Accommodation in Augsburg

The growing number of students can make it difficult to find accommodation in Augsburg. Therefore, we are happy to help you with your search!
AUAS does not own any halls of residence itself. However, we will try to assist you to find accommodation in Augsburg. Please tick „Augsburg University of Applied Sciences shall help to arrange my accommodation“ on your Accommodation Form and we will give your more information.

Rooms in a student dormitory are very popular with international students, since they are furnished and rather inexpensive. The average rent ~280 € - 400 € per month (general electricity and heating mostly included).
Not all residences are near the campus, but the AUAS is easy to get to by public transport – and free, due to the semester travel ticket.
There is a limited capacity of rooms available from the housing corporation “Studierendenwerk Augsburg” and from other private housing corporations for Incoming Exchange Students of AUAS.
Students from overseas partner universities and those, who need a visa for entering Germany to study at AUAS will be served first.
Due to the rest of the capacities, we will distribute the rooms by first in = first serve.
For more information visit the homepage of DAAD

Broadcast licence fee ("Rundfunkbeitrag")
Once you have moved into your student apartment and you have registered with the city, you will receive a letter with a request for payment regarding the „Rundfunkbeitrag“.
The licence fee works like a tax which everybody has to pay regardless whether you live in a student hall of residence, a private apartment or even a house. This fee amounts to €18.36 per month and is levied for each residence – regardless of how many people live there. The amount is collected by „ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice“. The regulation does not differentiate between the number of technical devices the household possesses or whether these devices are used to receive the public-law programs.
Please find more information here (Only available in German):