

Compulsory Course/Required Elective

Compulsory Course

Type of Course




Offered in

Winter Term



Credit Hours

4 Credit Hours

Type of Course Assessment

Written Examination

Duration of the Exam

120 minutes


Decimal Grade

Admission Requirements
For students with prior knowledge in:
• Fundamentals in Business
• Introduction to Finance and Financial Accounting



With a strong international focus, this course provides definitive coverage of established and contemporary issues within management and cost accounting.
Drawing on the latest research and surveys, the course brings technical and theoretical concepts to life through extensive use of real-world examples and case studies.


  • Management and Cost Accounting Fundamentals
  • Accounting Information for decision making
  • Planning and Budgetary Control Systems
  • Management Control Systems and Performance Measurement
  • Emerging Management Accounting Issues     

Recommended readings

  • Script
  • Current scientific articles
Additional readings:
  • Garrison, Noreen, Brewer: Managerial Accounting, 13th ed., Berkshire 2010
  • Seal, Rohde, Garrison, Noreen: Management Accounting, 5th ed., Berkshire 2016
  • Hilton, Maher, Selto: Cost Management, Strategies for Business Decisions, New York 2008
  • Hilton:Managerial Accounting, 10thed., New York 2013
  • Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Foster: Management and Cost Accounting, 6th ed., 2015
  • Horngren, Datar, Foster, Rajan, Ittner: Cost Accounting, A Management Emphasis, 15th ed., London 2014
  • MznLnx: Exam Prep for Cost Management: Stratagies for Business Decisions by Hilton, Maher & Selto, 3rd ed., 2009

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


5 ECTS x 30 hours = 150 hours, combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 70 hours
  • Exam preparation: 20 hours
  • Exam time: 120 minutes

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures
  • Collaborative exercises
  • Clicker assessment systems
