the fourth generic strategy (University of Plymouth UK) Managing business for policy and integrated sustainable logistics operations – The 23rd Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN) Paper also to be published at the special issue of International Journal of Logistics – Research and Application in 2019
- Kamran Qeis, (2018e), The Service-dominant Perspective to Create Value in the Maritime Business. In: Container Logistics, the Role of the Container in the Supply Chain, edited by Neise, Rolf. Kogan Page ISBN 978-0-7494-8124-7, p. 346–373.
- Kamran, Qeis (2018b, 2018d, 2018c): Da-Sein Thinking: A Phenomenological Epistemology for Design Thinking. In: Continental Philosophy eJournal Vol. 11, Issue 10, November 28, 2018; Aesthetics & Philosophy of Art eJournal Vol. 10, Issue 23, November 28, 2018, Social Science Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications).
- Kamran Qeis, (2017b), An empirical case study of applying the Sixth Force Model on a German hidden champion, (May 14, 2017). Available and published in Social Science Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications):
- Kamran, Qeis, (2017a), Cybernetics and Strategy a Necessary Synergy for Strategic Models – Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force That Shapes Strategy in Turbulent and Complex Environments – A Cybernetics Approach to Porter’s FFM in Turbulent and Complex Environments, Academy of Business Administration (ABA) Year Book. In: Innovation Law & Policy eJournal Vol. 5 (February 23, 2017), Issue 25 Social Science Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications).
- Kamran, Qeis, (2013a), Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force that Shapes Strategy – A Cybernetics Approach to “Porter’s FFM” in Turbulent and Complex Environments, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken Germany, ISBN: 978- 3-659-38633-6. (Published book – 576 pages).
- Kamran, Qeis, (2013d), Reinvigorating Antitrust Enforcement in Obama’s Second Term an Economic, Policy and Legal Analysis of the Latest Development of Antitrust Enforcement in US, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-41024-6 (Published book – 104 pages).
- Kamran, Qeis,(2011b,2012a),Opening an Italian winery, spirits and accessories retail business in Northern California: Attracting the Customer Concentration of an Established Industry Cluster – Based on Michael Porter’s ‘Cluster and Competition Theory, ASIN: B00MFPTLS0 (Published book – 137 Pages) & Entrepreneurship & Economics eJournal October 17, 2012 Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications).
- Kamran, Qeis, (2012b), Running Multinational Corporations (MNC) in China: A Survival-Kit to Western CEOs Published in: Baudenbacher, Carl, Prof. Dr. jur.; Kokott, Juliane, Prof. Dr., Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Europäischen und internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts (Band 14) Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel ISBN 978-3-7190-3293-7, pp. 249–317.
- Kamran,Qeis,(2014),Model Safari in Strategy: Scanning the Landscape of the Essential Strategy Models (August 4, 2014). Qeis Kamran (2013), Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force that Shapes Strategy: A Cybernetics Approach to “Porter’s Five Forces Model in Turbulent and Complex Environments, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany. In: O&M: Structures & Processes in Organizations eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1–6, 2009–14, Vol. 6, Issue 44, August 25, 2014 & Strategy Models for Firm Performance Enhancement eJournal Vol. 6, Issue 17, August 15, 2014 Social Science Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications).
- Kamran, Qeis, (May 5th–7th, 2011) Management by Deception (MBD): The Need for Designing a Viable Strategy, International Conference Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development, Riga, Latvia, May 5th–7th, 2011, ISBN 978-9984-45-348-4, pp. 290–301.
- Kamran, Qeis (December 1st–3rd, 2011), Complexity of Negotiation and Negotiation of Complexity Getting to Trust, International Conference in Current Issues in Economic and Management Sciences, Riga, Latvia, November 10th–12th, 2011, ISBN 978-9984-45-417-7, pp. 305–316.
- Kamran, Qeis, (August 3rd–7th, 2016) ‘Complexity’, the 6th Competitive Force that Shapes Management Strategy – A Cybernetic Approach to ‘Porter’s Five Forces that Shapes Industry Strategy’ in Turbulent and Complex Environments, International Conference, Fulda, Germany, December 1st–3rd, 2011. Published in Social Science Research Network (SSRN Elsevier Publications) at:, pp. 1–10.
FWP: Interculrural Sales Management