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Networks & memberships
The ITW builds bridges between science & companies
As a strong partner for technology and knowledge transfer in the Bavarian Swabia region, the Institute for Technology and Knowledge Transfer at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg maintains intensive contact with companies, research institutes and transfer networks.
In particular, communication with business and opinion leaders from the region is a cornerstone of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg's transfer concept.
Therefore, we are actively involved in various networks and transfer groups which we will present to you briefly on the following pages.
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Technologienetzwerk Bayerisch-Schwaben (TBS, Technology Network Bavarian Swabia)

Photo: Nikky Maier
Foto: Nikky Maier
Networked diversity with regional focus
To bundle competencies and strengthen regional innovation, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg is actively involved in the Technology Network Bavarian Swabia for Resource Efficiency and Health Care Management (TBS). The three Bavarian-Swabian universities of applied sciences, Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm, as well as the University of Augsburg joined forces in 2012 to form the network. Funded within the framework of the Bavarian action plan "Demographic Change, Rural Areas", the network aims to further expand the interdisciplinary cooperation of the participating partners in the fields of "Resource efficiency" and "Health care management". Significant activities of the TBS include joint applications for third-party funding and research congresses as well as the planning of cross-university courses in continuing education.
A groundbreaking milestone of TBS' work is the construction of a new building for the research field "Materials Resource Management" (MRM). This research and teaching building, located in the south of the University campus next to the Augsburg Innovation Park, is intended especially for the researchers of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and the University of Augsburg.
The associated concept of networking and cooperation, which is already expressed in purely spatial terms by the proximity to the research buildings of the Fraunhofer Society (FhG), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Augsburg Technology Center (TZA), reflects the basic idea of the TBS and continues the cooperative approach of the network in a sustainable manner.
Netzwerk der TransferEinrichtungen Augsburg (TEA, Network of Transfer Institutes Augsburg)
Regional innovation platform for SMEs
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg is a founding member of the TEA network. The Network of Transfer Institutes Augsburg, which is unique in Bavaria, offers SMEs uncomplicated and practice-oriented access to the know-how of third-level institutions, research institutes and user centers in the Augsburg region.
In line with the slogan "Mediation & Networking", the TEA network, founded in 2010, promotes cooperation and exchange between science and industry in the Augsburg region with its University-related transfer and research institutes. Small and medium-sized companies without their own R&D departments, in particular, benefit from the TEA network's mediation and networking services and the knowledge of the user centers.
Together with other network partners, associations and institutes, the TEA network strengthens the application-oriented research and development landscape in the Augsburg economic area and makes an active contribution to securing the region's competitiveness and innovative strength.

Photo: Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH
Netzwerk Forschungs- und Transfermanagement e.V. (FORTRAMA, Network for Research and Transfer Management)

By transfer managers for transfer managers
The Netzwerk Forschungs- und Transfermanagement e.V., (Network for Research and Transfer Management), FORTRAMA for short, is an association for German-language research and transfer management. It originated from the informal network forschungsreferenten.de and now has 1,500 members – primarily from the fields of research management, knowledge and technology transfer, support of young researchers and third-party funding management at German third-level institutions and publicly funded non-university research institutions.
At the heart of the association is the networking of the members, professional development, and exchange of experience with one another. The most important activities of the network include topic-specific workgroups as well as continuing education events particularly for research and technology managers. Because there is only a small number of formal structures in this dynamically growing career field to date, the basic concept of FORTRAMA as an association is to promote the exchange and transfer of knowledge among one another.
Objectives of FORTRAMA:
- To increase the professionalization of the research and transfer management career field
- To bundle the competencies of the research and transfer management career field
- To increase the visibility of the career field
- To promote networking between colleagues and enable exchange of experience
- To organize continuing education
More at: www.fortrama.net
Transferstellen Bayerischer Hochschulen (TBH, Transfer Offices of Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences)
Know-how times 30
The Transferstellen Bayerischer Hochschulen(TBH) bundles the competencies of transfer offices of 19 Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences (TBHAW) and 11 Bavarian universities (TBU).
The objective of the TBH is to enable uncomplicated access to the know-how of universities and universities of applied sciences for interested companies.
As mediators, interpreters and catalysts between science, business and society, the participating transfer offices are the first point of contact for companies as well as for scientists looking for a suitable partner for their research question or transfer project. The spectrum of possible forms of cooperation ranges from expert opinions, studies, consulting, analyses, R&D assignments, theses and seminars to complex research projects lasting several years.
More at:www.tbh.bayern.

European University Association (EUA)

Voice for European universities and universities of applied sciences
The European University Association (EUA), based in Brussels, is the largest association of European universities and colleges for applied research. Founded in 2001, the association offers its approximately 850 members from 47 countries in the European Higher Education Area numerous opportunities to share best practices through participation in projects, events, and other mutual learning activities.
In addition, the EUA supports its members in actively shaping European initiatives in the field of higher education and research. The focus here is on the development of a coherent education and research system at the European level in the form of studies, projects and services.
As a competence center for third-level education and research, the EUA supports the partner universities by:
- Improving the visibility of European third-level institutions worldwide
- Influencing important decision makers at a European, German and regional level
- Strengthening the role of third-level education in developing European knowledge societies
More at:www.eua.eu.
Europäische Metropolregion München e.V. (EMM e.V., European Metropolitan Region of Munich)
Greater togetherness in the Munich metropolitan region
The Europäische Metropolregion München e.V. (EMM e.V., European Metropolitan Region of Munich) association, founded in 2008, is an open network for players from politics, administration, business, science and society. It offers association members a platform for cooperation across disciplines and institutes. In line with its slogan, "Greater togetherness", the association members deal with current topics and initiate joint projects in small workgroups. These projects are all about sustainably promoting the economic strength and innovative capacity of the southern Bavarian region in harmony with nature and the environment.
The four workgroups of the association at a glance:
Exchange of experience on current topics also forms an important part of the association's work. Joint events with international speakers and guests promote the exchange of knowledge and bring the various players together.

pm forum Augsburg

Professional project management for the Augsburg region
The pm-forum is the recognized platform for project management in the Augsburg region. The independent, autonomous network follows the approach of balanced give and take: The participants of the pm-forum bring their experience and know-how to the community and benefit from each other's knowledge.
The active exchange of knowledge and experience is intended to promote the application of project management and the use of effective methods in the companies.
Supporters of the pm-forum:
- VDI Bezirksverein Augsburg (District Association Augsburg)
- GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V.(German Society for Project Management)
- GfA Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik e.V (Society for Working Methods)
- ZWW Zentrum für Weiterbildung und Wissenstransfer der Uni Augsburg (Center for Continuing Education and Knowledge Transfer at University of Augsburg)
- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
- IHK Akademie Schwaben (Academy of the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
More at: www.pm-forum-augsburg.de.