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Application for awards

THA Awards from Augsburg Technical University: Apply now or nominate others


Awards for sought-after students

Please refer to the following short profiles for which prices you can apply. The target groups and the basic requirements are named for all prices.

Application period: 15. March to 31 March May of each year. The prizes will be awarded in the following winter semester.


NEW: Prize of the Catholic Women's Social Service (SkF)

  • Target group: Students of social work
  • Endowment: staggered, up to 3,000 euros
  • Prerequisites : outstanding final or project work in the field of social work, practical relevance of work and the thematic proximity to the fields of work and the women*specific working methods of the SkF
  • Documents : Expert report of the work, copy of the work, possibly sheet music Graduation certificate

Price of Swabian Economy (IHK)

  • Target group: Dual students
  • Endowment: 3,000 euros
  • Prerequisites : outstanding final or project work, practical relevance of work and thematic proximity to the Swabian, medium-sized economy
  • Documentation : First and second reports of the work, copy of the work, possibly. sheet music Graduation certificate
Adam Keller Preis - Preisträgerin 2016. Foto: Matthias Leo.

Adam Keller price

  • Target group: Students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Dottation: approx. 1,000 euros
  • Prerequisites : outstanding thesis or outstanding project work
  • Documentation : First and second reports of the work, copy of the work, possibly. sheet music Graduation certificate

Prize of the Association for the Promotion of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences e.V.

  • Target group: Students of all faculties
  • End: 500 Euro
  • Prerequisites: particularly committed students (study and volunteer), letter of motivation, recommendation of a lecturer

DAAD Award

  • Target group: international students (educational countries)
  • Endowment: 1,000 euros
  • Prerequisites : special academic achievements as well as remarkable social or intercultural engagement
  • Documentation : Nomination by teachers of HS Augsburg with meaningful report
  • More information on the application can be found on the homepage of the International Office


Dr. Ulrike Fink-Heuberger

Student Counseling Service


+49 821 5586-3273

Price of the district of Swabia

  • Target group: Students of all faculties
  • Endowment: 1,000 euros
  • Prerequisites : outstanding study or final theses or projects; relevant is the thematic proximity to the region of Swabia
  • Documentation : First and second reports of the work, copy of the work, possibly. sheet music Graduation certificate

Prizes of the Hans-Benedikt Foundation

  • Target group: Students of all faculties and student initiatives, up to three prizes can be awarded
  • Endowment: staggered, up to 3,000 euros
  • Prerequisites: Student social commitment as an individual or in a group
  • Documents : self-application or nomination by third parties with meaningful documents
BAI Preisträger 2016. Foto: Matthias Leo.

BAI Price (Bund of Architects and Engineers)

  • Target group: Students of architecture and engineering
  • End: 500 Euro
  • Prerequisites: high-performing and committed students, letter of motivation, recommendation of a lecturer