Alpha Vantage
Click on the icon to get to the database

What it does: The Alpha Vantage Stock API Service offers pre-processed and normalized finance and economic data for stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, foreign exchange rates, cryptocurrencies, financial reports from SEC filings, and over 50 derived technical indicators, such as volatility, moving average, and momentum

How it’s accessed: API calls are made using any web-enabled client (e.g. a web browser) to make an HTTP GET request to an appropriate URL. API users can use the programming language of their choice

Result format: JSON, CSV

How to register: A free API key can be obtained here

Limitations: Each free API key allows up to 500 API calls per day by default. Please reach out to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] if a higher rate limit is needed

Contact for technical questions: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]


Access options


free (no connection to the campus needed)


  • information systems
  • computer sciences
  • business and economics