- A c t u s p r i m u s .

Claude-Joseph Vernet
Tempest, 1752
1 - S c e n a p r i m a .
- A tempestuous noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: En-
ter a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.
- 5
- Bote-swaine.
Botes. Heere Master: What cheere?
Mast. Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall
too't, yarely, or we run our selues a ground,
bestirre, bestirre. Exit.
- 10
- Enter Mariners.
Botes. Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts:
yare, yare: Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters
whistle: Blow till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-
- 15
- Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Ferdinando,
Gonzalo, and others.
Alon. Good Boteswaine haue care: where's the Ma-
ster? Play the men.
Botes. I pray now keepe below.
- 20
- Anth. Where is the Master, Boson?
Botes. Do you not heare him? you marre our labour,
Keepe your Cabines: you do assist the storme.
Gonz. Nay, good be patient.
Botes. When the Sea is: hence, what cares these roa-
- 25
- rers for the name of King? to Cabine; silence: trouble
vs not.
Gon. Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboord.
Botes. None that I more loue then my selfe. You are
a Counsellor, if you can command these Elements to si-
- 30
- lence, and worke the peace of the present, wee will not
hand a rope more, vse your authoritie: If you cannot,
giue thankes you haue liu'd so long, and make your
selfe readie in your Cabine for the mischance of the
houre, if it so hap. Cheerely good hearts: out of our
- 35
- way I say. Exit.
Gon. I haue great comfort from this fellow: methinks
he hath no drowning marke vpon him, his complexion
is perfect Gallowes: stand fast good Fate to his han-
ging, make the rope of his destiny our cable, for our
- 40
- owne doth little aduantage: If he be not borne to bee
hang'd, our case is miserable. Exit.
Enter Boteswaine.
Botes. Downe with the top-Mast: yare, lower, lower,
bring her to Try with Maine-course. A plague___
- 45
- A cry within. Enter Sebastian, Anthonio & Gonzalo.
vpon this howling: they are lowder then the weather,
or our office: yet againe? What do you heere? Shal we
giue ore and drowne, haue you a minde to sinke?
Sebas. A poxe o'your throat, you bawling, blasphe-
- 50
- mous incharitable Dog.
Botes. Worke you then.
Anth. Hang cur, hang, you whoreson insolent Noyse-
maker, we are lesse afraid to be drownde, then thou art.
Gonz. I'le warrant him for drowning, though the
- 55
- Ship were no stronger then a Nutt-shell, and as leaky as
an vnstanched wench.
Botes. Lay her a hold, a hold, set her two courses off
to Sea againe, lay her off.
Enter Mariners wet.
- 60
- Mari. All lost, to prayers, to prayers, all lost.
Botes. What must our mouths be cold?
Gonz. The King, and Prince, at prayers, let's assist them,
for our case is as theirs.
Sebas. I'am out of patience.
- 65
- An. We are meerly cheated of our liues by drunkards,
This wide-chopt-rascall, would thou mightst lye drow-
ning the washing of ten Tides.
Gonz. Hee'l be hang'd yet,
Though euery drop of water sweare against it,
- 70
- And gape at widst to glut him. A confused noyse within.
Mercy on vs.
We split, we split, Farewell my wife, and children,
Farewell brother: we split, we split, we split.
Anth. Let's all sinke with' King
- 75
- Seb. Let's take leaue of him. Exit.
Gonz. Now would I giue a thousand furlongs of Sea,
for an Acre of barren ground: Long heath, Browne
firrs, any thing; the wills aboue be done, but I would
faine dye a dry death. Exit.
- 80
- S c e n a S e c u n d a .
Enter Prospero and Miranda.
Mira. If by your Art (my deerest father) you haue
Put the wild waters in this Rore; alay them:
The skye it seemes would powre down stinking pitch,
- 85
- But that the Sea, mounting to th' welkins cheeke,
Dashes the fire out. Oh! I haue suffered
With those that I saw suffer: A braue vessell
- 2
- (Who had no doubt some noble creature in her)
Dash'd all to peeces: O the cry did knocke
- 90
- Against my very heart: poore soules, they perish'd.
Had I byn any God of power, I would
Haue suncke the Sea within the Earth, or ere
It should the good Ship so haue swallow'd, and
The fraughting Soules within her.
- 95
- Pros. Be collected,
No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heart
there's no harme done.
Mira. O woe, the day.
Pros. No harme:
- 100
- I haue done nothing, but in care of thee
(Of thee my deere one; thee my daughter) who
Art ignorant of what thou art. naught knowing
Of whence I am: nor that I am more better
Then Prospero, Master of a full poore cell,
- 105
- And thy no greater Father.
Mira. More to know
Did neuer medle with my thoughts.
Pros. 'Tis time
I should informe thee farther: Lend thy hand
- 110
- And plucke my Magick garment from me: So,
Lye there my Art: wipe thou thine eyes, haue comfort,
The direfull spectacle of the wracke which touch'd
The very vertue of compassion in thee:
I haue with such prouision in mine Art
- 115
- So safely ordered, that there is no soule
No not so much perdition as an hayre
Betid to any creature in the vessell
Which thou heardst cry, which thou saw'st sinke: Sit downe,
For thou must now know farther.
- 120
- Mira. You haue often
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopt
And left me to a bootelesse Inquisition,
Concluding, stay: not yet.
Pros. The howr's now come
- 125
- The very minute byds thee ope thine eare,
Obey, and be attentiue. Canst thou remember
A time before we came vnto this Cell?
I doe not thinke thou canst, for then thou was't not
Out three yeeres old.
- 130
- Mira. Certainely Sir, I can.
Pros. By what? by any other house, or person?
Of any thing the Image, tell me, that
Hath kept with thy remembrance.
Mira. 'Tis farre off:
- 135
- And rather like a dreame, then an assurance
That my remembrance warrants: Had I not
Fowre, or fiue women once, that tended me?
Pros. Thou hadst; and more Miranda: But how is it
That this liues in thy minde? What seest thou els
- 140
- In the dark-backward and Abisme of Time?
Yf thou remembrest ought ere thou cam'st here,
How thou cam'st here thou maist.
Mira. But that I doe not.
Pros. Twelue yere since (Miranda) twelue yere since,
- 145
- Thy father was the Duke of Millaine and
A Prince of power:
Mira. Sir, are not you my Father?
Pros. Thy Mother was a peece of vertue, and
She said thou wast my daughter; and thy father
- 150
- Was Duke of Millaine, and his onely heire,
And Princesse; no worse Issued.
Mira. O the heauens,
What fowle play had we, that we came from thence?
Or blessed was't we did?
- 155
- Pros. Both, both my Girle.
By fowle-play (as thou saist) were we heau'd thence,
But blessedly holpe hither.
Mira. O my heart bleedes
To thinke oth' teene that I haue turn'd you to,
- 160
- Which is from my remembrance, please you, farther;
Pros. My brother and thy vncle, call'd Anthonio:
I pray thee marke me, that a brother should
Be so perfidious: he, whom next thy selfe
Of all the world I lou'd, and to him put
- 165
- The mannage of my state, as at that time
Through all the signories it was the first,
And Prospero, the prime Duke, being so reputed
In dignity; and for the liberall Artes,
Without a paralell; those being all my studie,
- 170
- The Gouernment I cast vpon my brother,
And to my State grew stranger, being transported
And rapt in secret studies, thy false vncle
(Do'st thou attend me?)
Mira. Sir, most heedefully.
- 175
- Pros. Being once perfected how to graunt suites,
how to deny them: who t' aduance, and who
To trash for ouer-topping; new created
The creatures that were mine, I say, or chang'd 'em,
Or els new form'd 'em; hauing both the key,
- 180
- Of Officer, and office, set all hearts i'th state
To what tune pleas'd his eare, that now he was
The Iuy which had hid my princely Trunck,
And suckt my verdure out on't: Thou attend'st not?
Mira. O good Sir, I doe.
- 185
- Pros. I pray thee marke me:
I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated
To closenes, and the bettering of my mind
with that, which but by being so retir'd
Ore-priz'd all popular rate: in my false brother
- 190
- Awak'd an euill nature, and my trust
Like a good parent, did beget of him
A falsehood in it's contrarie, as great
As my trust was, which had indeede no limit,
A confidence sans bound. He being thus Lorded,
- 195
- Not onely with what my reuenew yeelded,
But what my power might els exact. Like one
Who hauing into truth, by telling of it,
Made such a synner of his memorie
To credite his owne lie, he did beleeue
- 200
- He was indeed the Duke, out o'th' Substitution
And executing th' outward face of Roialtie
With all prerogatiue: hence his Ambition growing:
Do'st thou heare ?
Mira. Your tale, Sir, would cure deafenesse.
- 205
- Pros. To haue no Schreene between this part he plaid,
And him he plaid it for, he needes will be
Absolute Millaine, Me (poore man) my Librarie
Was Dukedome large enough: of temporall roalties
He thinks me now incapable. Confederates
- 210
- (so drie he was for Sway) with King of Naples
To giue him Annuall tribute, doe him homage
Subiect his Coronet, to his Crowne and bend
The Dukedom yet vnbow'd (alas poore Millaine)
To most ignoble stooping.
- 215
- Mira. Oh the heauens:
Pros. Marke his condition, and th' euent, then tell me
If this might be a brother.
Mira. I should sinne
To thinke but Noblie of my Grand-mother,
- 3
- Good wombes haue borne bad sonnes.
Pro. Now the Condition.
This King of Naples being an Enemy
To me inueterate, hearkens my Brothers suit,
Which was, That he in lieu o'th' premises,
- 225
- Of homage, and I know not how much Tribute,
Should presently extirpate me and mine
Out of the Dukedome, and confer faire Millaine
With all the Honors, on my brother: Whereon
A treacherous Armie leuied, one mid-night
- 230
- Fated to th' purpose, did Anthonio open
The gates of Millaine, and ith' dead of darkenesse
The ministers for th' purpose hurried thence
Me, and thy crying selfe.
Mir. Alack, for pitty:
- 235
- I not remembring how I cride out then
Will cry it ore againe: it is a hint
That wrings mine eyes too't.
Pro. Heare a little further,
And then I'le bring thee to the present businesse
- 240
- Which now's vpon's: without the which, this Story
Were most impertinent.
Mir. Wherefore did they not
That howre destroy vs?
Pro. Well demanded, wench:
- 245
- My Tale prouokes that question: Deare, they durst not,
So deare the loue my people bore me: nor set
A marke so bloudy on the businesse; but
With colours fairer, painted their foule ends.
In few, they hurried vs a-boord a Barke,
- 250
- Bore vs some Leagues to Sea, where they prepared
A rotten carkasse of a Butt, not rigg'd,
Nor tackle, sayle, nor mast, the very rats
Instinctiuely haue quit it: There they hoyst vs
To cry to th' Sea, that roard to vs; to sigh
- 255
- To th' windes, whose pitty sighing backe againe
Did vs but louing wrong.
Mir. Alack, what trouble
Was I then to you?
Pro. O, a Cherubin
- 260
- Thou was't that did preserue me; Thou didst smile,
Infused with a fortitude from heauen,
When I haue deck'd the sea with drops full salt,
Vnder my burthen groan'd, which rais'd in me
An vndergoing stomacke, to beare vp
- 265
- Against what should ensue.
Mir. How came we a shore?
Pro. By prouidence diuine,
Some food, we had, and some fresh water, that
A noble Neopolitan Gonzalo
- 270
- Out of his Charity, (who being then appointed
Master of this designe) did giue vs, with
Rich garments, linnens, stuffs, and necessaries
Which since haue steeded much, so of his gentlenesse
Knowing I lou'd my bookes, he furnishd me
- 275
- From mine owne Library, with volumes, that
I prize aboue my Dukedome.
Mir. Would I might
But euer see that man.
Pro. Now I arise,
- 280
- Sit still, and heare the last of our sea-sorrow:
Heere in this Iland we arriu'd, and heere
Haue I, thy Schoolemaster, made thee more profit
Then other Princesse can, that haue more time
For vainer howres; and Tutors, not so carefull.
- 285
- Mir. Heuens thank you for't. And now I pray you Sir,
For still 'tis beating in my minde; your reason
For raysing this Sea-storme?
Pro. Know thus far forth,
By accident most strange, bountifull Fortune
- 290
- (Now my deere Lady) hath mine enemies
Brought to this shore: And by my prescience
I finde my Zenith doth depend vpon
A most auspitious starre, whose influence
If now I court not, but omit; my fortunes
- 295
- Will euer after droope: Heare cease more questions,
Thou art inclinde to sleepe: 'tis a good dulnesse,
And giue it way: I know thou canst not chuse:
Come away, Seruant, come; I am ready now,
Approach my Ariel. Come. Enter Ariel.
- 300
- Ari. All haile, great Master, graue Sir, haile: I come
To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly,
To swim, to diue into the fire: to ride
On the curld clowds: to thy strong bidding, taske
Ariel, and all his Qualitie.
- 305
- Pro. Hast thou, Spirit,
Performd to point, the Tempest that I bad thee.
Ar. To euery Article.
I boorded the Kings ship: now on the Beake,
Now in the Waste, the Decke, in euery Cabyn,
- 310
- I flam'd amazement, sometime I'ld diuide
And burne in many places; on the Top-mast,
The Yards and Bore-spritt, would I flame distinctly,
Then meete, and ioyne. Ioues Lightning, the precursers
O'th dreadfull Thunder-claps more momentarie
- 315
- And sight out-running were not; the fire, and cracks
Of sulphurous roaring, the most mighty Neptune
Seeme to besiege, and make his bold waues tremble,
Yea, his dread Trident shake.
Pro. My braue Spirit,
- 320
- Who was so firme, so constant, that this coyle
Would not infect his reason?
Ar. Not a soule
But felt a Feauer of the madde, and plaid
Some tricks of desperation; all but Mariners
- 325
- Plung'd in the foaming bryne, and quit the vessell;
Then all a fire with me the Kings sonne Ferdinand
With haire vp-staring (then like reeds, not haire)
Was the first man that leapt; cride hell is empty,
And all the Diuels are heere.
- 330
- Pro. Why that's my spirit:
But was not this nye shore?
Ar. Close by, my Master.
Pro. But are they (Ariell) safe?
Ar. Not a haire perishd:
- 335
- On their sustaining garments not a blemish,
But fresher then before: and as thou badst me,
In troops I haue dispersd them 'bout the Isle:
The Kings sonne haue I landed by himselfe,
Whom I left cooling of the Ayre with sighes,
- 340
- In an odde Angle of the Isle, and sitting
His armes in this sad knot.
Pro. Of the Kings ship,
The Marriners, say how thou hast disposd,
And all the rest o'th' Fleete?
- 345
- Ar. Safely in harbour
Is the Kings shippe, in the deepe Nooke, where once
Thou calldst me vp at midnight to fetch dewe
From the still-vext Bermoothes, there she's hid;
The Marriners all vnder hatches stowed,
- 350
- Who, with a Charme ioynd to their suffred labour
I haue left asleep: and for the rest o'th' Fleet
- 4
- (Which I dispers'd) they all haue met againe,
And are vpon the Mediterranian Flote
Bound sadly home for Naples,
- 355
- Supposing that they saw the Kings ship wrackt,
And his great person perish.
Pro. Ariel, thy charge
Exactly is perform'd; but there's more worke:
What is the time o'th' day?
- 360
- Ar. Past the mid season.
Pro. At least two Glasses: the time 'twixt six & now
Must by vs both be spent most preciously.
Ar. Is there more toyle? Since y dost giue me pains,
Let me remember thee what thou hast promis'd,
- 365
- Which is not yet perform'd me.
Pro. How now? moodie?
What is't thou canst demand?
Ar. My Libertie.
Pro. Before the time be out? no more:
- 370
- Ar. I prethee,
Remember I haue done thee worthy seruice,
Told thee no lyes, made thee no mistakings, serv'd
Without or grudge, or grumblings; thou did promise
To bate me a full yeere.
- 375
- Pro. Do'st thou forget
From what a torment I did free thee? Ar. No.
Pro. Thou do'st: & thinkst it much to tread y Ooze
Of the salt deepe;
To run vpon the sharpe winde of the North,
- 380
- To doe me businesse in the veines o'th' earth
When it is bak'd with frost.
Ar. I doe not Sir.
Pro. Thou liest, malignant Thing: hast thou forgot
The fowle Witch Sycorax, who with Age and Enuy
- 385
- Was growne into a hoope? hast thou forgot her?
Ar. No Sir.
Pro. Thou hast: where was she born? speak: tell me:
Ar. Sir, in Argier.
Pro. Oh, was she so: I must
- 390
- Once in a moneth recount what thou hast bin,
Which thou forgetst. This damn'd Witch Sycorax
For mischiefes manifold, and sorceries terrible
To enter humane hearing, from Argier
Thou know'st was banish'd: for one thing she did
- 395
- They wold not take her life: Is not this true? Ar. I, Sir.
Pro. This blew ey'd hag, was hither brought with child,
And here was left by th' Saylors; thou my slaue,
As thou reportst thy selfe, was then her seruant,
And for thou wast a Spirit too delicate
- 400
- To act her earthy, and abhord commands,
Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee
By helpe of her more potent Ministers,
And in her most vnmittigable rage,
Into a clouen Pyne, within which rift
- 405
- Imprison'd, thou didst painefully remaine
A dozen yeeres: within which space she di'd,
And left thee there: where thou didst vent thy groanes
As fast as Mill-wheeles strike: Then was this Island
(Saue for the Son, that he did littour heere,
- 410
- A frekelld whelpe, hag-borne) not honour'd with
A humane shape.
Ar. Yes: Caliban her sonne.
Pro. Dull thing, I say so: he, that Caliban
Whom now I keepe in seruice, thou best know'st
- 415
- What torment I did finde thee in; thy grones
Did make wolues howle, and penetrate the breasts
Of euer-angry Beares; it was a torment
To lay vpon the damn'd, which Sycorax
Could not againe vndoe: it was mine Art,
- 420
- When I arriu'd, and heard thee, that made gape
The Pyne, and let thee out.
Ar. I thanke thee Master.
Pro. If thou more murmur'st, I will rend an Oake
And peg-thee in his knotty entrailes, till
- 425
- Thou hast howl'd away twelue winters.
Ar. Pardon, Master,
I will be correspondent to command
And doe my spryting, gently.
Pro. Doe so: and after two daies
- 430
- I will discharge thee.
Ar. That's my noble Master:
What shall I doe? say what? what shall I doe?
Pro. Goe make thy selfe like a Nymph o'th' Sea,
Be subiect to no sight but thine, and mine: inuisible
- 435
- To euery eye-ball else: goe take this shape
And hither come in't: goe: hence
With diligence. Exit.
Pro. Awake, deere hart awake, thou hast slept well,
- 440
- Mir. The strangenes of your story, put
Heauinesse in me.
Pro. Shake it off: Come on,
Wee'll visit Caliban, my slaue, who neuer
Yeelds vs kinde answere.
- 445
- Mir. 'Tis a villaine Sir, I doe not loue to looke on.
Pro. But as 'tis
We cannot misse him: he do's make our fire,
Fetch in our wood, and serues in Offices
That profit vs: What hoa: slaue: Caliban:
- 450
- Thou Earth, thou: speake.
Cal. within. There's wood enough within.
Pro. Come forth I say, there's other busines for thee:
Come thou Tortoys, when? Enter Ariel like a water-Nymph.
Fine apparision: my queint Ariel,
- 455
- Hearke in thine eare.
Ar. My Lord, it shall be done. Exit.
Pro. Thou poysonous slaue, got by y diuell himselfe
Vpon thy wicked Dam; come forth. Enter Caliban.
Cal. As wicked dewe, as ere my mother brush'd
- 460
- With Rauens feather from vnwholesome Fen
Drop on you both: A Southwest blow on yee,
And blister you all ore.
Pro. For this be sure, to night thou shalt haue cramps,
Side-stitches, that shall pen thy breath vp, Vrchins
- 465
- Shall for that vast of night, that they may worke
All exercise on thee: thou shalt be pinch'd
As thicke as hony-combe, each pinch more stinging
Then Bees that made 'em.
Cal. I must eat my dinner:
- 470
- This Island's mine by Sycorax my mother,
Which thou tak'st from me: when thou cam'st first
Thou stroakst me, & made much of me: wouldst giue me
Water with berries in't: and teach me how
To name the bigger Light, and how the lesse
- 475
- That burne by day, and night: and then I lou'd thee
And shew'd thee all the qualities o'th' Isle,
The fresh Springs, Brine-pits; barren place and fertill,
Curs'd be I that did so: All the Charmes
Of Sycorax: Toades, Beetles, Batts light on you:
- 480
- For I am all the Subiects that you haue,
Which first was min owne King: and here you sty-me
In this hard Rocke, whiles you doe keepe from me
The rest o'th' Island.
- 5
- Pro. Thou most lying slaue,
- 485
- Whom stripes may moue, not kindnes: I haue vs'd thee
(Filth as thou art) with humane care, and lodg'd thee
In mine owne Cell, till thou didst seeke to violate
The honor of my childe.
Cal. Oh ho, oh ho, would't had bene done:
- 490
- Thou didst preuent me, I had peopel'd else
This Isle with Calibans.
Mira. Abhorred Slaue,
Which any print of goodnesse wilt not take,
Being capable of all ill: I pittied thee,
- 495
- Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each houre
One thing or other: when thou didst not (Sauage)
Know thine owne meaning; but wouldst gabble, like
A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposes
With words that made them knowne: But thy vild race
- 500
- (Tho thou didst learn) had that in't, which good natures
Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou
Deseruedly confin'd into this Rocke, who hadst
Deseru'd more then a prison.
Cal. You taught me Language, and my profit on't
- 505
- Is, I know how to curse: the red-plague rid you
For learning me your language.
Pros. Hag-seed, hence:
Fetch vs in Fewell, and be quicke thou'rt best
To answer other businesse: shrug'st thou (Malice)
- 510
- If thou neglectst, or dost vnwillingly
What I command, Ile racke thee with old Crampes,
Fill all thy bones with Aches, make thee rore,
That beasts shall tremble at thy dyn.
Cal. No, 'pray thee.
- 515
- I must obey, his Art is of such pow'r,
It would controll my Dams god Setebos,
And make a vassaile of him.
Pro. So slaue, hence. Exit Cal.
Enter Ferdinand & Ariel, inuisible playing & singing.
- 520
- Ariel Song. Come vnto these yellow sands,
and then take hands:
Curtsied when you haue, and kist
the wilde waues whist:
Foote it featly heere, and there, and sweete Sprights beare
- 525
- the burthen. Burthen dispersedly.
Harke, harke, bowgh wawgh: the watch-Dogges barke,
Ar. Hark, hark, I heare, the straine of strutting Chanticlere
cry cockadidle-dowe.
- 530
- Fer. Where shold this Musick be? I'th aire, or th' earth?
It sounds no more: and sure it waytes vpon
Some God o'th' Iland, sitting on a banke,
Weeping againe the King my Fathers wracke.
This Musicke crept by me vpon the waters,
- 535
- Allaying both their fury, and my passion
With it's sweet ayre: thence I haue follow'd it
(Or it hath drawne me rather) but 'tis gone.
No, it begins againe.
Ariell Song. Full fadom fiue thy Father lies,
- 540
- Of his bones are Corrall made:
Those are pearles that were his eies,
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a Sea-change
Into something rich, & strange:
- 545
- Sea-Nimphs hourly ring his knell.
Burthen: ding dong.
Harke now I heare them, ding-dong bell.
Fer. The Ditty do's remember my drown'd father,
This is no mortall busines, nor no sound
- 550
- That the earth owes: I heare it now aboue me.
Pro. The fringed Curtaines of thine eye aduance,
And say what thou see'st yond.
Mira. What is't a Spirit?
Lord, how it lookes about: Beleeue me sir,
- 555
- It carries a braue forme. But 'tis a spirit.
Pro. No wench, it eats, and sleeps, & hath such senses
As we haue: such. This Gallant which thou seest
Was in the wracke: and but hee's something stain'd
With greefe (that's beauties canker) y might'st call him
- 560
- A goodly person: he hath lost his fellowes,
And strayes about to finde 'em.
Mir. I might call him
A thing diuine, for nothing naturall
I euer saw so Noble.
- 565
- Pro. It goes on I see
As my soule prompts it: Spirit, fine spirit, Ile free thee
Within two dayes for this.
Fer. Most sure the Goddesse
On whom these ayres attend: Vouchsafe my pray'r
- 570
- May know if you remaine vpon this Island,
And that you will some good instruction giue
How I may beare me heere: my prime request
(Which I do last pronounce) is (O you wonder)
If you be Mayd, or no?
- 575
- Mir. No wonder Sir,
But certainly a Mayd.
Fer. My Language? Heauens:
I am the best of them that speake this speech,
Were I but where 'tis spoken.
- 580
- Pro. How? the best?
What wer't thou if the King of Naples heard thee?
Fer. A single thing, as I am now, that wonders
To heare thee speake of Naples: he do's heare me,
And that he do's, I weepe: my selfe am Naples,
- 585
- Who, with mine eyes (neuer since at ebbe) beheld
The King my Father wrack't.
Mir. Alacke, for mercy.
Fer. Yes faith, & all his Lords, the Duke of Millaine
And his braue sonne, being twaine.
- 590
- Pro. The Duke of Millaine
And his more brauer daughter, could controll thee
If now 'twere fit to do't: At the first sight
They haue chang'd eyes: Delicate Ariel,
Ile set thee free for this. A word good Sir,
- 595
- I feare you haue done your selfe some wrong: A word.
Mir. Why speakes my father so vngently? This
Is the third man that ere I saw: the first
That ere I sigh'd for: pitty moue my father
To be enclin'd my way.
- 600
- Fer. O, if a Virgin,
And your affection not gone forth, Ile make you
The Queene of Naples.
Pro. Soft sir, one word more.
They are both in eythers pow'rs: But this swift busines
- 605
- I must vneasie make, least too light winning
Make the prize light. One word more: I charge thee
That thou attend me: Thou do'st heere vsurpe
The name thou ow'st not, and hast put thy selfe
Vpon this Island, as a spy, to win it
- 610
- From me, the Lord on't.
Fer. No, as I am a man.
Mir. Ther's nothing ill, can dwell in such a Temple,
If the ill-spirit haue so fayre a house,
Good things will striue to dwell with't.
- 615
- Pro. Follow me.
- 6
- Pros. Speake not you for him: hee's a Traitor: come,
Ile manacle thy necke and feete together:
Sea water shalt thou drinke: thy food shall be
The fresh-brooke Mussels, wither'd roots, and huskes
- 620
- Wherein the Acorne cradled. Follow.
Fer. No,
I will resist such entertainment, till
Mine enemy ha's more pow'r.
He drawes, and is charmed from mouing.
- 625
- Mira. O deere Father,
Make not too rash a triall of him, for
Hee's gentle, and not fearfull.
Pros. What I say,
My foote my Tutor? Put thy sword vp Traitor,
- 630
- Who mak'st a shew, but dar'st not strike: thy conscience
Is so possest with guilt: Come, from thy ward,
For I can heere disarme thee with this sticke,
And make thy weapon drop.
Mira. Beseech you Father.
- 635
- Pros. Hence: hang not on my garments.
Mira. Sir haue pity,
Ile be his surety.
Pros. Silence: One word more
Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee: What,
- 640
- An aduocate for an Impostor? Hush:
Thou think'st there is no more such shapes as he,
(Hauing seene but him and Caliban:) Foolish wench,
To th' most of men, this is a Caliban,
And they to him are Angels.
- 645
- Mira. My affections
Are then most humble: I haue no ambition
To see a goodlier man.
Pros. Come on, obey:
Thy Nerues are in their infancy againe.
- 650
- And haue no vigour in them.
Fer. So they are:
My spirits, as in a dreame, are all bound vp:
My Fathers losse, the weaknesse which I feele,
The wracke of all my friends, nor this mans threats,
- 655
- To whom I am subdude, are but light to me,
Might I but through my prison once a day
Behold this Mayd: all corners else o'th' Earth
Let liberty make vse of: space enough
Haue I in such a prison.
- 660
- Pros. It workes: Come on.
Thou hast done well, fine Ariell: follow me,
Harke what thou else shalt do mee.
Mira. Be of comfort,
My Fathers of a better nature (Sir)
- 665
- Then he appeares by speech: this is vnwonted
Which now came from him.
Pros. Thou shalt be as free
As mountaine windes; but then exactly do
All points of my command.
- 670
- Ariell. To th' syllable.
Pros. Come follow: speake not for him. Exeunt.