On this page we present four well-known alternatives to ChatGPT in a short profile. (as of July 2024)

1. Gemini (from Google)




  • Link: gemini.google.com

  • Development: Google DeepMind (London, UK)

  • Purpose: AI-supported language processing, integration into Google services and products (e.g. Google Assistant); therefore particularly geared towards Google users

  • Focus in teaching: Suitable for research and information gathering, e.g. for presentations. Gemini can extract up-to-date information from the Internet

  • Other: Gemini was previously known as “Bard”.
Beispiel-Recherche mit Gemini
Example: Researching explanatory videos with Gemini

2. Copilot ( from Microsoft)




  • Development: Microsoft (Redmond, USA) & OpenAI (San Francisco, USA)

  • Purpose: Support in software development and productivity, especially in Microsoft products (e.g. GitHub Copilot, Microsoft 365). Very useful for code completion and productivity enhancement.

  • Focus in teaching: Since Copilot is based on the GPT-4 model and has been optimized specifically for software development, it can help students learn programming languages and debug code (helpful for programming education).

  • Other: Copilot is sometimes referred to as “formerly Bing”, but “Bing” is Microsoft's search engine, while Copilot was developed directly as a support tool for users of Microsoft products. This misunderstanding is based on the integration of AI functions in Bing and other Microsoft products.
Beispiel_Copilot: Erklärung eines Codes
Example: Output from Copilot at the prompt “Explain the following processing code”.

3. Claude (from Anthropic)

  • Link: claude.ai

  • Development: Anthropic (San Francisco, USA & Dublin, IRE)

  • Purpose: With the “Artifacts” function, it is also possible to edit the AI-generated content directly in the user interface. This will display your AI result directly next to your conversation history. With further prompts, the AI result is then adjusted accordingly and you can switch between the results. Anthropic wants to create an efficient and creative work process; very strongly focused on safety and ethical use

  • Focus in teaching: Particularly suitable for creative writing tasks and idea generation - also in teamwork. It can also be used to create educational games (idea by Manuel Flick).
Example: Creation of an educational game with Claude according to Manuel Flick (2024) with the preview by “Artifacts”

4. Le Chat (from Mistral)




Logo_Mistral AI
  • Link: mistral.ai

  • Development: Mistral AI (Paris, FR)

  • Purpose: Text-based tasks such as conversation management, text generation and language processing

  • Focus in teaching: Provides (like ChatGPT) personalized support for teachers and students as a teaching or learning tutor to answer questions.

Example: Creating an exam task with Le Chat
eine horizontale Linie

A direct comparison of the models

 GeminiCopilotClaudeLe ChatChatGPT
Content strengthsProcessing large amounts of data and contextualization in Google servicesCode completion and increased productivity in development environmentsMinimizing bias and ensuring ethical AI applicationsContext recognition and provision of precise answersVielseitigkeit in der Textverarbeitung und Fähigkeit, auf verschiedene Kontexte zu reagieren
Privacy policy

❌ nicht vollständig DSGVO-konform

✅ GDPR compliant for commercial MS 365 users

❌ unclear for Claude 3.5, currently offers servers in the EU for Claude 3.0

✅ GDPR compliant

❌ not GDPR compliant

Pricing models
  • Payment models
  • Free basic version
  • Paid subscriptions for extended functions
  • Payment models
  • free basic version
  • Paid subscriptions with extended functions 
  • Payment models
  • Freemium model with free and paid plans depending on the scope of use
Internet access

Upload files

mainly in Google Drive

mainly in GitHub

using GPT-4o



(Limited) image recognition


Limited image creation, (limited) image recognition


(Limited) image recognition

Focus is on text


Limited image creation, (limited) image recognition



Lena Wagner

Didactics Media Center
Project gP cycle


+49 821 5586-3023