Showing 1-50 of 217 items.
Adam, Carolin, M.Sc.
Language Coordinator for ItalianAlberti (in Elternzeit), Elisa, Dr.
Language Coordinator for Spanish and PortugueseAngrisano, Francesca, Dott.ssa
Arendt, Daniela
Bandstra, Adam
Bauer, Kanako
Beetz, Gunter
Behlau, Lothar, Dr., Ing.
Bélanger, Christine
Berchtold, Elisabeth, Dipl.-Päd (Univ.)
Language Coordinator for Swedish and SpanishBermejo, Francisco
Dean of Students Liberal Arts and Sciences
Member of the faculty council Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bernkopf, Jan, Prof. Dr.
Managing Director ZSIBirke, Eva Maria
Coordinator ZSIBischof, Lena
Director of Studies Data Science (BSc)Bischof, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.
Blenke, Matthias
Blum, Tanja
Boogaart, Elisabeth Asam-van den
Bradley, Heather
Brady, Caitlin
Brandenstein, Maria
Büchner, Bettine, Dr.
Burkhardt, Martin, Dr.
Cestonaro, Sonja
Chapron, Janik-Rose
Clergeot, Marie
Cocron, Peter, Prof. Dr.
Secretary ZSIDalhoff, Eva-Maria
Diemer, Jürgen, Dr.
Dobos, Julia
Dölle, Robert
Dorn, Sebastian, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Dräger, Reto
Drumm, Dirk
Durand-Patzelt, Sophie, M.A.
Echeverria Fontes, Andrea
Epple, Sarah
Erciyes, Cilem, Dr.
Member of the University Executive Board
Dean Liberal Arts and Sciences
Member of the faculty council Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director of Studies Industrial Engineering (BEng)
Etschberger, Stefan, Prof. Dr.
Feneberg, Manuel
Fetoshi, Edona
Fischer, Christian, Dr.
Forßmann, Juliane, Dr.
Franke-Nanic, Alexandra
Gänsler, Franziska
Garcia, Estrella
Head of the Examination Board Liberal Arts and Sciences
Head of the Examination Board Social Work (BA)
Head of the Examination Board Industrial Engineering (BEng)
Glasauer, Stefan, Prof. Dr.
Gliatta, Teresa
Goebel, Simon, Prof. Dr.
Coordinator for German as a Foreign LanguageGold, Oksana