Compulsory Course/Required Elective

Compulsory Course

Type of Course




Offered in

Summer Term



Credit Hours


Type of Course Assessment

Written Examination

Duration of the Exam

90 minutes


Decimal Grade

Admission Requirements
Successful participation in the modules Financial Reporting and Introduction to Financial Accounting



The objective of this study focus is to prepare the students to take up roles at an auditing or consulting company or in the accounting department of an international company.

The study focus is aimed primarily at students who want to become an auditor or accountant.



IFRS Accounting

  • Fundamentals of IFRS /IASB / EU
  • Elements of financial statements
  • Selected accounting topics based on the different IFRS (IAS 2, IAS 16, IAS 36, IAS 37, IAS 38, IAS 40, IFRS 5, ...)

Advanced Accounting

  • Legal constrains for group financial statements
  • Concept of control
  • Identification and treatment of subsidiaries, joint venture and association
  • Capital consolidation
  • Elimination of intergroup activities (receivables & liabilities, intercompany profit elimination)

Financial Statement Analysis

  • Reasons for financial statement analysis
  • Connection to fundamental analysis and market efficiency theories
  • Adjustments of financial statements for the propose of analysis
  • Financial Analysis
  • Profit Analysis
  • Investor analysis

Recommended readings

  • Presentation of the lectures
  • Standard literature (defined at the beginning of each term)
  • Pellens, B./Fülbier, R.U./Gassen, J./Sellhorn, T. (2011): Internationale Rechnungslegung, 9. Aufl. Stuttgart 2014
  • Coenenberg, A. G./Haller, A./Schltze, W. (2016): Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse: Betriebswirtschaftliche, handelsrechtliche, steuerrechtliche und internationale Grundsätze – HGB, IFRS, US-GAAP, DRS, 23. Auflage, Stuttgart 2016

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


12 ECTS x 30 hours = 360 hours,  combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 120 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 110 hours
  • Time for exercises and group work: 70 hours
  • Semester project / presentation: 20 hours
  • Exam preparation: 40 hours
  • Exam time: 90 minutes

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Lectures
  • Case studies
  • Assignments & presentations
