Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg
Faculty of Computer Science
Friedberger Straße 2a (entry Schülestraße)
86161 Augsburg

Postal address:
Postfach 11 06 05
86031 Augsburg


Directions and Maps

Secretary’s office



Cornelia Gründler

Computer Science


+49 821 5586-3450

Office hours are

Monday to Thursday
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

8:00 am – 12:00 noon
and by appointment

Room: J1.17

Contact Persons

DeanProf. Dr. Alexander von Bodisco
Vice DeanProf. Dr. Stephan Zimmermann 
Dean of Students Prof. Dr. Phillip Heidegger 
Faculty CoordinatorDipl.-Inf. (FH) Claudia Bäurle
International Coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Honorary Doctor of ONPU Thorsten Schöler
Internship CommissionerProf. Dr. Stefan Bensch
Women's OfficerProf. Dr. Claudia Reuter 
Faculty Academic Advisor Computer Science Bachelor and MasterProf. Dr. Lothar Braun
Faculty Academic Advisor Computer Engineering BachelorProf. Dr. Michael Strohmeier
Faculty Academic Advisor Information Systems Bachelor and Business Information SystemsProf. Matthias Kolonko, Ph.D. (ONPU)
Faculty Academic Advisor International Information Systems BachelorProf. Dr. Stephan Zimmermann
Faculty Academic Advisor Systems Engineering BachelorProf. Dr. Thomas Kirchmeier
Faculty Academic Advisor IT-Project- and Process ManagementProf. Dr. Clemens Espe


Student Representatives


Luis Schweinberger

Illya Isaychuk