Working while studying
Many international students work while studying to cover their living costs. You should take into account that your studies are your first priority and should not be jeopardized by any working relationship you enter into.
Special legal provisions (note: the document is only available in German), which must be taken into consideration, apply for international students. Different regulations apply to citizens of the European Union (EU), European Economic Community (EEC) and Switzerland than to citizens of other countries.

Student Service
The Social Counselling Service of the Augsburg Student Service is responsible for all questions regarding social and labour law. There you can get information and tips on the topic of "Working and studying".
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact the Social Counselling Service of the Augsburg Student Service.
Career Service International
To have good prospects on the German job market after graduation, it is important to establish good conditions for your career during your studies. Start as early as possible! Many companies in Germany have a need for international academics in order to be able to cover their skilled labor requirements in the future also. This is your opportunity. Use it!
You will find all information useful to you as an international student on the Career Service International web page.
If you have any questions or want to make an appointment, please get in touch with the Career Service international: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]