"Hochschule Augsburg - University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business, is a member of AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. www.aacsb.edu/about. AACSB International is a membership association of educational institutions, business, not-for-profit, and government organizations devoted to the advancement of higher education in business. Membership does not imply accreditation."

Consortium of International Degrees (CIDD)
The Faculty of Business at the University of Augsburg is a member of the “Consortium of International Double Degrees” (CIDD). Members of this association are renowned Universities that have at least one Double Degree agreement with another member university. Here at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg we have partnerships and double degree agreements with some of these universities both at the Bachelor and Master level. The association includes 27 universities worldwide to date and is continually expanding its members.
A double degree means that the student has successfully studied for one year at a partner university, thereby gaining the right to a degree at this university. The double degree contracts are designed in such a way that graduation can be achieved within the designed time-frame.
The goal of the CIDD is to promote double degrees, because our members are convinced that such double degrees are of a decisive advantage to graduates as they begin their careers compared to those students who graduate with only one degree.
European University Association
EUA represents members from 47 European countries
The European University Association (EUA) is the representative organisation of universities and national rectors’ conferences in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Thanks to its interaction with a range of other European and international organisations EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard, wherever decisions are being taken that will impact on their activities.
nibs - network of international business schools
"The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is an association of business schools from around the world, united by a shared view that the internationalization of business and globalization of the economy are essential elements in the evolution of managerial practices. We believe that business-related higher education and training should integrate a strong international dimension, including the practice of foreign languages, the study of comparative management techniques, and the experience of working and studying abroad. We seek to further education by uniting business schools around the world through shared ideals and resources. We also believe that cooperation among educational institutions in different countries contributes to a better understanding between nations by furthering awareness and knowledge of other cultures and social practices.
NIBS members recognize each other’s qualifications, have a common goal of collaboration, and encourage participation in the following:
- Student exchanges/interactions
- Faculty exchanges/interactions
- Exchanges of ideas for teaching programs
- Joint teaching and research programs"
Der Link zur nibs-Homepage lautet https://www.nibsweb.org/