The open access media are set by subjects:
- Study of Science, Higher Education (AK, AL)
- Media, Communication Studies, Design (AM-AP)
- Ecology (AR)
- Philosophy Psychology (C)
- Social Sciences (D)
- Languages (E-K)
- Art (L)
- Sociology, Political Sciences (M)
- History (N)
- Law, Economy (P, Q)
- Mathematics (SK)
- Computer Science (ST)
- Natural sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (T-W)
- Technology (general) (ZG)
- Architecture, Civil Engineering (ZH, ZI)
- Mechanical Engineering (ZL, ZM)
- Electrical Engineering (ZN)
- Traffic, Power Engineering, Measurement Technology, Mechatronics (ZO-ZQ)
The collection reflects the Range of Courses offered at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg and is classified systematically according to the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation.
Where to find
The shelfmark serves to find a book in the library:
- it is shown in the online catalogue InfoGuide plus / "Holdings"
- and on a label on the spine of each library item.
It is made up of several elements:
An example: 160/ZL 7600 B835-2(6)+2
- 160/ = Location (in this case: open shelf book in the reading room)
- ZL 7600 =Subject (in this case: ZL = Mechanical engineering, 7600 = subcategory Refrigeration technique)
- B835 = Code for author's name (in this case: Breidenbach, Karl)
- after a hyphen, the Volume is specified (-2)
- and in brackets the Edition (6).
- If the library owns multiple copies, the shelfmark ends with a counting (+2).
How to find a book on the shelves:
- Only the locations 02, 150, 160, 170 or 180 are open access and to be fetched by yourself in our reading room.
All other locations are not for direct access. You can either order them from the repository via the library catalogue InfoGuide and collect them at our information desk the following day (01, 03, 23) or contact us for assistance (all other locations). - The library plan gives a survey where the different subjects are located in the reading room.
- The signs on the sides of the shelves help you find your subject and the row with the relevant subcategory (e.g. ZL 7600).
- Now look in this area for the subcategory. Within each subcategory, the books are in alphanumeric order according to the shelfmark (Code of author's name - Volume - Edition - Number of copy)
- Find the book with the label that matches exactly the shelfmark you've noted (e.g. ZL 7600 B835-2(6)+2).
01 | Books in the Repository | for loan; order |
02 | Journals in the Reading room | not for loan |
03 | Non-book material in the Repository | for loan; order |
23 | Theses in the Repository | for loan; order |
150 | Reference books in the Reading room, yellow label | not for loan |
160 | Reading room | for loan |
170 | Non-book media in the Reading room | for loan |
180 | Children's corner in the Reading room | for loan |
other | In different faculties / laboratories: access only in exceptional cases. Please contact the appropriate department directly. |