Semester Abroad


For master students from the study programme "International Business and Finance", a semester abroad during the second semester (summer semester) is mandatory.

Master students from other study programm may apply for a voluntary semester abroad.

In order to help you finding the right universities for a semester abroad we have the following options available for your consideration:

Our partner universities
There are a number of partner universities available from all over the world. Tuition fees are waived for partner universities in Europe (except in Great Britain and Denmark), Asia and Mexico.

Double Degree Programm: For Master Students from "International Business and Finance", Students must acquired 30 ECTS/60 ECTS with promising results in order to take part in a Double Degree Programme with our four partners, ESCE in France, Yuan Ze University in Taiwan, Edinburgh Napier University in Great Britain and Budapest Business School in Hungary.

Field Reports from former outgoing students
Only available on our intranet.
Please login with your username and password (rz Kennung) on this website.


You also have the liberty to spend your semester abroad in any accredited university (refer to for the list of recognized University) in a Master Program in Business (MA or MSc), as a “fee-paying, non-degree seeking, visiting student”. The curriculum and the respective courses you would like to enrol has to be approved by either  Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht or Prof. Dr. Michael Freiboth before the application. The courses must be listed in a “Learning Agreement” for approval.

As a Freemover you have to apply directly at your desired university. The application process, requirements and deadlines vary from institution to institution. Therefore, it is necessary that you are well informed of your desired university and get in touch with their International Office and /or Office of Admissions.

Please hand in a copy of your application form, the Learning Agreement (with the signature of either Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht or Prof. Dr. Michael Freiboth) and a letter of acceptance to Ms Wetzel for our reference.

Semester abroad with our university
Only applicable to foreign students who are either being the first time in Germany or have resided in Germany before in a time span of six months or less.

Application Procedure for a semester abroad
Detailed Information for the master students from the study programm "International Business and Finance" would be provided upon your arrival at our university in a "Kick-off Zoom" before the start of the semester (usually mid September).

For inquires regarding semester abroad, pls. contact Ms. Helene Wetzel, International Coordinator.