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Lecture: Joining

Joining the lecture is so easy


Participating in an activity is only possible if you join the course. Here we show you how it works.

Using the start page


To be able to access the lecture via the start page, the course must first be added to your own timetable. You can find out how to do this here.


❶ Current events are displayed on the start page. Clicking on “Join” opens the lecture in which activities can then be carried out.


Using the course displayed in the timetable


In order to access the lecture via the timetable, the course must first be added to your own timetable. You can find out how to do this here.

Stundenplan wählen

❶ The timetable can be found in the bottom bar on the left.

Vorlesung beitreten

❷ Click on “Join” to open the lecture, in which activities can then be carried out.


Via the QR code of the event


❶ The teacher first joins the lecture.

QR-Code erstellen

❷ Click on the QR code at the top right to display the corresponding QR code and the link to the event.


❸ This QR code can then be shared with the students, allowing them to quickly join the event.


If you have any questions about joining the lecture, we will be happy to help:
