Table of Contents

Install Quartus 18.1 and Matlab

This description assumes that version 13.0sp1 is already installed on Lubuntu 18.04. The Quartus 18.1 version is used only by the Master Course.


Download Quartus-lite- from Intel. You can download with

cd cae
wget --user=YOURUSERNAME --ask-password


Check that you have

Make sure that you install the software at “/opt/altera/18.1”. When you run the installation, you can deselect all FPGA device families, except Cyclone V.

tar -xvf Quartus-lite-

Check that you have

and copy the library to the 18.1 directory

mkdir /opt/altera/18.1/modelsim_ase/lib32
cp ~/cae/freetype-2.8.1/objs/.libs/* /opt/altera/18.1/modelsim_ase/lib32/

Change /opt/altera/18.1/modelsim_ase/vco file and find the location:

dir=`dirname "$arg0"`

After that line add

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/altera/18.1/modelsim_ase/lib32

and Fix linux rh60 problem in that file.

libstdc++ CXXABI_1.3.9 problem

The following problem

/opt/altera/version/quartus/linux64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Failed to load module: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules/

is due to different libstdc++ versions which have different ABI versions. If you delete

rm /opt/altera/18.1/quartus/linux64/libstdc++.*

then quartus will find the default libstdc++ in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.

Create a version switcher for the PATH variable

You can set the PATH variable as in the 13.0sp1 installation in .profile. If you install two versions, then you can append the following to .bashrc

alias v13="ln -rsvfT /opt/altera/13.0sp1 /opt/altera/version"
alias v18="ln -rsvfT /opt/altera/18.1 /opt/altera/version"

You need to open a new bash to make the changes active. Then you can switch between the versions by running v18 or v13.


License and Activation

Students of Hochschule Augsburg can have a license but they need to Create a student account at Mathworks. You must use your email address.


Download Matlab version R2018b from


cd cae
mkdir matlab
mv ../Downloads/ matlab
cd matlab
sudo mkdir /opt/matlab
sudo chown caeuser:caeuser /opt/matlab

During the installation process you have to login to Mathworks and activate the license. Choose as installation directory:


Select the following matlab toolboxes