- A c t u s q u i n t u s .

Heinrich Füssli
Ariel, 1800/10
- S c n a P r i m a .
Enter Prospero (in his Magicke robes) and Ariel.
Pro. Now do's my Proiect gather to a head:
My charmes cracke not: my Spirits obey, and Time
Goes vpright with his carriage: how's the day?
- 1950
- Ar. On the sixt hower, at which time, my Lord
You said our worke should cease.
Pro. I did say so,
When first I rais'd the Tempest: say my Spirit,
How fares the King, and's followers?
- 1955
- Ar. Confin'd together
In the same fashion, as you gaue in charge,
Iust as you left them; all prisoners Sir
In the Line-groue which weather-fends your Cell,
They cannot boudge till your release: The King,
- 1960
- His Brother, and yours, abide all three distracted,
And the remainder mourning ouer them,
Brim full of sorrow, and dismay: but chiefly
Him that you term'd Sir, the good old Lord Gonzallo,
His teares runs downe his beard like winters drops
- 1965
- From eaues of reeds: your charm so strongly works 'em
That if you now beheld them, your affections
Would become tender.
Pro. Dost thou thinke so, Spirit?
Ar. Mine would, Sir, were I humane.
- 1970
- Pro. And mine shall.
Hast thou (which art but aire) a touch, a feeling
Of their afflictions, and shall not my selfe,
One of their kinde, that rellish all as sharpely,
Passion as they, be kindlier mou'd then thou art?
- 1975
- Thogh with their high wrongs I am strook to th' quick,
Yet, with my nobler reason, gainst my furie
Doe I take part: the rarer Action is
In vertue, then in vengeance: they, being penitent,
The sole drift of my purpose doth extend
- 1980
- Not a frowne further: Goe, release them Ariell,
My Charmes Ile breake, their sences Ile restore,
And they shall be themselues.
Ar. Ile fetch them, Sir. Exit.
Pro. Ye Elues of hils, brooks, sta[n]ding lakes & groues,
- 1985
- And ye, that on the sands with printlesse foote
Doe chase the ebbing-Neptune, and doe flie him
When he comes backe: you demy-Puppets, that
By Moone-shine doe the greene sowre Ringlets make,
Whereof the Ewe not bites: and you, whose pastime
- 1990
- Is to make midnight-Mushrumps, that reioyce
To heare the solemne Curfewe, by whose ayde
(Weake Masters though ye be) I haue bedymn'd
The Noone-tide Sun, call'd forth the mutenous windes,
And twixt the greene Sea, and the azur'd vault
- 1995
- Set roaring warre: To the dread ratling Thunder
Haue I giuen fire, and rifted Ioues stowt Oke
With his owne Bolt: The strong bass'd promontorie
Haue I made shake, and by the spurs pluckt vp
The Pyne, and Cedar. Graues at my command
- 2000
- Haue wak'd their sleepers, op'd, and let 'em forth
By my so potent Art. But this rough Magicke
I heere abiure: and when I haue requir'd
Some heauenly Musicke (which euen now I do)
To worke mine end vpon their Sences, that
- 2005
- This Ayrie-charme is for, I'le breake my staffe,
Bury it certaine fadomes in the earth,
And deeper then did euer Plummet sound
Ile drowne my booke. Solemne musicke.
Heere enters Ariel before: Then Alonso with a franticke ge-
- 2010
- sture, attended by Gonzalo. Sebastian and Anthonio in
like manner attended by Adrian and Francisco: They all
enter the circle which Prospero had made, and there stand
charm'd: which Prospero obseruing, speakes.
A solemne Ayre, and the best comforter,
- 2015
- To an vnsetled fancie, Cure thy braines
(Now vselesse) boile within thy skull: there stand
For you are Spell-stopt.
Holy Gonzallo, Honourable man,
Mine eyes ev'n sociable to the shew of thine
- 2020
- Fall fellowly drops: The charme dissolues apace,
And as the morning steales vpon the night
(Melting the darkenesse) so their rising sences
Begin to chace the ignorant fumes that mantle
Their cleerer reason. O good Gonzallo
- 2025
- My true preseruer, and a loyall Sir,
To him thou follow'st; I will pay thy graces
Home both in word, and deede: Most cruelly
- 17
- Did thou Alonso, vse me, and my daughter:
Thy brother was a furtherer in the Act,
- 2030
- Thou art pinch'd for't now Sebastian. Flesh, and bloud,
You, brother mine, that entertaine ambition,
Expelld remorse, and nature, whom, with Sebastian
(Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong)
Would heere haue kill'd your King: I do forgiue thee,
- 2035
- Vnnaturall though thou art: Their vnderstanding
Begins to swell, and the approching tide
Will shortly fill the reasonable shore
That now ly foule, and muddy: not one of them
That yet lookes on me, or would know me: Ariell,
- 2040
- Fetch me the Hat, and Rapier in my Cell,
I will discase me, and my selfe present
As I was sometime Millaine: quickly Spirit,
Thou shalt ere long be free.
Ariell sings, and helps to attire him.
- 2045
- Where the Bee sucks, there suck I,
In a Cowslips bell, I lie,
There I cowch when Owles doe crie,
On the Batts backe I doe flie
after Sommer merrily.
- 2050
- Merrily, merrily, shall I liue now,
Vnder the blossom that hangs on the Bow.
Pro. Why that's my dainty Ariell: I shall misse
Thee, but yet thou shalt haue freedome: so, so, so,
To the Kings ship, inuisible as thou art,
- 2055
- There shalt thou finde the Marriners asleepe
Vnder the Hatches: the Master and the Boat-swaine
Being awake, enforce them to this place;
And presently, I pre'thee.
Ar. I drinke the aire before me, and returne
- 2060
- Or ere your pulse twice beate. Exit.
Gon. All torment, trouble, wonder, and amazement
Inhabits heere: some heauenly power guide vs
Out of this fearefull Country.
Pro. Behold Sir King
- 2065
- The wronged Duke of Millaine, Prospero:
For more assurance that a liuing Prince
Do's now speake to thee, I embrace thy body,
And to thee, and thy Company, I bid
A hearty welcome.
- 2070
- Alo. Where thou bee'st he or no,
Or some inchanted triflle to abuse me,
(As late I haue beene) I not know: thy Pulse
Beats as of flesh, and blood: and since I saw thee,
Th' affliction of my minde amends, with which
- 2075
- I feare a madnesse held me: this must craue
(And if this be at all) a most strange story.
Thy Dukedome I resigne, and doe entreat
Thou pardon me my wrongs: But how shold Prospero
Be liuing, and be heere?
- 2080
- Pro. First, noble Frend,
Let me embrace thine age, whose honor cannot
Be measur'd, or confin'd.
Gonz. Whether this be,
Or be not, I'le not sweare.
- 2085
- Pro. You doe yet taste
Some subtleties o'th' Isle, that will nor let you
Beleeue things certaine: Wellcome, my friends all,
But you, my brace of Lords, were I so minded
I heere could plucke his Highnesse frowne vpon you
- 2090
- And iustifie you Traitors: at this time
I will tell no tales.
Seb. The Diuell speakes in him:
Pro. No:
For you (most wicked Sir) whom to call brother
- 2095
- Would euen infect my mouth, I do forgiue
Thy rankest fault; all of them: and require
My Dukedome of thee, which, perforce I know
Thou must restore.
Alo. If thou beest Prospero
- 2100
- Giue vs particulars of thy preseruation,
How thou hast met vs heere, whom three howres since
Were wrackt vpon this shore? where I haue lost
(How sharp the point of this remembrance is)
My deere sonne Ferdinand.
- 2105
- Pro. I am woe for't, Sir.
Alo. Irreparable is the losse, and patience
Saies, it is past her cure.
Pro. I rather thinke
You haue not sought her helpe, of whose soft grace
- 2110
- For the like losse, I haue her soueraigne aid,
And rest my selfe content.
Alo. You the like losse?
Pro. As great to me, as late, and supportable
To make the deere losse, haue I meanes much weaker
- 2115
- Then you may call to comfort you; for I
Haue lost my daughter.
Alo. A daughter?
Oh heauens, that they were liuing both in Naples
The King and Queene there, that they were, I wish
- 2120
- My selfe were mudded in that oo-zie bed
Where my sonne lies: when did you lose your daughter?
Pro. In this last Tempest. I perceiue these Lords
At this encounter doe so much admire,
That they deuoure their reason, and scarce thinke
- 2125
- Their eies doe offices of Truth: Their words
Are naturall breath: but howsoeu'r you haue
Beene iustled from your sences, know for certain
That I am Prospero, and that very Duke
Which was thrust forth of Millaine, who most strangely
- 2130
- Vpon this shore (where you were wrackt) was landed
To be the Lord on't: No more yet of this,
For 'tis a Chronicle of day by day,
Not a relation for a break-fast, nor
Befitting this first meeting: Welcome, Sir;
- 2135
- This Cell's my Court: heere haue I few attendants,
And Subiects none abroad: pray you looke in:
My Dukedome since you haue giuen me againe,
I will requite you with as good a thing,
At least bring forth a wonder, to content ye
- 2140
- As much, as me my Dukedome.
Here Prospero discouers Ferdinand and Miranda, play-
ing at Chesse.
Mir. Sweet Lord, you play me false.
Fer. No my dearest loue,
- 2145
- I would not for the world.
Mir. Yes, for a score of Kingdomes, you should wrangle,
And I would call it faire play.
Alo. If this proue
A vision of the Island, one deere Sonne
- 2150
- Shall I twice loose.
Seb. A most high miracle.
Fer. Though the Seas threaten they are mercifull,
I haue curs'd them without cause.
Alo. Now all the blessings
- 2155
- Of a glad father, compasse thee about:
Arise, and say how thou cam'st heere.
Mir. O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there heere?
How beauteous mankinde is? O braue new world
- 18
- That has such people in't.
Pro. 'Tis new to thee.
Alo. What is this Maid, with whom thou was't at play?
Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three houres:
Is she the goddesse that hath seuer'd vs,
- 2165
- And brought vs thus together?
Fer. Sir, she is mortall;
But by immortall prouidence, she's mine;
I chose her when I could not aske my Father
For his aduise: nor thought I had one: She
- 2170
- Is daughter to this famous Duke of Millaine,
Of whom, so often I haue heard renowne,
But neuer saw before: of whom I haue
Receiu'd a second life; and second Father
This Lady makes him to me.
- 2175
- Alo. I am hers.
But O, how odly will it sound, that I
Must aske my childe forgiuenesse?
Pro. There Sir stop,
Let vs not burthen our remembrances, with
- 2180
- A heauinesse that's gon.
Gon. I haue inly wept,
Or should haue spoke ere this: looke downe you gods
And on this couple drop a blessed crowne;
For it is you, that haue chalk'd forth the way
- 2185
- Which brought vs hither.
Alo. I say Amen, Gonzallo.
Gon. Was Millaine thrust from Millaine, that his Issue
Should become Kings of Naples? O reioyce
Beyond a common ioy, and set it downe
- 2190
- With gold on lasting Pillers: In one voyage
Did Claribell her husband finde at Tunis,
And Ferdinand her brother, found a wife,
Where he himselfe was lost: Prospero, his Dukedome
In a poore Isle: and all of vs, our selues,
- 2195
- When no man was his owne.
Alo. Giue me your hands:
Let griefe and sorrow still embrace his heart,
That doth not wish you ioy.
Gon. Be it so, Amen.
- 2200
- Enter Ariell, with the Master and Boatswaine
amazedly following.
O looke Sir, looke Sir, here is more of vs:
I prophesi'd, if a Gallowes were on Land
This fellow could not drowne: Now blasphemy,
- 2205
- That swear'st Grace ore-boord, not an oath on shore,
Hast thou no mouth by land?
What is the newes?
Bot. The best newes is, that we haue safely found
Our King, and company: The next: our Ship,
- 2210
- Which but three glasses since, we gaue out split,
Is tyte, and yare, and brauely rig'd, as when
We first put out to Sea.
Ar. Sir, all this seruice
Haue I done since I went.
- 2215
- Pro. My tricksey Spirit.
Alo. These are not naturall euents, they strengthen
From strange, to stranger: say, how came you hither?
Bot. If I did thinke, Sir, I were well awake,
I'ld striue to tell you: we were dead of sleepe,
- 2220
- And (how we know not) all clapt vnder hatches,
Where, but euen now, with strange, and seuerall noyses
Of roring, shreeking, howling, gingling chaines,
And mo diuersitie of sounds, all horrible.
We were awak'd: straight way, at liberty;
- 2225
- Where we, in all our trim, freshly beheld
Our royall, good, and gallant Ship: our Master
Capring to eye her: on a trice, so please you,
Euen in a dreame, were we diuided from them,
And were brought moaping hither.
- 2230
- Ar. Was't well done?
Pro. Brauely (my diligence) thou shalt be free.
Alo. This is as strange a Maze, as ere men trod,
And there is in this businesse, more then nature
Was euer conduct of: some Oracle
- 2235
- Must rectifie our knowledge.
Pro. Sir, my Leige,
Doe not infest your minde, with beating on
The strangenesse of this businesse, at pickt leisure
(Which shall be shortly single) I'le resolue you,
- 2240
- (Which to you shall seeme probable) of euery
These happend accidents: till when, be cheerefull
And thinke of each thing well: Come hither Spirit,
Set Caliban, and his companions free:
Vntye the Spell: How fares my gracious Sir?
- 2245
- There are yet missing of your Companie
Some few odde Lads, that you remember not.
Enter Ariell, driuing in Caliban, Stephano, and
Trinculo in their stolne Apparell.
Ste. Euery man shift for all the rest, and let
- 2250
- No man take care for himselfe; for all is
But fortune: Coragio Bully-Monster Coragio.
Tri. If these be true spies which I weare in my head,
here's a goodly sight.
Cal. O Setebos, these be braue Spirits indeede:
- 2255
- How fine my Master is? I am afraid
He will chastise me.
Seb. Ha, ha:
What things are these, my Lord Anthonio?
Will money buy em?
- 2260
- Ant. Very like: one of them
Is a plaine Fish, and no doubt marketable.
Pro. Marke but the badges of these men, my Lords,
Then say if they be true: This mishapen knaue;
His Mother was a Witch, and one so strong
- 2265
- That could controle the Moone; make flowes, and ebs,
And deale in her command, without her power:
These three haue robd me, and this demy-diuell;
(For he's a bastard one) had plotted with them
To take my life: two of these Fellowes, you
- 2270
- Must know, and owne, this Thing of darkenesse, I
Acknowledge mine.
Cal. I shall be pincht to death.
Alo. Is not this Stephano, my drunken Butler?
Seb. He is drunke now;
- 2275
- Where had he wine?
Alo. And Trinculo is reeling ripe: where should they
Finde this grand Liquor that hath gilded 'em?
How cam'st thou in this pickle?
Tri. I haue bin in such a pickle since I saw you last,
- 2280
- That I feare me will neuer out of my bones:
I shall not feare fly-blowing.
Seb. Why how now Stephano?
Ste. O touch me not, I am not Stephano, but a Cramp.
Pro. You'ld be King o'the Isle, Sirha?
- 2285
- Ste. I should haue bin a sore one then.
Alo. This is a strange thing as ere I look'd on.
Pro. He is as disproportion'd in his Manners
As in his shape: Goe Sirha, to my Cell,
Take with you your Companions: as you looke
- 2290
- To haue my pardon, trim it handsomely.
Cal. I that I will: and Ile be wise hereafter,
- 19
- And seeke for grace: what a thrice double Asse
Was I to take this drunkard for a god?
And worship this dull foole?
- 2295
- Pro. Goe to, away.
Alo. Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it.
Seb. Or stole it rather.
Pro. Sir, I inuite your Highnesse, and your traine
To my poore Cell: where you shall take your rest
- 2300
- For this one night, which part of it, Ile waste
With such discourse, as I not doubt, shall make it
Goe quicke away: The story of my life,
And the particular accidents, gon by
Since I came to this Isle: And in the morne
- 2305
- I'le bring you to your ship, and so to Naples,
Where I haue hope to see the nuptiall
Of these our deere-belou'd, solemnized,
And thence retire me to my Millaine, where
Euery third thought shall be my graue.
- 2310
- Alo. I long
To heare the story of your life; which must
Take the eare strangely.
Pro. I'le deliuer all,
And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,
- 2315
- And saile, so expeditious, that shall catch
Your Royall fleete farre off: My Ariel; chicke
That is thy charge: Then to the Elements
Be free, and fare thou well: please you draw neere.
Exeunt omnes.