Author: Friedrich Beckmann
The power module comprises
The design is done with Easyeda and is available here: Easyeda SearchWingPower. The board has been produced at JLCPCB and two have been soldered at the ASSCON Demolab.
I have a Voltera V-One printer which can be used to dispense the solder paste. This needs to be tested. In the ASSCON lab we used the stencil printing method.
PCBs can be ordered from JLCPCB directly from EasyEDA. In the PCB view choose “PCB Fabrication File (Gerber)”. The default options for production are fine. Please choose “LeadFree HASL-RoHS” as surface finish.
With a disconnected power switch the power module powers the components. This is a avionics safety feature to ensure power is delivered even with a broken power switch or power switch cable.