Central collection point for lost and found objects


Lost items that have been lost on campus should be handed in at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg at the following central location:

Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Thomas Mitchell
Advisor to the Presidium
Campus am Roten Tor, Room K 2.03 or K 2.06
An der Hochschule 1
86161 Augsburg
Phone: 0821 / 55 86 - 3206
Fax : 0821 / 55 86 - 3253
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Thomas Mitchell.

The found objects will be forwarded to the city of Augsburg after receipt.

City of Augsburg
Bürgeramt – Lost and Found at
St. Max 1
86152 Augsburg
Phone: 324-6304 or 324-6305


Verwaltungsfachwirt Thomas Mitchell

Executive Committee


+49 821 5586-3206