
Singelplayer, 3D third person, puzzle, exploration game, action adventure

Long ago, there was a war whose cause was unknown. Massive shards war without knowing the true reason. of glass destroyed the landscape, and However, a small group, composed of dangerous glassy monsters roamed both forest and town dwellers, united the lands, bringing death and destrucin this dark time to uncover the truth tion with them. These were known as and end the war. Using a combination the "Shatterings". The residents of the of magic and technology, they creamountain town Kanúl accused the inted a relic the magical kaleidoscope. habitants of the nearby magical forest With the help of this relic, they could for this event, blaming their magical eliminate the destruction caused by powers. Conversely, the forest people the Shatterings and restore the land pointed fingers at the mountain resito its original state. But it came at a dents, afraid of their advanced techprice. The kaleidoscope absorbed all nology. And so, the two parties waged the dark and evil essence and became a threat itself. The leader of the group, the forest spirit Norux, sacrificed himself to preserve the power within the kaleidoscope. And so, the war ended without the residents of the two towns ever learning the truth.


The team behind the game "Kaleido-scope" consists of nine individuals. We are students in the "Interactive Media" program at the University of Applied Sciences located in Augsburg. The project originated within the framework of the team project in the fifth semester. There are a total of three programmers/ computer scientists and six artists in the team, all of whom have fairly distributed the upcoming tasks among themselves. This was made possible by using the organizational tool "Trello", where all team members could choose tasks and transparently show their progress. Additionally, we utilized various Miro-boards to share and organize images related to current and finished tasks. Members are Sandro Poppe, Lukas Rapp, Svenja Riebesel, Luis Schmidt, Saskia Wawatschek, Corinna Wörle, Juliane Wurzel, Markus Zink, Dina Zoller. Team project supervised ba Prof. Jens Müller and Prof. Dr. Jam Bernkopf