English Term

Scientific Methodology



Compulsory Course/Required Elective

Compulsory Course

Type of Course




Offered in

Summer Term



Credit Hours



Decimal Grade

Admission Requirements
Only for students who have acquired at least 40 ECTS from the fundamental business courses such as Accounting, Business and Finace Mathermatics, Civil Law, Marketing, Microeconomics and Statistics.



Students will be familiar with fundamental scientific methods and will be able to produce a scientific paper independently. In addition to formal methods (citation technique, style and structure of a seminar paper or case study, use of Citavi), students will have sound knowledge of the fundamental scientific methods of the respective subjects.

Students will be able to become acquainted with, research and critically evaluate a certain topic using the established scientific methods and then prepare the topic for presentation to other people and defend their own solution as part of the discussion.



Scientific methodology as dictated by the subject with elective seminar concerning the fields of capital markets, banking and M&A, empirical methods, marketing, financial reporting, law, taxation, economics

Detailed Course Description

  • Fundamentals of scientific papers
  • Introduction to the production of scientific papers
  • Participation in training sessions on Citavi at the university library
  • Introduction to the fundamental scientific methodology of the respective subject
  • Producing a scientific seminar paper and presenting/examining case studies
  • Selected topics from the respective subject matter

Recommended Readings

  • Scripts on scientific methodology used by lecturer
  • Seminar: Depends on the subject matter at hand and will be provided for each semester, be it in the lecturer’s script or via the e-Learning platform Moodle

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


5 ECTS x 30 hours = 150 hours, combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 35 hours
  • Time for exercises and group work: 15 hours
  • Preparation of Term Papers, Seminar Papers, Course Assignments: 40 hours
  • Exam preparation: 40 hours (not applicable if need to hand in a term paper)
  • Exam time: 90 minutes (not applicable if need to hand in a term paper)

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures on scientific methodology with exercises (depending on the subject, e.g. in computer pool)
  • Introduction to topics with active participation from students
  • Working on topics in groups
  • Coaching by the lecturer
  • Submission of a scientific paper or examination of case studies and presentation of the results obtained by the entire group



Description for Scientific Methodology taught by Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht.