Here I'm offering my decoder configurations for Railroad & Co. TrainProgrammer by Freiwald Software. In the Exchange Market of the Freiwald forums, you can find other configurations for some of these decoders, which I didn't know or consider when I made my own ones. These are just my configurations.
Corrections are welcome!
ESU LokPilot 5 Basic, LokPilot 5, and LokSound 5
Configurations for all versions of LokPilot 5 Basic, LokPilot 5, and LokSound 5 are included in this package. They are current as specified in the latest manual editions by ESU (LokPilot Basic: no English manual available; LokPilot: 8th edition, January 2023; LokSound: 15th English edition, November 2022). There are a few new features not yet specified in the manuals but available in the LokProgrammer software by ESU. Except function activation in advanced consists, these features are not included here.
There are English labels and text throughout.
Not only the desired decoder configurations but also their related templates have to be imported at the same time, every time!
The default values are not really trustworthy, and there are no default values at all for function settings. So before modifying any parameters their actual values should be read from the decoder. Especially function mapping may surprise you because several rows are in use by default, even if not all of the 72 ones available.
Download here for TrainProgrammer version 10.
(LokPilot 5 only as of May 2020 for TrainProgrammer version 9
download here.)
Please consider the following hints: (click for details)
Loco Speed Settings
LokPilot 5 and LokSound 5 multiprotocol decoders have the 28-step speed table (CV67 to CV94) invariably activated by default. Their DCC-only counterparts are set to the so-called 3-point speed table (CV2, CV6, CV5) by default but may be switched to the 28-step speed table as well (by the fifth bit in CV29 as well as the second bit).
It is worth noting that there is little difference. CV2 is minimum speed and CV5 is maximum speed in both cases. CV6 defines the speed at "half throttle" and usually makes for a "kink" in the otherwise linear speed line. The 28-step speed table just replaces this single intermediate point by 26 points on a smooth curve between the end points CV2 and CV5. Both curves are diagrammed and easily modified in TrainProgrammer.
It is worth noting as well that speed trimming (CV66 forward and CV95 backward) is possible in any case, that is also with the 3-point speed table (even though it is not diagrammed in this case). A trim CV just holds a factor that is applied (by multiplication) to each point of any speed table.
Yet another point worth noting is acceleration and deceleration. LokPilot 5 and LokSound 5 multiprotocol decoders apply an unusual 0.25 seconds unit or step size, respectively, for CV3 and CV4 as well as CV23 and CV24. Their DCC-only counterparts conform to the DCC standard by applying a 0.896 seconds step size. This can be a problem when multiprotocol and DCC variants are mixed in a consist.
Decoder Programming Speed
TrainProgrammer takes single steps to read values from CVs or to write into them. That's not a problem as long as it's about a few CVs at a time. Only if many function key mappings have to be changed, so especially in case of sound decoders, the process takes a lot of time.
One way is to read all default mappings and change only some of them. Only changed mapping rows have to be written and that's faster. If only the changed CVs in the changed rows are written, it's even faster but requires even more effort and watchfulness.
The other way is to change the entire mapping table so reading default values is not needed at all. Then, the entire mapping table (72 rows with 20 CVs each for LokPilot and LokSound) has to be written instead. (Resetting the decoder to delivery condition doesn't help since the mapping table isn't empty then but filled with defaults.)
In both cases, programming on main (POM) via RailCom should be considered because
it's considerably faster than normal programming on the special programming track.
The same
safety arrangements may prevent other decoders from being modified.
In the first case (a lot of reading) even RailComPlus would be needed (RailCom can't read). But the second case (a lot of writing) is favorable, anyway, especially for less susceptibility to errors compared to distributed changes. The LokPilot and LokSound configurations – other than the decoders – include empty mapping tables. Fill it out and write it into the decoder – merely common RailCom is needed which can write only but can do it quickly.
When reading or writing chunks of the mapping table or even the whole table, it's convenient to do it in TrainProgrammer's profile mode. You may even select the whole table by ticking just one checkbox (whereupon you have to wait for quite a while). Always make sure that the checkboxes for Index register H and Index register L are not ticked! These two variables are exclusively used by TrainProgrammer.
Individual Sound Decoders
The LokSound configurations include only general designations (labels) for the so-called sound slots (storage spaces for individual sounds), for instance "Sound slot 24". The up to 32 sound slots hold different sounds, at least partly, in each sound project (sounds belonging to a type of loco).
When assigning function keys to sounds or changing their volume, you want to refer to their individual designations. Replacing the numbered general designations by individual labels is actually not provided in TrainProgrammer, but there's a workaround.
The trick is to create a new decoder configuration first, only then – based on it – a new decoder file. To this end, you have to go to the decoder database, create a copy of the appropriate configuration (for instance of the normal "LokSound 5 DCC"), and – in the copy – change the sound slot labels (and the copy configuration label, for instance to "LokSound 5 DCC - EMD 16-645E3 T").
You need some confidence to do this but it's not really hard, rather somewhat
laborious (one or two hours of work). That's why you'll do it only if you have
to modify or change the predefined function key assignments (mappings) or sound
volumes. If the default settings are convenient,
the original configuration
(for instance "LokSound 5 DCC") is perfectly good for all other settings.
If you choose to do a decoder configuration with individual sound designations, it would be a nice touch to share it in the Exchange Market of the Freiwald forums.
As to sound volume settings:
ESU regularly puts typical sounds in certain sound slots, one slightly different
set each for steam, Diesel, and electric locos. These three cases are prepared in
the LokSound configurations. Only for special, elaborate sound projects you'd need
yet other designations and maybe all 32 sound slots. For this case, there's a set
with 32 entries whose general designations you may replace by individual ones in
a copy configuration. (And you may delete the three standard sound-slot sets then.)
Go to the 32 individual sound volume settings via the folders
Function > Sound > Sound volume > Individual Sound Volumes > Your Sound Project
and you may delete the standard sound set folders
Function > Sound > Sound volume > Individual Sound Volumes > Steam Sounds
as well as Diesel Sounds and Electric Sounds.
Go to the 32 possible function key mappings via the folders
Function > Function Mapping > Mapping Row 1 > Sound Functions > Control CV Q
as well as Control CV R, Control CV S, and Control CV T.
DCC Advanced Consists
Consisting has been tested with a LokPilot 5 decoder. That revealed some
pecularities, which
do not go against the DCC standard, though, because
there are no strict specifications. When planning and preparing consists with
ESU decoders you can assume the following:
- The so-called two-digit consist address CV19 allows values from 1 to 127 (not only 1 to 99).
- When in a consist, CV21 and CV22 as well as CV109 and CV110 can "activate" functions F0 front and F0 rear separately, and F1 to F28 (not only F0 to F12). Functions F29 and F30 can not be activated (it just doesn't work), meaning you can't use them in a consist (as well as F31).
Acceleration and deceleration adjustments with CV23 and CV24 are
always active, not only
in a consist. - LokPilot 5 and LokSound 5 multiprotocol decoders apply an unusual 0.25 seconds unit or step size, respectively, for CV3 and CV4 as well as CV23 and CV24. Their DCC-only counterparts conform to the DCC standard by applying a 0.896 seconds step size.
There's a comprehensive page about possible ways as well as my way of consisting using both TrainProgrammer and TrainController for the preparation.
An example decoder file for a loco in a consist (or just on a push-pull train) is included in this package (ExampleConsistLoco.yrp).
ESU LokPilot Standard
Configurations for all versions of LokPilot Standard are included in this package:
LokPilot Standard (version 1, July 2016)
LokPilot Nano Standard (version 1, November 2016)
LokPilot Fx Nano (version 1, November 2016)
According to the user manuals by ESU, these decoders have basically equal configurations.
There are English labels and text throughout.
Together with the desired decoder configurations also their template has to be imported at the same time, every time!
Download here for TrainProgrammer version 9 and 10.
ESU LokPilot 1
In case you – like me – have old locos with the first LokPilot Version 1.01 or buy a used one: Here is the configuration for it made after the specifications in the – later unmodified – user manual as of January 2002 by ESU. There are English labels and text throughout.
Download here for TrainProgrammer version 10 (and here for version 8 and 9).
Decoder Identification
The problem: identifying old decoders which are long installed somewhere, that is their exact type and version - even if you didn't write it down exactly (or don't find your notes now) or acquired an older loco with built-in decoder.
The solution: a decoder configuration for TrainProgrammer to read out the DCC and RailCom standard information, and some more configurations – derived from the first – to read out additional manufacturer-specific information.
Here you can download these configurations for TrainProgrammer version 10 (and here as of April 2020 for TrainProgrammer version 9).
There are English labels and text throughout.
In any case, importing the "Standard DCC" configuration into your decoder database is mandatory. Importing the special configurations ("Standard ESU" and more) is optional (so do as needed).
We, that is Matthias (sarguid in the Freiwald Forums) and me, had the same idea, and Matthias had already collected the complete ESU decoder type information (a real chore). I added more information and stuffed it all into configurations.
Under the manufacturer named "Standard" (predefined in TrainProgrammer) you'll find the configuration "Standard DCC". In the "Basic Configuration" folder is a sub-folder named "Decoder". Usually (conforming to the DCC standard) it is named "Manufacturer" but there is actually decoder information in it. That's why I presumed to rename it.
This folder holds the decoder's manufacturer (CV8) and version (CV7) numbers conforming to the DCC standard. The list of manufacturer names included in TrainProgrammer has been extended and updated as of March 2021.
Once the manufacturer has been identified as ESU, ZIMO, Lenz, or Kühn, you may proceed with the respective special configuration to learn the exact decoder type. These special configurations are named "Standard ESU" (identification of nearly all ESU decoder types as of July 2023, except OEM versions), "Standard ZIMO" (quite comprehensive type identification), "Standard Lenz" (type identification as far as possible), and "Standard Kühn" (not much possible).
In any case (standard or any special configuration), there is a sub-folder holding product information according to the RailCom standard. All RailCom-capable decoders should make this information available (though several don't). If RailCom is enabled you may read out: manufacturer name, product number (decoder type in case of special configurations), serial number (hexadecimal), manufacturing date (year displayed), and RailCom version (firmware version in case of ESU decoders).
Micro Decoders for N scale
For the decoders in my N-scale locos, I always made my own configurations in TrainProgrammer. They stayed unchanged since then so they are made for older versions of the decoders and of TrainProgrammer. Still they should be usable even for newer decoder versions due to backwards compatibility. Only the LokPilot 5 and LokSound 5 configurations are updated regularly (including English labels and text).
Here's a list of decoder configurations included in this package and the lowest possible TrainProgrammer version they can be used in:
Decoder | TP version from |
Kuehn N025 | 8 |
Kuehn N45 | 8 |
Uhlenbrock 73 500/510 | 8 |
Uhlenbrock 73 800 (function decoder) | 9 |
PIKO 46211 (is an Uhlenbrock) | 8 |
Fleischmann 6857 | 8 |
Trix 66835 | 8 |
Trix 66838 | 8 |
Trix 66840 (mTc14 interface) | 9 |
ESU LokPilot Nano Standard | 9 |
ESU LokPilot 4 micro | 10 |
ESU LokPilot 5 micro | 10 |
ESU LokSound 5 micro | 10 |
ESU LokSound 5 Nano | 10 |
In case of ESU decoders, the related templates have to be imported together with the actual configurations or these won't work.
The default values are not trustworthy, there are even no defaults for function settings. You should always read the actual values from the decoder before changing and writing something.
Download here for TrainProgrammer version 10.
(With LokPilot 4 and 5 micro as of May 2020 for TrainProgrammer version 9
download here.)