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International Office


The International Office is a service institution and coordinates the international activities of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg in cooperation with the faculties. We promote the internationalisation of the university and are the contact for international students and guests and for students, lecturers and university staff of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg.

Fröhliche Studierende



Our tasks include:

  • Advising students on study-related stays abroad (studying, internships, short-term stays) and on awarding of scholarships
  • Supporting international exchange students and assisting guests from abroad
  • Advising and supporting educators and staff of the University in their plans abroad
  • Advising and (financially) supporting foreign students
  • Coordination of the projects: ERASMUS, SustaIN, Promos and Stibet
  • Maintaining and promoting international relationships, cooperation and networks of the University
  • Coordination of processes to enter international University cooperation agreements (focus: teaching)
  • International University marketing and student recruitment




Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg

International Office

An der Hochschule 1

86161 AugsburgGermany

Email: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]


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