P. von Rußdorf, T. Schöler, und R. Goller, „A Concept for a Data Operating Platform for a Process Technology Research Environment as Step Towards a Universal Platform“, gehalten auf der SOHOMA 2024, Augsburg, Sep. 2024.
A. Kottre, T. Scholer, und C. Legat, „Improving Reactive Maintenance through Root Cause Analysis and Operator-Aided Decision Making“, gehalten auf der SOHOMA 2024, Augsburg.
F. Schmalzel, M. Springer, T. Schöler, "Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Solving Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems", Collective Intelligence, CRC Press, 2024.
I. Uzun, M. Lobachev, V. Kharchenko, T. Schöler, and I. Lobachev, ‘Candlestick Pattern Recognition in Cryptocurrency Price Time-Series Data Using Rule-Based Data Analysis Methods’, 2024.
C. Legat, T. Schöler, A. Kottre, "Impediments and Requirements for ICT Technology Adoption in Special Machinery Engineering and Its Impact on Sustainability", Preprints.org, 2023, doi: 10.20944/preprints202312.2229.v1.
S. V. Purish und T. Schöler, „MODELS AND METHODS FOR GAIT-BASED PERSON IDENTIFICATION WHILE WEARING DIFFERENT OUTFIT“, Electrotechnic and Computer Systems, Nr. 38(114), Art. Nr. 38(114), Nov. 2023, doi: 10.15276/eltecs.38.114.2023.1.
M. Gisi, T. Schöler, C. Legat, "Automatic Identification of Requirements from Specification in Special Machinery Engineering: A Human-in-the-Loop Classification Approach", 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA).
C. Legat, T. Schöler, and A. Kottre, ‘Challenges and Requirements for Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness with Intelligent Manufacturing Technology in Special Machinery Engineering’, presented at the 13th International Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future (SOHOMA2023), Annecy, France, Sep. 2023. [Online]. Available: https://sohoma2023.sciencesconf.org/
T. Schöler, ‘KI auf Heimcomputern?’, in
Künstliche Intelligenz und menschliche Gesellschaft, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, pp. 57–73. doi:
L. Meitz, M. Heider, T. Schöler, and J. Hähner, ‘On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines’, presented at the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, Jul. 2023, pp. 606–612. Accessed: Jul. 24, 2023. [Online]. Available:
F. E. Oğuz, A. Alkan, and T. Schöler, ‘Emotion detection from ECG signals with different learning algorithms and automated feature engineering’,
Image and Video Processing, Apr. 2023, doi:
Invited talk: Double-Degree Agreement for the Master's Program in Computer Science with Odessa National Polytechnic University (ONPU).Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hon. Dr. of ONPU Thorsten Schöler, International Faculty Coordinator Computer Science, Member of the Examination Board Applied Research in Engineering Sciences (MSc), Hochschule Augsburg (University of Applied Sciences) at Ukrainian- Bavarian Conference on Double Degree Programs 2023
A. Kottre, T. Schöler, C. Legat, "Leveraging semantic-based Root Cause Analysis with Alarm Flood Reduction", IFAC-papersOnLine Band 56/2, Elsevier, 2023
M. Hodovychenko, I. Lobachev, and T. Scholer, ‘Approaches and Techniques to Improve Machine Learning Performance in Distributed Transducer Networks’, Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making 2022 International Scientific Conference "Intellectual Systems of Decision-making and Problems of Computational Intelligence”, Proceedings, p. 14.
A. Kottre, T. Schöler, and C. Legat, ‘Applying Engineering Knowledge in Alarm Flood Reduction to Reduce Machine Downtime’, 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, March 28-30, 2022. Tel Aviv, Israel, p. 6, 2022.
D. Mittel, S. Pröll, F. Kerber and T. Schöler, "Mel Spectrogram Analysis for Punching Machine Operating State Classification with CNNs," 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ETFA45728.2021.9613330.
T. Schöler, S. Pröll, M. Britvin, and H. L. Walkiw, ‘Towards an Agent-Based Condition Monitoring System for Rolling Stock’, presented at the The Sixth international scientific and practical conference «Contribution of transport to the national economic security development», Moscow, Apr. 2021.
A. Fay, Geldof, F., Seitz, M., Vogel-Heuser, B., Baumgärtel, H., Diedrich, Ch., Lüder, A., Schöler, T., Rutschet, G., Verbeek, G., „Agenten zur Realisierung von Industrie 4.0“, VDI, Report, 2019. Zugegriffen: Feb. 09, 2021. [Online]. Verfügbar unter:
A. Fay, Geldof, F., Seitz, M., Vogel-Heuser, B., Baumgärtel, H., Diedrich, Ch., Lüder, A., Schöler, T., Rutschet, G., Verbeek, G., Agents for the realisation of Industrie 4.0 - VDI Status Report. 2019.
Schöler, T., Pröll, S., "TRANSPARENCY IN INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES". The Fourth international scientific and practical conference "Contribution of transport to the national economic security development", Moscow, April 2019.
S. Höltgen, T. Fischer, T. Schöler, und J. Maibaum, Medientechnisches Wissen: Band 2: Informatik, Programmieren, Kybernetik, 1. Aufl. Boston, MA: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2018.
T. Schöler, S. Pröll, L. Kögel, und T. Hanka, „Software-Agenten zur Integration von Prozessen in der Fertigungs- und Gebäudeautomatisierung“, in Softwareagenten in der Industrie 4.0, 2018, S. 67–88.
Behrens, L., Pupeter, J., Staber M., and Schöler, Th. "Beyond Blockchain - The Next Generation Blockchains". The Third international scientific and practical conference "Contribution of transport to the national economic security development", Moscow, April 2018.
Schöler, Th. "Integrated Approach For Autonomously Driving Model Cars", Modern Information Technology (MIT 2018), Odessa, May 2018.
Kadatskyi, M., Schöler, Th. "Using Gaussian Naive Bayes For Prediction Of Car Directions In Autonomous Driving". (IKT 2018), Odessa, September 2018.
Schöler, Th. "Selecting Artificial Neural Networks For Autonomous Driving", Information Culture Technology (IKT 2018), Odessa, September, 2018.
Baranov, L., Schöler, Th., Goldenberg, V., Maximov, V. "Automatische und energieoptimale Zugsteuerung", Der Eisenbahn-Ingenieur (EI), 2018.
Schöler, T. "Towards Blockchains For Securing Contracts And Transactions In Transportation Systems". In: Dr. R.A. Kozhevnikov, Dr. Y.I. Sokolov, Contribution of Transport to the National Economic Security Development. Moscow, Russia: Russian University of Transport (RUT-MIIT), ISBN978-5-7876-0261-6, 2017.
Scholz, T. Schöler, V. Sokolov, V. S. Kotsoeva and A. A. Elkina, ‘Технология Blockchain. Принципы работы и перспективы применения’, ETAP: Economic Theory, Analysis and Practice, vol. 2017, no. #6, pp. 67–76, 26-Dec-2017.
T. Schöler, "Where's the brain at? First steps in controlling physical objects via brain waves", IKT 2017, Odessa, May 2017.
Brovkov, Volodymyr; Lobachev, M.; Antoshchuk, S.; Kharchenko, V.; Schöler, T.; Herwig, V.: Synthetic models of university industry cooperation case studies on r&d and Start-Up School. In: 5. Ukraine-Deutsche Konferenz Informatik Kultur Technik. Proceedings. 22.05-26.05.2017, Odessa, Ukraine, S. 10-13, Odessa, 2017, ISBN 978-966-2666-18-2.
Mykhaylo Lobachev, Svitlana Antoshchuk, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Thorsten Scholer, Vladimir Brovkov, Volker Herwig. UNIVERSITYBASED R&D AND START-UP SCHOOLS VERSUS OUTSOURSING ORIENTED COOPERATION. Карт Бланш № 1, 2017. - С. 20-23
M. Bauer, T. Schöler, L. Kögel, und M. Schweinfest, "Agentenbasierte Steuerung von thermischer Simulation in Echtzeit", Bausim 2016, Dresden, Sep. 2016.
T. Schöler und S. Pröll, "Data Science und das Internet der Dinge", gehalten auf der Innovation Day 2016, Gersthofen, 28-Apr-2016.2
T. Schöler und S. Pröll, „IoT: Große Datenmengen integrieren und analysieren“, gehalten auf der Innovation Day 2016, Gersthofen, Apr. 18, 2016.2
Lucas Kögel, "Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Buildings", in Applied Research Conference 2016, Augsburg, book-on-demand Verlag, 2016, pp. 611 - 618.
Vogel-Heuser, B., Schütz, D., Schöler, T., Pröll, u. a., „Agentenbasierte cyber-physische Produktionssysteme - Awendungen für die Industrie 4.0“, Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp), Bd. 57, Nr. 9, S. 36–45, Sep. 2015.
T. Schöler, "Intelligente verteilte Systeme für Industrie und Wirtschaft", in gP Forschung, gP Forschung: gefragte Persönlichkeiten - Magazin der Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Augsburg, Ed, Augsburg, 2015, pp. 90-92.1
A. Falk, "Prozessdaten", in gP Forschung, gP Forschung: gefragte Persönlichkeiten - Magazin der Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Augsburg, Ed, Augsburg, 2015, pp. 93.1
O. Shpatakovska, "Neuronale Netze", in gP Forschung, gP Forschung: gefragte Persönlichkeiten - Magazin der Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Augsburg, Ed, Augsburg, 2015, pp. 93.1
K. Wede, "Cloud Computing", in gP Forschung, gP Forschung: gefragte Persönlichkeiten - Magazin der Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Augsburg, Ed, Augsburg, 2015, pp. 94.1
M. Bauer, “CyPhREE - Plattform für Kooperation und Monitoring”, in gP Forschung, gP Forschung: gefragte Persönlichkeiten - Magazin der Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Augsburg, Ed, Augsburg, 2015, pp. 150–152.
Lucas Kögel, "Concept and Design of a Cyber-Physical System for Smart Buildings", in Applied Research Conference 2015, Nürnberg, book-on-demand Verlag, 2015, pp. 72 - 75.
T. Schöler und S. Pröll, „Industrie 4.0“, gehalten auf der AraCom Innovation Day 2015, Gersthofen, 26-Nov-2015.2
T. Schöler, „Was wir durch Joghurt lernen können“, gehalten auf der Tagung Berliner Industrie 4.0, Berlin, 09-Okt-2015.2
D. I. N. e.V, C. Pinnow, und S. Schäfer, Industrie 4.0 - Grundlagen und Anwendungen: Branchentreff der Berliner Wissenschaft und Industrie, 1., Aufl. Beuth, Berlin, Okt. 09, 2015, [Online]. Verfügbar unter:
Schöler, Thorsten, “Joint research and education – current and future work,” MIIT, Moscow, May 2015.
T. Schoeler, „THE SEPIA CYBER-PHYSICAL PRODUCTION CONTROL SYSTEM“, ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS, S. 197–202, März 2014, doi: 10.15276/etks.13.89.2014.28. [Online].
T. Schöler, „Cyber-Physical Systems - Mobile and Knowledge-based“, gehalten auf der Heise Event - Mobilität, Mensch, Maschine, Cologne, Germany, Juni 24, 2014, Zugegriffen: Juli 18, 2014. [Online]. Verfügbar unter: http://de.amiando.com/fb/heise_momema2014.html.2
Christian Ego, Tobias Haupenthal, Thorsten Schöler, Florian Weichenmeier, "Agent-Based Traffic Control – A Cyber-Physical System Approach" in Mobil.TUM 2013 – International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport – ITS for Connected Mobility, 2013
Christian Ego, Tobias Haupenthal, Thorsten Schöler, Florian Weichenmeier An agent-based prototype for Cyber-Physical traffic control in Applied Research Conference 2013, 2013
T. Schöler, C. Ego, J. Leimer, und R. Lieback, „Von Softwareagenten zu Cyber-Physical Systems: Technologien und Anwendungen“, in Agentensysteme in der Automatisierungstechnik, P. Göhner, Hrsg. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, S. 129–149, ISBN 978-3-642-31767-5.
T. Schöler, Cyber-Physical Systems - Objekt-funktional und wissensbasiert. VDE/VDI-Expertenforum Agenten in der Automatisierungstechnik. 8. Oktober 2012. Stuttgart.2
F. Alexander, T. Hipp, T. Scholze, F. Wagner, T. Schöler, und M. Krupp, Das dynamische Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum - Auf dem Weg zu einer Echtzeitereignisverarbeitung in der Lebensmittellogistik. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2013.
T. Schöler und G. Matzke, „Best Practice in Deutsch-Ukrainischen Projektarbeiten“, Pratsi, Bd. 008, Nr. 1(40), S. 188–195, 2013.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Schöler, „Cyber-Physical Systems - Objektfunktional und wissensbasiert“, gehalten auf der 5. Expertenforum Agenten in der Automatisierungstechnik, Stuttgart, Okt. 08, 2012, [Online]. Verfügbar unter: http://www.ias.uni-stuttgart.de/?page_id=12.2
M. Ostgathe, M. F. Zäh, P. Grimmert, und T. Schöler, „Knowledge-based failure management in production processes“,
ZWF, Bd. 106, Nr. 11, S. 838–843, Nov. 2011, doi:
Martin Ostgathe, Michael F. Zäh, Philipp Grimmert, Thorsten Schöler, Wissensbasiertes Störungsmanagement in Produktionsabläufen. ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. Ausgabe 11/2011. Seiten 838-843. 2011.
Benjamin Trenker, Florian Fuchs, Johannes Martens, Thorsten Schöler, Tracking and Billing for Mobile, Location Based Services. International Workshop on Smart Mobile Applications (SmartApps '11). PERVASIVE 2011. San Francisco. 12.-15. Juni 2011
T. Schöler, Gastvortrag: Decentralised and event-based cognition in technical systems. CoTeSys Spring Workshop. München. 29.04.20112
Christian Seitz, Steffen Lamparter, Thorsten Schöler, Michael Pirker, Embedded Rule-based Reasoning for Digital Product Memories. 2010 AAAI Spring Symposium. März 2010
C. Seitz, T. Schöler, und J. Neidig, „An Agent-based Sensor Middleware for generating and interpreting Digital Product Memories“, S. 8, 2009.
C. Seitz und T. Schöler, An Agent-based Sensor Middleware for generating and interpreting Digital Product Memories. AAMAS 2009 Proceedings, 2009.
I. Anantavrasilp and T. Scholer, ‘Automatic flow classification using machine learning’, in 2007 15th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Sep. 2007, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/SOFTCOM.2007.4446129.
I. Anantavrasilp and T. Schöler, ‘Providing Quality-of-Service Support to Legacy Applications Using Machine Learning’, in IADIS International Telecommunications, Networks and Systems, 2007, p. 9.
T. Schöler, A framework for organic, reconfigurable protocol stack software in mobile terminals, Auflage: 1., Aufl. Aachen: Shaker, 2006.
T. Schöler und C. Müller-Schloer, „An Observer/Controller Architecture for Adaptive Reconfigurable Stacks“, in
Systems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - ARCS 2005, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, S. 139–153, doi:
T. Schöler und C. Müller-Schloer, „First steps towards organic computing systems: monitoring an adaptive protocol stack with a fuzzy classifier system“, in
Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Computing frontiers, New York, NY, USA, Mai 2005, S. 10–20, doi:
T. Schöler, M. Mnif, V. Kossovoi, und C. Müller-Schloer, Towards an organic mobile terminal by utilising agent-based monitoring in a reconfigurable protocol stack. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2004.
N. Georganopoulos, T. Farnham, R. Burgess, T. Schoeler, J. Sessler, Z. Golubicic, S. Buljore, "Terminal-centric view of software. reconfigurable system architecture and enabling components and technologies", IEEE Communications Magazine, Bd. 42, Nr. 5, S. 100–110, Mai 2004, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2004.1299350.
T. Scholer und C. Muller-Schloer, "Design, implementation and validation of a generic and reconfigurable protocol stack framework for mobile terminals", in 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2004. Proceedings., März 2004, S. 362–367, doi: 10.1109/ICDCSW.2004.1284055.
1 Limited review
2 Invited talk