
Showing 1-22 of 22 items.
Vice dean Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Bergmann, Kai, Prof.
Women´s Representative Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Binger, Doris, Prof. Dr.
Program Coordinator Identity Design (MA)
Faculty Academic Advisor Communication Design (BA)
Bufler, Stefan, Prof., MA(RCA)
Member of the faculty council DesignFleischmann, Ulrich, Prof.
Fokuhl, Jörg, Dipl. Designer (FH)
Member of the faculty council Design
Program Coordinator Communication Design (BA)
Göldner, Maurice, Prof.
Hefele, Jürgen, M.A.
Faculty Academic Advisor Interactive Media Systems (M.A.)
Head of UX-Lab Design
John, KP Ludwig, Prof.
Head of the Examination Board Identity Design (MA)Jörg, Carolin, Prof.
Head of photo studio Design
Head of the Examination Board Communication Design (BA)
Member of the faculty council Design
Kunert, Andreas, Prof.
Member of the University Executive Board
Dean of Students Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Loos, Mike, Prof.
Head of Silkscreen Print and Etching Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Manea, Anda, Dipl.-Designerin (FH)
Head of Senate
Member of the University Executive Board
Müller, Jens, Prof.
Startup Ambassador
Program Coordinator Interactive Media (BA/BSc)
Member of the faculty council Design
Muxel, Andreas, Prof.
Program Coordinator Creative Engineering (BA/BEng)
Member of the faculty council Design
Oder, Helge, Prof. Dr.
Internship Commissioner Interactive Media (BA/BSc)Rohm, Rosa, Dipl. Designerin (FH)
Rose, Robert, Prof.
Member of the University Executive Board
Dean Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Rothaug, Daniel, Prof.
Member of the research advisory board
Research Officer Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Deputy Women's Representative Design
Schubert, Jennifer, Prof. Dr. phil.
Head of the Examination Board
Internship Commissioner Communication Design (BA)
Stoll, Michael, Prof.
Strenger, Christina, Prof.
Library Officer DesignWörgötter, Michael, Prof.