- T h e C o u n t e s s
o f P e m b r o o k e s
A r c a d i a
[Old Arcadia, written 1581]

- The Firste Booke or Acte
of the Countess of PEMBROOKES
- ARCADIA amonge all the Provinces of Grece was ever had in singuler reputation, partly for the sweetnes of ye Aire and other naturall benefittes: But, principally, for the moderate & well tempered myndes of the people, who, (fynding howe true a Contentation ys gotten by following the Course of Nature, And howe the shyning Title of glory somuche affected by other Nacions, dothe in deede help litle to the happines of lyfe) were the onely people, w[hi]ch as by theire Justice and providence, gave neyther Cause nor hope to theyre Neighboures to annoy them, so were they not stirred with false prayse, to trouble others quyett. Thincking yt a smalle Rewarde for ye wasting of theire owne lyves in ravening, that theire posterity shoulde longe after saye, they had done so: Eeven the Muses seemed to approove theire good determinacion, by chosing that Contrie as theire cheefest reparing place, and by bestowing theire perfections so largely there, that the very Shepeardes them selves had theire fancyes opened to so highe Conceiptes (as the moste learned of other nations have bene longe tyme since content) bothe to borrow theyre names, and imitate theire Conning
In this place some tyme there dwelte a mighty Duke named Basilius, a Prince of sufficient skill, to governe so quyett a Contrie, where the good myndes of the former Princes had sett downe good Lawes, and the well bringing up of the People (did serve as a moste sure Bonde to keepe them: Hee marryed Gynecia, the Daughter of the Kinge of Cyprus, a Lady worthy enoughe to have had her Name in continuall Remembrance, yf her later tyme had not blotted her well governed youthe: Allthoughe the wounde fell more to her owne Conscyence, then to the knouledg of the worlde, fortune somethinge supplying her wante of vertue.
Of her the Duke had twoo faire Daughters, the elder Pamela, the younger Philoclea, bothe so excellent in all those giftes which are allotted to reasonable Creatures, as they seemed to bee borne for a suffcient proof that, Nature ys [no] Steppmother to that Sexe: Howmuche soever the Rugged disposicôn of some men sharp witted onely in evill speaking, have soughte to disgrace them. And thus grewe they on, in eche good increase, till, Pamela, a yeare older then Philoclea came to the poynte of Seaventeene yeares of age: At which tyme, the Duke Basilius, not so muche stirred with the Care for his Contrie and Children, as with the vanity which possesseth many who (making a perpetuall mansion of this pore baiting place of mans lyfe) are desyerus to knowe the Certeinty of thinges to come, wherein there ys no thinge so certeyne as oure Continuall uncerteinty. Basilius, I say, wolde needes undertake a Jorney to Delphos, there, by the Oracle to enforme him self, whither the rest of his lyfe shoulde bee continewed in like tenor of happynes, as thitherunto yt had bene accompanyed with the wellbeeyng of his wyfe and Children: Whereuppon hee had placed greatest parte of his owne felicity, neyther did hee longe stay; But the woman appoynted to that Impiety (furiusly inspired) gave him in verse, this Answer.
Thy Elder care shall from thy carefull face
By Princely meane bee stolne, and yet not lost;
Thy Younger shall with Natures bliss embrace
An uncouth Love, whiche Nature hateth moste:
Thow with thy Wyffe adultery shalt committ,
And in thy Throne, a forreyn State shall sitt,
All this on thee this fatall yeare shall hitt.
Whiche as in parte yt was more obscure, then hee coulde understand, so did the whole beare suche manifest threatninges, that his amasement was greater then his fore Curiosity: Bothe passions proceeding oute of one weykenes, in vayne, to desyer to knowe that, of whiche in vayne thow shalt bee sory after thow haste knowne yt. But thus the Duke answered, though (not satisfyed) hee returned into his Contrie with a Countenance well witnessing the dismayednes of his hart, whiche, notwithstanding uppon good Consideracions hee thought not good to disclose, but onely to one chosen frende of his named Philanax; whome hee had ever founde a frende, not onely in affection but judgment, and no less of the Duke, then Dukedome: A rare temper whilest moste men eyther servilly yeelde to all appetites, or with an obstinate austerity, looking to that they fancy good, wholly neglect ye Princes person. But suche was this man, and in suche a man had Basilius bene happy, yf his mynde (corrupted with a Princes fortune) had not resolved to use a frendes secretsie, rather for Confirmacion of fancyes, then correcting of errors, which in this mighty matter hee well shewed: For having with many wordes discovered unto him bothe the Cause and success of his Delphos Jorney, in the ende hee tolde him that to prevent all these inconvenyences, of the losse of his Crowne and Children: For, as for the poynte of his wyfe, hee coulde no way understand yt.
Hee was resolved for this fatall yeare to reteyre him self with his wyfe and Daughters into a Solitary place: Where beeyng twoo Lodges buylte of purpose, hee wolde in the one ot them recomend his Daughter Pamela to his Principall Heardeman, A place (in that worlde not so farr goñ into paynted vanityes) of some credit by name Dametas. In whose blunt truthe hee had greate Confidence, thincking yt a Contrary salve ageanst the Destinie threatning her myshapp by a Prince, to place her with a Shepeard: In the other lodge hee and his wyfe woulde keepe theyre younger Jewell Philoclea. And (bycause the Oracle tuched some straunge love of hers) have the more Care of her in especiall keeping away her nearest Kinsemen, whome, hee deemed cheefly understood; and therewithall, all other likely to moove any suche humor. And so for him self, beeyng so crewelly menassed by fortune hee wolde drawe him self oute of her way by this Lonelynes, whiche hee thought was the surest meane to avoyde her blowes: where for his pleasure, hee woulde bee recreated with all those sportes and Eglogues, wherein ye Shepeardes of that Contry did muche excell.
As for the governement of the Contrie, & in especiall manning of his Frontiers, for, that onely way, hee thoughte a foreyne Prince mighte endanger his Crowne, hee wolde leave the Charge to certeyne selected persons: The Superintendance of all which hee woulde committ to Philanax, and so ended his speeche for fashions sake, askinge him his Counseyll. But Philanax having forthewth taken into ye depth of his Consideracion, bothe what the Duke saide, and with what mynde hee spake yt, with a true harte and humble Countenance, in this sorte answerede.
Moste Redoubted and beloved Prince, yf aswell yt had pleased yow at yor goyng to Delphos, as nowe to have used my humble service, bothe I shoulde in better season and to better purpose have spoken, and yow perhaps at this tyme shoulde have bene, as no way more in daunger, so, undoubtedly muche more in quyetues. I woulde then have saide unto yow that wisdome and vertue bee the onely destinyes appointed to man to followe, wherein one oughte to place all his knowledge; synce they bee suche guydes as can not fayle, whiche besydes theyre Inwarde Comforte, do make a man see so direct a way of proceeding, as prosperity must necessarily ensewe: And allthoughe the wickednes of the worlde shoulde oppress yt, yet, coulde yt not bee sayde, that evell happened to him, who should falle accompanyed with vertue So that eyther standing or falling with vertue, a man ys never in evell Case: I woulde then have sayde, the heavenly powers to bee reverenced and not searched into, and theyre mercy rather by prayers to bee soughte, then theyre hidden Counsells, by Curiosity; These kyndes of sowthesaying Sorcerers (since the heavens have lefte us in oure selves sufficient) to bee nothinge but fancyes wherein there must eyther bee vanity or infalliblenes, and so eyther not to bee respected, or not to bee prevented: But, since yt ys weykenes to muche to remember what shoulde have bene done, and that youre Commaundemt stretcheth what shall bee done, I doo (moste deare Lorde) with humble boldenes say that the maner of youre Determeynacion dothe in no sorte better please mee, then the Cause of your goynge. These thirty yeares past have yow so governed this Realme, that, neither youre Subjectes have wanted Justice in yow, nor yow obeydience in them, and youre Neighboures have founde yow so hurtlesly stronge, that they thought yt better to rest in youre frendship then make nowe tryall of youre enmity: Yf this then have proceeded oute of the good Constitution of youre State, and oute of a wyse providence generally to prevent all those thinges, which mighte encomber youre happynes, why shoulde yow now seeke newe Courses, since youre owne example comfortes yow to continew on? and that yt ys moste certeyne, no Destiny nor influence, whatsoever can bringe manns witt to a higher poynte then wisdome and goodues. Why shoulde yow deprive youre self of governing youre Dukedome, for feare of loosing youre Dukedome, like one that should kill him self for feare of deathe? Nay rather, yf this Oracle bee to bee accoumpted of, arme up youre corage the more ageanste yt, for who will sticke to him that ab[and]ones him self: Let youre Subjectes have yow in theyre eyes, Let them see the benefit of youre Justice daily more and more, and so must they needes rather like of present suretyes, then uncerteyne Chaunges, Lastly, whether youre tyme calle yow to live or dye, doo bothe like a Prince. And even ye same mynde holde I as tuching my Ladies youre Daughters, in whome Nature promyseth nothing but goodnes, and theyre education by youre fatherly Care hathe bene hetherto suche, as hathe bene moste fitt to restreyne all evell giving theire myndes to all vertuous delightes, and not greeving them for want of well ruled Liberty, now to falle to a sodeyn Streytening them: What can yt doo, but argue suspicion, the moste venemoust galle to vertue: Leave womens myndes, the most untamed that way, of any, See, whither any Cage can please a Byrde, or whether a Dogg growe not fiercer with tyinge: what doth Jelosy else but stirr up ye mynde to thincke what yt ys, from whiche they are restreyned? For they are Treasures of thinges of great delighte, which men use to hyde, for the aptnes they have to catche mens fancyes, and the thoughtes once awaked to that, harder sure yt ys to keepe those thoughtes from accomplishment, then yt had bene before to have kept the mynde (whiche beeyng the cheef parte by this meanes ys defyled) from thincking. Now further, recommending so principall a Charge of her (whose mynde goeth beyonde the governing of many hundreds of suche), to suche a person, as Dametas ys, besydes that, ye thinge in yt self ys straunge, yt comes of a very yll grounde, that ignorance shoulde bee ye mother of faythfullnes. O, no, hee can not bee good, that knowes not whye hee ys good, but standes so farr good, as his fortune may keepe him unassayed, but, coming to yt his rude simplicity ys eyther easily chaunged, or easily deceyved: And so growes that to bee the last excuse of his faulte, which seemed might have beene the first foundacion of his faythe. Thus farr hathe youre Comaundement and my zeale drawne mee to speake, whiche I like a man in a valley may discerne hilles, or like a pore passinger may espy a Rock, so humbly submitt to youre gracyous Consideracion: Beseeching yow to stand wholly uppon youre owne vertue, as the surest way, to meynteyne yow in that yow are and to avoyde any evell which may bee imagined.
Whilest Philanax used these wordes, a man mighte sce in the Dukes face, that as hee was wholy wedded to his owne opinion, so, was hee greeved to have any man saye that, which hee had not scene: yet did the good will hee bare to Philanax so farr prevail with him, that hee passed into no further Choler, but, with shorte maner asked him: And woulde yow then (saide hee) that, in chaunge of fortune I shoulde not chaunge my Determinacion, as wee doo oure apparell according to the ayer, and as the Shipp dothe her course with the wynde? Truely sir (answered hee) neither doo I as yet see any chaunge, and thoughe I did, yet woulde I thincke a constant vertue well settled litle Subject unto yt: And as in greate necessity I wolde allowe a well proportioned chaunge, so in the sighte of an Enimy to arme him self the lighter, or at every puffe of wynde to stryke saile, ys suche a Chaunge, as eyther will breade yll Success, or no success. To give place to blowes (sayde the Duke) ys thoughte no smalle wisedome: That ys true saide Philanax, but to give place before they come, taketh away the occasion when they come to give place. Yet, the Reedes stand with yeelding, saythe the Duke, and so are they but Reedes: Moste worthy Prince sayde Philonax, but the Rockes stand still and are Rockes. But, the Duke having used thus muche Dukely sophistry to deceyve him self and making his will, wisdome, tolde him resolutely, hee stoode upon his owne determeynacion, and therefore willed him with certeyne other hee named, to take the governement of the State, and specially to keepe narrowe watche of the Frontiers. Philanax acknoulledging him self muche honored by so great trust, went, with asmuche care to performe his Comaundement, as before hec had with faythe yeelded his Counsell: whiche in the later short disputacyons hee had rather proportioned to Basilius wordes, then to any soundnes of argument.
And Basilius, according to his determeynacion retyered him self into the solitary place of the twoo Lodges, where hee was daily delighted with the Eglogues and pastymes of Shepeheardes: In the one of whiche Lodges hee him self remayned with his wyfe, and ye beauty of the worlde Philoclea, in the other neare unto him hee placed his Daughter Pamela with Dametas, whose wyfe was Miso, and Daughter Mopsa, unfitt Company for so excellent a Creature, but to exercyse her patience and to serve for a foyle to her perfections.
Nowe, newely after that the Duke had begone this solitary lyfe there came (followyng the trayne theyre vertues ledd them) into this Contry, twoo young Princes: The younger, but cheefer, named Pyrocles onely sonne to Evarchus kinge of Macedon, the other his Cosyn germayne, Musidorus Duke of Thessalia, bothe like in vertues, nere in yeares, nere in blood, but nearest of all in frendshipp: And bycause this matterr ronnes principally of them, a fewe wordes, howe they came hether, will not bee superfluous.
Evarchus kinge of Macedon, a Prince of suche Justice, that hee never thought him self privilledged by beeyng a Prince, nor did measure greatenes by any thinge but by goodnes, as hee did thereby roote an Awfull love in his subjectes towardes him, so yet coulde hee not avoyde the assaultes of Envy ye enimy and yet the honor of vertue: For, the Kinges of Thrace, Pannonia and Epyrus not beeyng able to attayne to his perfections, thoughte in theyre base wickednes best to take away so odious a Comparison, least his vertues joyned to the fame and force of the Macedonians, might in tyme bothe conquer the bodyes, and winne the myndes of theyre Subjectes. And thus Conspiring together, they did three sondry wayes enter into his kingdome at one tyme: whiche sodeyne, and daungerus Invasions, allthough they did no thing astonish Evarchus, who carryed a hart prepared for all extremityes, (as a man that knewe bothe whatt yll mighte happen to a Man never so prosperus, and with all, what the uttermoste of that yll was) yet were they Cause, that Evarchus did sende away his youngest sonne Pyrocles (at that tyme but sixe yeares olde) to his Sister the Dowager & Regent of Thessalia, there to bee brought up with her sonne Musidorus: whiche thoughe yt proceeded of necessity, yet, was not ye Counsell in yt self unwyse. The sweete Emulation that grewe, beeyng an excellent Nurse of the good partes in these twoo Princes in deede borne to the exercyse of vertue: For, they accoumpting thincrease of theyre yeares with thincrease of all good Inward and owteward qualityes, and taking very tymely into theyre myndes, that the Devine parte of man was not inclosed in this body for nothinge, gave them selves wholy over to those knoulledges, which mighte in the Course of theyre lyfe bee Ministers to theyre well dooyng. And so grewe they on till Pyrocles came to bee XVIIteene and Musidorus XVIIIteen yeares of age: At whiche tyme Evarchus, after tenne yeares warr having conquered the Kingdome of Thrace, and brought the other twoo to bee his Tributaryes, lived in the principall City of Thrace called at that tyme Bisantium.
Whether hee sent for his sonne and Nevew to delighte his aged eyes in them, and to make them to enjoy the fruites of his victoryes: But so pleased yt God, who reserved them to greater traverses bothe of good and evell fortune, that the sea (to whiche they committed them selves) stirred to terrible tempest, forced them to falle farr from theyre Course, uppon the Coaste of Lydia. Where, what befell unto them, what valyant actes they did, passing, (in one yeares space) throughe the lesser Asia, Syria and Egipt, how many Ladyes they defended from wronges, and disinherited persons restored to theyre Righte, yt ys a worcke for a higher style then myne: This onely shall suffyce, that, theyre fame returned to fast before them into Grece, that the Kinge of Macedon receyved that, as the Comfort of theyre absence allthoughe accompanyed with somuche more longing, as hee founde ye manifestacyon of theyre worthynes greater. But they desyerus, more and more to excercyse theyre vertues, and increase theyre experience, tooke theyre Jorney from Egipt towardes Grece: whiche they did, they twoo alone, because that (beeyng theire native Contry) they mighte have the more perfect knowledg of yt, wherein, they that holde the Countenaunces of Princes, have theyre eyes moste daseled: And so taking Arcadia in theyre way, for the fame of the Contry, they came thether newly after that this straunge solitarynes had possessed Basilius.
Now so fell yt unto them, that they lodged in the howse of Kerxenus a principall gentleman in Mantinea (so was the City called) nereto the sollitary dwelling of the Duke: yt was Pyrocles eyther evell or good fortune, walking with his hoste in a fayre gallery, that hee perceyved a picture newly made by an excellent Artificer, which conteyned the Duke and Duches, with theyre younger Daughter Philoclea with suche Countenaunce and fashion as the maner of theyre lyfe held them in. Bothe the Parentes eyes cast with a loving Care upon theyre beutyfull Chylde, shee drawne aswell as yt was possible Arte shoulde counterfeict so perfect a worckmanship of Nature: For therein, besydes the shewe of her beutyes a man might judge eeven the nature of her Countenaunce, full of bashfullnes love and reverence, and all by the Cast of her eye, mixt with a sweete greef to fynde her vertue suspected.
This moved Pyrocles to falle into questions of her, wherein beeyng answered of the gentleman so muche as hee understoode, which was of her straunge kynde of Captivity neyther was yt knowne, how Longe yt should last, and there was an opinion growne, the Duke wolde graunte his Daughters in mariage to nobody: As the moste noble harte ys moste subject unto yt, from questyons grewe to pitty, and when with pitty once his harte was made kinder according to the aptnes of the humor, yt receyved streight a crewell impression of that wonderfull passion, which to bee defined ys impossible, by reason no wordes reache neare to the straunge nature of yt, they onely knowe yt whiche Inwardly feele yt, yt ys called Love. Yet did not the pore youthe at first knowe his Diseaze, thincking yt onely suche a kynde of desyer, as hee was wonte to have to see suche unwonted sightes and his pitty to bee no other but the fruites of his gentle Nature: But even this arguyng with him self, came to a further thoughte, and the more hee argued, the more his thoughte increased. Desyerus hee was to see the place where shee remayned as thoughe the Architecture of the Lodges woulde have beene muche for his learning: But more desyerus to see her self to bee Judge forsoothe of the paynters Conning, for thus at the first did hee flatter him self, as thoughe ye wounde had bene no deeper.
But when within short tyme hee came to the Degree of uncerteyn wisshes and that those wisshinges growe to unquyett longinges: when hee coulde fixe his thoughtes uppon no thinge, but that within a litle varrying, they shoulde ende with Philoclea. When eche thing hee sawe seemed to figure oute some parte of his passions, and that hee hearde no worde spoken, but that he Imagined yt carryed the sounde of Philocleas name: Then did pore Pyrocles yelde to the burthen, fynding him self prisoner, before hee had leysure to arme him self, and that hee mighte well (like the Spanyell) gnawe upon ye Cheyne that tyes him, but hee shoulde sooner marr his teeth then procure liberty.
Then was his cheef delighte, secretly to drawe his dere frend a walking to the desert of the twoo Lodges, where hee sawe no grass upon which hee thoughte Philoclea mighte happ to treade, but that hee envyed ye happynes of yt: And yet, with a contrary folly wolde sometymes recomend his whole estate unto yt, till at ye lengthe, Love, the Refyner of Invention putt in his heade, a way, howe to come to the sighte of his Philoclea. For which hee with greate speede and secretsy prepared every thinge that was necessary for his purpose, but, yet woulde not putt yt in execucion, till hee had disclosed yt to Musidorus, bothe to performe the true Lawes of Frendshipp and withall to have his Counseill and allowance: And yet oute of ye sweetenes of his Disposicion was basshfully afrayde, to breake yt with him, to whome (besydes other bondes) because hee was his Elder, hee bare a kynde of reverence, untill some fitt oportunity mighte, as yt were, drawe yt from him.
Whiche occasion tyme shortly presented unto him, for Musidorus having informed him self fully of the strengthe and Riches of ye Contry, of the nature of the people, and of the manner of theyre Lawes, & seeyng the Dukes Courte coulde not bee visited, and that they came not withoute danger to that place, (prohibited to all men, but to certeyn Shepeheardes) grewe no less weary of his aboade there, then merveyled of the greate delighte Pyrocles tooke in that place: Where uppon one day at Pyrocles earnest request, beeyng walked thether ageane, began in this maner to say unto him.
A mynde well trayned and longe exercysed in vertue, (my sweete and worthy Cossen) dothe not easily chaunge any Course yt once undertakes, but uppon well grounded and well weyed Causes: For, beeyng witness to yt self of his owne Inwarde good, yt fyndes no thinge with oute yt of so highe a pryce, for which yt shoulde bee altered: Even the very Countenaunce and behavyor of suche a man dothe shewe forthe Images of ye same constancy by meynteyning a right harmony betwixt yt, and the Inwarde good, in yeelding yt self sutable to the vertuous resolutions of the mynde. This speeche, I direct to yow, Noble frende Pyrocles, the excellency of whose mynde and well chosen course in vertue, yf I doo not sufficiently knowe, (havinge seene suche rare Demonstracyons of yt) yt ys my weykenes, and not youre unworthynes: But as in deede I knowe yt, and knowyng yt, moste derely love bothe yt, and him that hathe yt, so must I needes say, that since oure late comming into his Contrey I have marcked in yow, (I will not say an alteracyon) but a Relenting truely and slaking of ye mayne Carryer yow had so notably begun and allmoste performed. And yt in suche sorte as I can not fynde sufficyent reasons in my greate love towardes yow howe to allowe yt: For, to leave of other secrett argumentes which my acquayntance with yow makes mee easily tynde, this, in effect to any man, may bee manifest, that whereas yow are wonte in all the places yow came, to give youre self vehemently to knowledg of those thinges which mighte better youre mynde, to seeke the familiarity of excellent men in Learning and Souldyery, and lastly to putt all these thinges in practize, bothe by continuall wyse proceedinges and worthy enterpryses as occasions fell for them. Yow, now, leave all these thinges undone, yow let youre mynde falle a sleepe, besydes youre Countenaunce trubled which surely comes not oute of vertue, (for vertue like the cleare heaven ys withowte Clowdes) and lastly which seemeth straunge unto mee, yow haunte greately this place: wherein besydes the Disgrace yt mighte falle of yt, (whiche that yt hathe not allredy fallen uppon yow, ys more rather luck then providence, the Duke having sharply forbiden yt) yow subject youre self to solitarynes, the slye Enimy yt moste dothe seperate a man from well doyng.
These wordes spoken vehemently and proceeding from so dearely an esteemed frende as Musidorus did so perce pore Pyrocles, that his blusshing Cheekes did witnesse with him, hee rather coulde not help, then did not knowe his faulte: Yet, desyerus by degrees to bringe his frende to a gentler Consideracyon of him, and beginning with twoo or three broken sighes, answered him to this purpose. Excellent Musidorus, in the prayses yow gave mee in the beginning of youre speeche I easily acknoulledge the force of youre good will unto mee: For, neyther coulde yow have thought so well of mee, yf extremity of love had not somethinge daselled youre eyes, Nor yow coulde have loved mee so entierly, yf yow had not beene apte to make so greate, (thoughe undeserved) Judgmentes of mee. And eeven so must I say of those Imperfections, to whiche, thoughe I have ever throughe weykenes beene subject, yet, yow by the dayly mending of youre mynde have of late bene able too looke into them, which before yow coulde not discerne: So that the Chaunge yow spake of falles not oute by my ympayring, but by youre bettering, and yet under the leave of youre better Judgment I must needes saye thus muche (my Deare Cossyn) that I fynde not my self wholly to bee Condempned, bycause I doo not with a Continuall vehemency followe those knowlledges which yow calle ye betteringes of my mynde. For, bothe the mynde yt self must, (like other thinges) some tymes bee unbent, or else yt will bee eyther weykened or broken, and these knowlledges, as they are of good use, so are they not all the mynde may stretche yt self unto: who knowes whether I feede my myndes with higher thoughtes?, truely, as I knowe not all the particularityes, so yet, see I the boundes of all these knoulledges, but the workinges of the mynde I fynde muche more infinite then can bee ledd unto by ye eye, or imagined by any that distract theyre thoughtes withowte them selves, and in such Contemplacyons, or as I thincke more excellent I enjoye my solitarynes, and my solitarynes perchaunce ys the Nurse of these Contemplacyons. Egles wee see flye alone, and they are but skeepe which allway heard together: Condempne not therefore my mynde some tyme, to enjoy yt self, nor blame not, the taking of suche tymes as serve moste fitt for yt.
And here Pyrocles sodenly stopped, like a man unsatisfyed in him self, thoughe his witt mighte well have served to have satisfyed an other: And soo looking with a Countenaunce as thoughe hee desyered hee shoulde knowe his mynde, withoute hearing him speake, to breathe oute some parte of his Inwarde evell, sending ageane new blood to his face, hee continewed his speeche in this maner. And Lorde, deare Cossyn (sayde hee) dothe not the pleasantnes of this place, carry in yt self sufficyent Rewarde, for any tyme lost in yt or for any suche daunger that mighte ensewe? Doo yow not see how every thinge Conspires together to make this place a heavenly Dwelling? Doo yow not see the grasse, howe in Coloure they excell the Emeraudes every one stryving to passe his fellowe, and yet they are all kept in an equall heighte? And see yow not the rest of all these beutyfull flowers, eche of whiche woulde requyer a mans witt to knowe, and his lyfe to express? Doo not these stately trees seeme to meynteyne theyre florisshing olde age with the onely happynes of theyre seate beeyng clothed with a Continuall springe, bycause no beauty here shoulde ever fade? Dothe not the Ayer breath health whiche the Byrdes, (bothe delightfull bothe to the eare and eye) do dayly solempnize with the sweete consent of theyre voyces? Ys not every Eccho here a perfect Musick? and these fressh and delightfull brookes, how slowly they slyde away, as, lothe to leave the Company of so many thinges united in perfection, and with how sweete a Murmer they lament theyre forc[ed] departure: Certeynly, certeynly Cossyn yt must needes bee, that some Goddess this Dezert belonges unto, who ys the sowle of this soile, for, neyther ys any lesse then a Goddess worthy to bee shryned in suche a heape of pleasures, nor any less then a Goddess coulde have made yt so perfect a Moddell of the heavenly dwellinges: And so hee ended with a deepe sighe, rufully casting his eye uppon Musidorus, as more desyerus of pitty, then pleading.
But Musidorus had all this while helde his looke fixed uppon Pyrocles countenaunce and with no less loving attention, marcked, howe his wordes proceeded from him; But, in bothe these hee perceyved suche straunge diversityes, that they rather increased newe Doubtes, then gave him grounde to settle any judgement. For besydes his eyes, sometyme eeven greate with teares the ofte chaunging of his Coloure with a kynde of shaking unstedfastnes over all his body, hee mighte see in his Countenannce some greate determynacion mixed with feare: And mighte perceyve in him store of thoughtes rather stirred then disgested, his wordes interrapted continually with sighes, which served as a Burthen to eche sentence, and the tenor of his speache (thoughe of his wonted phrase) not knitt together to one constant ende but rather dissolved in yt self, as the vehemency of ye Inward passion prevayled, whiche made Musidorus frame his answer nearest to that humor which shoulde soonest putt oute ye secrett. For having in ye beginning of Pyrocles speeche (whiche defended his solitarynes) framed in his mynde a Reply ageanst yt, in the prayse of Honorable action in showyng that suche kynde of Contemplacyon ys but a gloryous tytle to Idlenes: That in action a man did not onely better him self; but, benefitt others. That the Goddes woulde not have delivered a sowle into the body, whiche hathe armes and legges onely instrumentes of Dooynge, but that yt were intended, the mynde shoulde employ them, and that the mynde shoulde best knowe his owne good or evell by practize: whiche knowledge was the onely way to encrease the one & correct the other, besydes, many other better argumentes, whiche the plentyfulnes of the matter yeelded to the sharpenes of his witt.
When hee founde Pyrocles leave that, and falle to suche an affected praysing of the place, hee lefte yt likewyse, and joyned therein with him, because hee founde him in that humor, utter more store of passyon: And even thus kyndely embracing him, hee sayde, youre wordes are suche, Noble Cossen, so sweete and strongly handled in the prayse of solitarynes, as they woulde make mee yeelde my self lykewyse up unto yt. But that the same wordes make mee knowe, yt ys more pleasant to enjoy the Company of him that can speake suche wordes, then by suche wordes to bee perswaded to followe solitarynes: And eeven so do I give yow leave sweete Pyrocles, ever to defend solitarynes, so longe, as to defend yt, yow ever keepe Company. But I merveyle at the excessive prayses yow give to this Dezart, in truthe yt ys not unpleasant, but, yet, yf yow woulde returne unto Macedon, yow shoulde see eyther, many heavens, or fynde this, no more then earthely: And, even Tempe, in my Thessalia, where yow and I to my greate happynes were brought up together ys nothinge inferior unto yt. But, I thincke yow will make mee see that the vigor of youre witt can shewe yt self in any subject, or else yow feede sometymes youre solitarynes, with the Conceyptes of the Poetts: whose liberall pennes can as easily traveyll over mounteynes as Mole hilles, and so like well disposed men, sett upp every thinge to the highest Noate, especially, when they putt suche wordes in the mouthe of one of these Fantasticall mynde infected people, yt Children and Musicians calle Lovers.
This worde Lover did no less pearse pore Pyrocles, then the righte Tune of musick tuched him, that ys sick of the Tarantula: there was not one part of his body, that did not feele a sodeyne motion, the harte drawyng unto yt self the lyfe of every parte to help yt distressed with the sounde of that worde: yet after some pawse, lifting up his eyes a litle from the grounde, and yet not daring to place them in the face of Musidorus, armed with the Countenaunce of the pore Prisoner at the barr whose answer ys no thing but guilty, with muche adoo hee brought forthe this question.
And alas (saide hee) dere Cosyn what yf I bee not so muche ye Poett, the freedome of whose penne can exercyse yt self in any thing, as even yt miserable subject of his Conning, whereof yow spake. Nowe the Eternall goddes forbidd, maynely cryed oute Musidorus. But Pyrocles having broken the yce pursewde on in this maner: And yet suche a one am I sayde hee that in suche extremity as no man can feele but my self, nor no man beleeve, since no man ever could taste the hundreth parte of that which lyes in the Innermoste parte of my sowle. For synce yt was the fatall overthrowe of all my Liberty, to see in the gallery of Mantinea the onely Philocleas picture, that beauty did pearse so through my eyes to my harte, that the Impression dothe not lye but live there in suche sorte, as the questyon ys not nowe, whether I shall love or no, but whether Loving I shall live or dye: Musidorus was no less astonished with these wordes of his frende, then yf thincking him in healthe hee had sodenly toulde him that hee felt the panges of deathe oppress him.
So that amasedly looking uppon him, (eeven as Apollo ys paynted when hee sawe Daphnes sodenly turned into a Lawrell) hee was not able to say one worde, but gave Pyrocles occasion, havinge allredy made the breache, to passe on in this sorte: And bycause I have layde open my wounde (Noble Cossen sayde hee) I will shewe yow what my Melancholy hathe broughte forthe for the preparacyon at least of a salve, yf yt bee not in yt self a Medicyn. I am resolved (because all direct wayes are barred mee, of opening my sute to the Duke) to take uppon mee the estate of an Amazon Lady goyng aboute the worlde, to practize feates of Chivalry, and to seeke my self a worthy husband: I have all redy provyded all furniture necessary for yt, and my face (yow see) will not easily discover mee. And here aboute will I haunte, till by the help of this Disguysing, I may come to the presence of her, whose Imprisonment darkens the worlde, that myne owne eyen may bee wittnesses to my harte, yt ys good reason why, hee shoulde bee thus captived. And then as I shall have atteyned to the first degree of my happynes, so, will Fortune, occasion and myne owne Industry putt forwardes the rest: For the Principall poynte ys, to sett in a good way, the thinge wee desyer, for then will tyme yt self dayly discover newe secrett helpes: As for my name yt shall bee (Cleophila, turning Philoclea to my self, as my mynde ys wholly turned and transformed into her. Nowe therefore, doo I submitt my self to youre Counsell, (deare Cossen) and crave youre help, and thus hee ended: As who shoulde say, I have toulde yow all, have pitty on mee.
But Musidorus had by this tyme gathered his spirites, dismayed to see him, whome hee loved more then him self, plounged in suche a Course of misery: And so, when Pyrocles had ended, casting a gastfull Countenance upon him, as yf hee woulde conjure some straunge spirite hee sawe possess him, with greate vehemency uttered these wordes. And ys yt possible, that this ys Pyrocles the onely young Prince in the Worlde formed by Nature, and framed by education, to the true exercyse of vertue,? or ys yt in deede some Amazon Cleophila, that hathe counterfeited the face of my frend in this sorte to vexe mee? For likelyer sure I woulde have thoughte, that my owtewarde face mighte have beene disguysed, then that the face of so excellent a mynde coulde have beene thus blemisshed? O, sweete Pyrocles seperate youre self a litle, yf yt bee possible from youre self, and let youre owne mynde looke uppon youre owne proceedinges, so shall my woordes bee needeles & yow best instructed. See with youre self, how fitt yt will bee for yow in this youre tender youthe, (borne so greate a Prince, and of so rare not onely expectation, but proof) desyered of youre oulde Father & wanted of youre native Contry, (nowe so nere home) to direct youre thoughtes from the way of goodnes, to loose, nay, to abuse youre tyme? Lastly, to overthrowe all the excellent thinges yow have done, which have filled ye worlde with youre fame, as yf yow shoulde drowne youre ship in the longe desyered haven, or like an yll player, shoulde marr ye last acte of his tragedy: Remember, (for I knowe, yow knowe yt) that yf wee will bee men, the reasonable parte of youre sowle, ys to have absolute Comaundement, ageanst which yf any sensuall weykenes aryse, wee are to yeelde all oure sounde forces to the overthrowyng of so unnaturall a Rebellyon.
Wherein, how can wee want corage, synce wee are to dealle ageanst so weyke an Adversary, that in yt self, ys no thing but weykenes: Nay, wee are to resolve, that yf reason direct yt, wee must doo yt, and yf wee must doo yt, wee will doo yt. For, to say I can not, ys Chyldish, and I will not, womanish: And, see, how extremely every way, yow endaunger youre mynde, for to take this womanly habite, (withoute yow frame youre behavyour accordingly) ys wholy vayne, youre behavyour can never come kyndely from yow, but as the mynde ys proportyoned unto yt: So that yow must resolve, yf that yow will play youre parte to any purpose, (what soever peevish Imperfections are in that sexe) to soften youre harte for to receyve them, the very first downestepp to all wickednes. For, doo not deceyve youre self, my deare Cossen, there ys no man sodenly eyther excellently good, or extremely evill, but growes eyther as hee holdes him self up in vertue, or lettes him self slyde to vicyousnes: And let us see, what power ys the Author of all these trubles, forsoothe, Love, Love, a passyon, and the barest and fruitlessest of all passyons, feare breedeth witt, Anger ys the Cradle of Corage, Joy openeth and enhableth the harte, Sorow as yt closeth yt, so yet, draweth yt inwarde to looke to the correcting of yt self, and so, all of them generally, have power, towarde some good by the direction of reason.
But this basterd Love, (for in deede the name of Love ys unworthely applyed to so hatefull an humor) as yt ys ingendred betuixt lust and Idlenes, as ye matter yt worckes uppon ys no thing but a certeyn base weykenes whiche, some gentle fooles calle a gentle harte: As his adjoyned Companyons bee, unquietnes, longinges, fonde Comfortes, faynt discomfortes, hopes, Jealosyes, ungrounded rages, Causeles yeeldinges, so ys the highest ende yt aspyers unto, a litle pleasure with muche payne before, and greate repentance after: But that ende, (how endles yt ronnes to infinite evills) were fitt ynoughe for the matter wee speake of, but, not for youre eares, in whome in deede, there ys so muche true disposicion to vertue. Yet thus muche of his worthy effectes in youre self ys to bee founde, that yt utterly subvertes the Course of Nature, in making reason give place to sence, and man, to woman. And truely, hereuppon (I thinck) yt first gott the name of Love, for in deede the true Love hathe that excellent nature in yt, that yt dothe transforme the very essence of the Lover, into the thinge loved, uniting, and as yt were incorporating yt, with a secrett, and Inward worcking, and herein doo these kyndes of Love imitate ye excellent. For, as the Love of heaven makes one heavenly, the love of vertue vertuous, so dothe the love of the Worlde make one become worldly, and this effeminate love of a Woman, dothe so womanish a rnan, that, yf yow yeelde to yt, yt will not onely make yow a famous Amazon but a Launder, a Distaff spinner, or whatsoever other vyle occupacyon theyre idle heades can imagyn, and theyre weyke handes performe: Therefore, to truble yow no longer with my tedyous, but, loving wordes, yf eyther yow remember, what yow are, what yow have beene, or what yow must bee, yf yow Consider, what yt ys, that mooves yow, or with what kynde of Creature yow are mooved, yow shall fynd ye cause so smalle, the effectes so daungerus, youre self so unworthy to ronne into the one, or to bee driven by the other, that, I doubte not, I shall quickly have occasyon, rather to prayse yow, for having Conquered yt, then to give yow further Counsell howe to doo yt.
Pyrocles mynde was all this while so fixed uppon an other Devotion, that, hee no more attentively marcked his frendes discourse, then the Chylde, that hathe leave to play, marckes the last parte of his Lesson, or the diligent Pylott in a daungerus tempest, dothe attend to the unskillfull passinger: yet the very sounde having lefte the generall poyntes of his speeche in his mynde, the respect hee bare to his frende, broughte forthe this Answer, (having first payde up his late accustomed tribute of Syghes) Dere and worthy frende, what soever good disposicion nature hathe bestowed on mee, or howsoever that disposicion hathe bene by bringing up Confirmed, This must I confess, that I am not yet come to that degree of Wisdome, to thincke lighte of the sexe of whome I have my lyffe: Synce, yf I bee any thinge (whiche youre Frendship rather fyndes, then I acknowlledg), I was to come to yt, borne of a woman, and nurced of a woman, and certeynly (for this poynte of youre speeche dothe nearest tuche mee) yt ys straunge to see the unmanlike cruelty of mankynde. Who, not content with theyre tyrannous ambicion, to have broughte the others vertuous pacyence under them, like Chyldish Masters thincke theyre Masterhood nothing, withoute doyng injury unto them who, (yf wee will argue by reason) are framed of nature, with the same partes of the mynde, for the exercyse of vertue, as wee are: And for example, even this estate of Amazons (whiche I now for my greatest honor, do seeke to counterfeit) dothe well witness, that yf generally the sweetnes of theyre Disposicion did not make them see the vaynes of these thinges, (whiche wee accompte gloryous) they neyther want valure of mynde, nor yet, dothe theyre fayrenes take away theyre force. And truely, wee men, and praysers of men shoulde remember, that yf wee have suche excellencyes, yt ys reason, to thincke them excellent Creatures of whome wee are, synce a Kyte never broughte forthe a good flyinge Hawke: But, to tell yow true, I doo bothe disdayne to use any more wordes of suche a Subject, whiche ys so praysed in yt self, as yt needes no prayses, and withall, feare leste my Conceipte (not able to reache unto them) bringe forthe wordes, which for theire unworthynes rnay bee a Disgrace unto them, I so inwardly honor. Let, this suffise, that they are Capable of vertue, and vertue (yow youre self say) ys to bee loved, and I too, truely: But this I willingly confess, that yt likes mee muche better, when I fynde vertue in a fayre Lodging, then when I am bounde to seeke yt in an yll favored Creature, like a Pearle in a Doungehill.
And here, Pyrocles stayed, as, to breathe him self having bene transported with a litle vehemency, bycause, yt seemed him, Musidorus had over bitterly glaunsed ageanst the reputacion of womankynde: But then quyeting his Countenaunce, aswell, as oute of an unquyet mynde, yt mighte bee, hee thus proceeded on. And, pore Love (sayde hee) Dere Cossyn, ys litle beholding unto yow, since yow are not contented to spoyle yt of ye honor, of the highest power of the mynde, which notable men have attributed unto yt, but yow deject yt, belowe all other passions (in truthe) some thinge straungely; Synce, yf Love receyve any disgrace, yt ys by ye Company of those passyons yow preferr unto yt. For those kynde of bitter objections, as, that Lusty Idlenes, and a weyke harte shoulde bee as yt were the matter and forme of love, rather tuche mee, (Musidorus) then Love: But, I am good witnes of my owne Imperfections, and therefore will not detend my self, but, herein I must say, yow deale contrary to youre self, for, yf I bee so weyke, then can yow not with reason stirr mee up, as yow did by the remembrance of myne owne vertue, or yf in deede I bee vertuous, then must yow Confess, that love hathe his worcking in a vertuous harte, and so no doubt hathe yt what soever I bee. For, yf wee love vertue, in whome shall wee love yt, but in vertuous Creatures, withoute youre meaning bee, I shoulde love this worde of Vertue, when I see yt written in a Booke: Those trublesome effectes yow say yt breedes bee not the faultes of Love, but of him, that loves, as an unable vessell to beare suche a power, lyke evell eyes not able to looke on the sunne, or like a weyke brayne soonest overthrowne with the best wyne. Eeven that heavenly love yow speake of ys accompanyed in some hartes with hopes, greeffes, Longinges and Dispayres, and in yt heavenly love synce there are twoo partes, the one the Love of yt self, the other, the excellency of the thing loved, I (not able at the first leape, to frame bothe in my self) doo now like a diligent worckman, make redy the cheef Instrument, and first parte of that great worcke which ys love yt self: whiche, when I have a while practized in this sorte, then, yow shall see mee turne yt to greater matters. And thus gently, yow may, yf yt please yow, thincke of mee, neyther doubte yow, because I werre a womans apparrell, I will bee the more womannish, since I assure yow (for all my apparell) there ys no thing I desyer more, then fully to proove my self a man, in this enterpryse: Muche mighte bee sayde in my defence, muche more for love, and moste of all for that Devyne Creature, which hathe joyned mee and love together. But these Disputacions are fitter for quyett Schooles then my trubled braynes, which are bent rather in deedes to performe then in wordes to defend the noble desyer yt possesseth mee: O Lorde, (saide Musidorus) howe sharpp witted yow are to hurt youre self: No aunswered hee, but yt ys the hurte yow spake of, which makes mee so sharpp witted.
Even so (sayde Musidorus) as every base occupacyon rnakes one sharp in theyre practize and foolish in all the rest: Nay, rather (answered Pyrocles) as eche excellent thinge once well learned, serves for a measure of all other knowlledges. And ys that become (sayde Musidorus) a measure for other thinges, whiche never receyved measure in ytself? yt ys coumpted withoute rneasure (answered Pyrocles) bycause ye workinges of yt are withoute measure, but, otherwyse, in nature, yt hathe measure, synce yt hathe an ende allotted unto yt. The beginning beeyng so exellent I wolde gladly knowe the ende enjoying (answered Pyrocles with a deepe sighe:) O, (saide Musidorus) now yow sett forthe the basenes of yt, since, yf yt ende in enjoying, yt shewes all the rest was nothing.
You mystake mee (answered Pyrocles) I spake of the ende, to whiche yt ys directed, which ende endes not, no sooner then the lyfe: Alas, lett youre owne brayne disenchaunt yow, saide Musidorus. My harte ys to farr possessed, sayde Pyrocles, but the head gives yow direction and the harte gives mee lyfe answered Pyrocles. But Musidorus was so greeved, to see his beloved frende obstinate (as hee thought) to his owne destruction, that yt forced him, with more then accustomed vehemency to speake these wordes. Well, well, sayde hee, yow list to abuse youre self, yt was a very white and redd vertue, which yow coulde pick oute by the sighte of a picture, Confess the truthe, and yow shall fynde the uttermoste was but beauty: A thinge which though yt bee in as greate excellency in youre self, as may bee in any, yet, am I sure, yow make no further reconing of yt, then of an owtewarde fading benefit nature bestowed uppon yow. And yet, suche ys youre wante of a true grounded vertue, which must bee like yt self in all poyntes that what yow wysely coumpte a tryfle in youre self, yow fondly become a slave unto, in an other: For, my parte, I now protest, I have lefte no thinge unsayde, which my witt coulde make mee knowe, or my moste entire frendship to yow requyres of mee. I do now beseeche yow, even for the love betuixte us (yf this other Love have lefte any in yow towardes mee) and for the remembrance of youre oulde Carefull Father, (yf yow can remember him, that forgettes youre self) Lastly for Pyrocles sake, who ys now uppon the poynte of falling or rysing, to purge youre heade, of this vyle infection: Otherwyse, give mee leave rather in absence to bewayle youre myshapp, then to abyde the continuall pange of seeyng youre daunger with my eyes.
The lengthe of these speeches before had not so muche cloyed Pyrocles, thoughe hee were very Impacyent of longe deliberacions, as this last farewell of him, hee loved as his owne lyfe, did wounde his sowle: As in deede, they that thincke them selves afflicted, are apte to conceyve unkyndnes deepely, in so muche, that skaking his heade, and deliveringe some shewe of teares, hee thus uttered his greefes. Alas (saide hee) Prince Musidorus, howe crewelly yow deale with mee, yf yow seeke the victory, take yt, and yf yow list Tryumphe: Have yow all the reason of the Worlde, and with mee remayne all the Imperfections? Yet suche as I can no more lay from mee, then ye Crowe can bee perswaded by the Swann, to cast of his blacknes. But, truly yow deale with mee like a Phisicion, that, seeyng his patient in a pestilent feyver, shoulde chyde him, in steade of ministring help, and bid him bee sick no more: Or rather, like suche a frend, that vizitting his frende condempned to perpetuall prison, and loaded with greevous fetters, shoulde will him to shake of his Fetters or hee woulde leave him. I am sicke, and sick to the deathe, I am a Prisoner, neyther ys there any Redress, but, by her, to whome I am a slave: Now, yf yow list, Leave him, that loves yow in ye highest degree, but, remember ever, to carry this with yow, that yow abandon youre Frende in his greatest neede.
And herewith the deepe wounde of his love beeyng rubbed a fressh, with this newe unkyndenes, began as yt were to bleede ageane, in suche sorte that hee was unable to beare yt any longer: But, gusshing oute abundance of teares, and Crossing his armes over his wofull harte hee sancke downe to the grounde. Whiche soden traunce, went so to the hart of Musidorus, that falling downe by him, & kissing the weeping eyes of his Frende, hee besoughte him, not to make accoumpte of his speeche, whiche, yf yt had bene over vehement, yet, was yt to bee borne withall bycause yt came oute of a Love muche more vehement, that, hee had never thoughte, fancy coulde have receyved so deepe a wounde: But, now fynding in him the force of yt, hee woulde no further contrary yt, but employ all his service, to medcyn yt in suche sorte, as the nature of yt requyred. But, even this kyndenes made Pyrocles the more melt in the former unkyndenes, whiche his manlike teares well shewed with a sylent looke upon Musidorus: As who shoulde say, and ys yt possible, that Musidorus, shoulde threaten to leave mee? And this stroke Musidorus mynde, & sences so dombe, too, that for greef, not beeyng able to saye any thinge, they rested, with theyre eyes placed one upon an other in suche sorte, as mighte well paynte oute the true passyon of unkyndenes, whiche ys, never a righte, but betuixte them yt moste dearely love.
And thus remayned they a tyme, till at lengthe, Musidorus embracing him, sayde, and will yow thus shake of youre Frende? yt ys yow yt shake of mee (saide Pyrocles) beeyng for myne unperfectnes unworthy of youre Frendship: But this (saide Musidorus) shewes yow muche more unperfect, to bee crewell unto him, that submitteth himself unto yow, but, since yow are unperfect (sayde hee smylinge) yt ys reason yow bee governed by us wyse and perfect men. And that authority will I begin to take uppon mee with three absolute Comaundementes: the first That, yow encrease not youre evell with further greefes, The second that yow love Philoclea, with all the powers of youre mynde, and the last Commaundement shall bee, that yow commaunde mee to doo yow what service I can, towarde the obteyning of youre Desyers. Pyrocles harte was not so oppressed with the twoo mighty passions of Love & unkyndenes, but, that yt yeelded to some myrthe at this Comaundement of Musidorus, that hee shoulde love Philoclea: So that, some thing clearing his face from his former shewes of greef, well, saide hee Deare Cossen, I see by the well chosinge of youre Commaundementes that yow are farr fitter to bee a Prince, then a Counsellor. And therefore, I am resolved to employ all my Indevoure to obay yow with this Condicion, that the Commaundementes yow commaunde mee to lay uppon yow shall onely bee that yow continew to loove mee, and looke upon my Imperfections, with more affection then Judgment: Love yow, saide hee? Alas how can my harte bee seperated from the true embracing of yt, withoute yt burst, by beeyng to full of yt. But, saide hee let us leave of these flowers of newe begun frendship, and synce yow have founde oute that way as youre redyest remedy, Let us goo putt on youre transforming apparell: For my parte, I will ever remayne hereaboutes, eyther to help yow in any necessity, or at leste to bee partaker of any evell may falle unto yow.
Pyrocles, accepting this, as a moste notable testimony of his long approoved frendship, & returning to Mantinea, where having taken leave of theyre Hoste, who thoughe hee knewe them not was in love with theyre vertue, and leaving with him some apparrell and Jewells, with opinion they woulde returne after some tyme unto him: They departed thence to the place, where hee had lefte his womanish apparell, whiche with the help of his frende, hee had quickly putt on, in suche sorte, as yt mighte seeme Love had not onely sharpened his wittes, but nymbled his handes in any thinge, whiche mighte serve to his service.
And to begyn with his heade, thus was hee dressed; His heyre, which the younge men of Greece ware very longe, (accoumpting them moste beutyfull, that had yt in fayrest quantity) lay uppon the uppermoste parte of his foreheade in Lockes, some curled, and some, as yt were forgotten: with suche a Careles care and with suche an arte so hyding arte, that hee seemed hee woulde lay them for a Patern whether nature simply or nature helped by cunning bee the more excellent, the Rest wherof was drawne into a Coronet of golde wyers, and covered with fethers of dyvers Coloures, that yt was not unlike to a hellmett, suche a glittering shewe yt bare, and so bravely yt was helde up from the heade. Uppon his body hee ware a kynde of Dublett of skye coloured Satyn, so plated over with plates of Massy golde, that hee seemed armed in yt: His sleeves of the same in steade of plates, was covered with purled Lace, and suche was the nether parte of his garment, but that made so full of stuffe, and cutt after suche a fashyon, yt thoughe the lengthe fell under his anckles, yet in his goyng one mighte well perceyve the smalle of his Legg, which with the foote, was covered with a litle short payre ot Crimson vellvet buskyns, in some places open, as the auncyent maner was, to show ye fayrenes of his skynn. Over all this, hee ware a certeyne Mantell of like stuffe, made in suche maner, that coming under his righte arme, and covering moste parte of that syde, yt tuched not the lefte syde, but uppon ye topp of ye shoulder, where the twoo endes mett, and were fastened together, with a very riche Jewell the Devyse whereof was this: An Egle covered with the fethers of a Dove, and yet lying under an other Dove, in suche sorte, as yt seemed, the Dove prayed uppon the Egle, the Egle casting up suche a looke, as thoughe the state hee was in, liked him, thoughe the payne greeved him. Uppon the same syde uppon his thighe, hee ware a sworde, suche as wee now calle Scimitares, the pomell wherof was so richely sett with precyous stones, as they were sufficyent testimonyes, yt coulde bee no meane personage that bare yt; Suche was this Amazons attyre, and thus did Pyrocles become Cleophila, whiche name for a tyme, hereafter I will use. For, I my self feele suche Compassion of his passyon, that, I fynde even parte of his feare, leste his name shoulde bee uttered before fitt tyme were for yt: whiche yow faire Ladyes, that vouchesave to reade this (I doubte not) will accoumpte excusable.
But Musidorus that had helped to dress his frende coulde not satisfy him self with looking uppon him, so did hee fynde his excellent beuty sett oute with this newe chaunge, lyke a Dyamond sett in a more avantagious sorte, in somuche that hee coulde not chuse, but, (smyling) sayde unto him: Well, (saide hee) sweete Cossen, since yow are framed of suche a Loving mettell, I pray yow take heede of looking youre self in a glasse, leste Narcissus fortune falle unto yow. For my parte, I promyse yow, yf I were not fully resolved, never to submitt my hart to those fancyes, I were like ynoughe, while I dressed yow, to become a young Pigmalion: Alas, answered Cleophila, yf my beauty bee anythinge, then, will yt help mee to some parte of my Desyers, otherwyse, I am no more to sett by yt then ye Orator by his eloquence, that perswades no body. Shee ys a very invincible Creature then (saide hee), for I doubt mee muche (under youre pacyence) whether my Mistres youre Mistres have a greater portion of beuty: Speake not that blasphemy, deare frende (saide Cleophila) for, yf I have any beauty, yt ys the beauty which the Imaginacyon of her strikes into my fancyes, whiche in parte shynes throughe my face into youre eyes. Truly saide Musidorus yow are growne a notable Philosopher of fancyes: Astronomer, (answered Cleophila) for they are heavenly fancyes.
In suche frendly speeches they returned ageane to the Dezart of the twoo Lodges, where Cleophila desyered Musidorus hee woulde hyde him self in a litle grove, where hee mighte see howe shee coulde play her parte: For, there, (shee sayde) shee was resolved to remayne, till, by some good favoure of fortune shee mighte obteyne the sighte of her, whome shee bare continually in the eyes of her mynde. Musidorus obayed her request, full of extreme greef to see so worthy a mynde thus infected, besydes hee coulde see no hope of success, but great apparaunce of daunger: yet fynding yt so deepely grounded, that, stryving ageanst yt, did rather anger then heale the wounde, and rather calle his frendship in question, then give place to any frendly Counsell, hee was content to yeelde to the force of the present streame, with hope afterwardes, as occasion fell to preveyle better with him, or at leste, to adventure his lyfe in preserving him from any injury mighte bee offered him. And with ye beating of those thoughtes, remayned hee in the grove, till with a new fullnes hee was emptyed of them, as yow shall after heare. In the meane tyme Cleophila walking up and downe in that solitary place, with many intricate determinacions, at last, wearyed bothe in mynde & body satt her downe: And beginning to tune her voyce, with many sobbes and teares, sange this songe, which shee had made, synce her first determinacyon, thus to chaunge her estate.
Transformde in skewe, but more transformde in mynde,
I cease to stryve, with duble Conquest foylde;
For, woe ys mee, my powers all (I fynde)
With owtewarde force, and inward treason spoylde.
For, from withoute, came to myne eyes the blowe,
Whereto, myne Inwarde thoughtes did faintly yeelde:
Bothe these conspirde pore Reasons overthrowe,
False in my self, thus have I lost the feelde.
And thus myne eyes are plaste still in one sighte,
And thus my thoughtes can thinck but one thing still:
Thus, reason to his servantes gives his righte,
Thus ys my power transformed to youre will.
What marvell then I take a Womans hewe?
Since, what I see, thincke, knowe, ys all but yow?
I might enterteyne yow, (faire Ladyes) a greate while, yf I shoulde make as many interruptions in the repeating, as shee did in the singing: For no verse did pass oute of her mouthe, but that yt was wayted on with suche abundance of sighes, and (as yt were) witnessed with her flowing teares, that thoughe the wordes were fewe, yet the tyme was long shee employed in uttering them, Allthoughe her pawses chose so fitt tymes, that they rather strengthened a sweeter passyon then hindered the harmony. Musidorus him self that lay so, as hee mighte see and heare these thinges, was yet more mooved to pitty by the maner of Cleophilas singing, then with any thinge hee had ever seene, so lyvely an action dothe the mynde, truely tuched, bringe forthe: But, so fell yt oute, that, as with her sweete voyce, shee recorded once or twyce the last verse of her songe, yt awakened the Shepeardes Dametas, who at that tyme had layde his sleepy back uppon a sunnye banck, not farr thence, gaping as farr, as his Jawes woulde suffer him. But beeyng trubled oute of his sleepe (the best thinge his lyfe coulde bringe forthe) his dull sences coulde not convey the pleasure of ye excellent Musick to his rude mynde, but that hee fell into a notable rage In so muche, that, taking a hedging bill lay by him, hee guyded him self by the voyce, till hee came to the place, where hee sawe Cleophila sitting and wringing her handes, and with some fewe wordes to her self breathing oute to her self parte of the vehemency of yt passion whiche shee had not fully declared in her songe. But, no more were his eyes taken with her beauty then his eares with her musick, but beginning to sweare by the pantaple of Pallas, Venus wastecoate & suche other Oathes as his rusticall bravery coulde imagyn, leaning his handes uppon his bill and his Chinne uppon his handes, hee fell to mutter suche Cursinges and Raylinges ageanst her, as a man mighte well see hee had passed throughe the discipline of an Alehowse: And bycause yow may take the better into youre fancyes his mañerlynes, the maner of the man shall in fewe wordes bee described.
Hee was a short, leane fellowe, of black hayre, and notably backt for a burden, one of his eyes oute, his nose turned up to take more ayer, a seaven or eighte long black hayres uppon his chinne, which hee called his bearde, his brest hee ware allwayes unbuttoned, for heate, and yet, a stomacher before yt for colde, ever untrust, yet, poyntes hanging downe, bycause hee mighte bee trust, yf hee list, yll gartered for a Courtelike Carelesnes, onely well shodd for his fathers sake, who had uppon his deathe bed charged him to take heede of goyng wett. Hee had for love, chosen his wyfe, Miso, yet, so handsome a belldame, that shee was counted a Witche, onely for her face, and her splay foote, neyther inwardly nor owtewardly, was there any good thing in her, but, that shee observed Decorum; having in a wretched body a froward mynde, neither was there any humor, in which her husband and shee coulde ever agree, but in disagreeyng: Betuixt these twoo issewed forthe Mistris Moisa, a fitt woman to participate of bothe theyre perfections. But bycause Alethes an honest man of that tyme sett forthe her prayses in verse, I will onely repeate them, and spare myne owne penn, because shee bare the Sexe of a Woman, and these they were.
What lengthe of verse can serve, brave Mopsas good to showe,
Whose vertues strange, & beutyes suche, as no man them may knowe:
Thus shrewdly burdened then, how can my Muse escape;
The godds must help, and precyous thinges must serve to shew her shape.
Like great godSaturne, faire, and like faire Venus chaste,
As smoothe as Pan, as Juno, mylde, like goddess Iris faste.
With Cupid shee foresees, and goes god Vulcans pace,
And for a taste of all these giftes shee borowes Momus grace.
Her forehead Jacincth lyke, her cheekes of Opall hewe,
Her twinckling eyes bedect with perle, her lippes of Saphire blewe.
Her heare pure Crapall stone, her Mouthe, O heavenly wyde,
Her skinne like burnisht golde, her handes like silver Owir untryde.
As for those partes unknowne, whiche hidden sure are best
Happy bee they which well beleeve, and never seeke the rest.
The beginning of Dametas credit with Basilius, was by the Dukes straying oute of his way one tyme, a hunting, where, meeting this fellow and asking him the way, and so falling into other questions, hee founde some of his answers tuching husbandry matters (as a Dogg, sure yf hee coulde speake had witt ynoughe to describe his kennell) not unsensible: And all uttered with suche a rudenes, which the Duke interpreted playñes (allthoughe there bee greate difference betwixt them), that the Duke conceyving a sodeyn delighte in his enterteynement, tooke him to his Courte, with aparant shewe of his good opinion. Whence the flatering Courtyer had no sooner taken the Princes mynde, but yt there were streight reasons to confirme the Dukes dooyng, and shadowes of vertues founde for Dametas: His silence grewe witt, his bluntnes integrity, his beastly ignorance, vertuous simplicity. And the Duke (acording to the nature of greate persons) in love with that hee had done him self, fancyed, that, the weykenes was in him with his presence woulde growe wisdome, and so like a creature of his owne making hee liked him more and more. And thus gave hee him self the office of Principall Heardman, and thus lastly did hee putt his lyfe into his handes, allthoughe hee grounded uppon a greate errur: For his quality was not to make men, but to use men according as men were, no more then an Asse woulde bee taughte to manneage a horse to hunt, or a hounde to beare a saddle, but, eche to bee used acording to ye force of his owne nature.
But, Dametas, (as I sayde) sodenly awaked, remembred the Dukes commaundement, and glad hee mighte use his authority in chyding, came swearing to the place, where Cleophila was, with a voyce like him, that playes Hercules in a play and god knowes never had Hercules fancy in his heade: The first worde hee spake after his rayling oathes was, Am not I Dametas? why, am not I Dametas? These wordes made Cleophila lifte up her eyes uppon him, and seeyng what maner of man hee was, the heighte of her thoughtes woulde not suffer her, to yeelde any answer to so base a Creature, but Casting ageane downe her eyes, leaning uppon the grounde, and putting her Cheeke in ye Palme of her hande, fetched a great sighe, as yf shee had answered him, my heade ys trubled with greater matters: whiche, Dametas (as all persons, witnesses of theyre owne unworthynes are apte to thincke they are contempned) tooke in so haynous a Chafe, that standing uppon his tiptoes, and staring, as yf hee woulde have had a moate pulled oute of his eye, why, sayde hee, Thow woman, or boy, or bothe, or whatsoever thow bee, I tell thee there ys no place for thee, gett thee gone, I tell thee yt ys the Dukes pleasure, I tell thee yt ys Mr Dametos pleasure.
Cleophila coulde not chuse but smyle at him, and, yet taking her self with the maner, spake these wordes to her self: O Spirite, (saide shee) of myne, how canst thow receyve my myrthe in the mydest of thyne agonyes, and thow myrthe howe darest thow enter into a mynde so growne of late thy professed enimy?
Thy spirite, (sayde Dametas) dooest thow thincke mee a Spirite? I tell thee, I am the Dukes officer and have the charge of him & his Daughters.
O Perle (saide sobbinge Cleophila) that so vyle an Oyster shoulde keepe thee?
By the Combecase of Diana, sware Dametas, this woman ys madd. Oysters and Pearles? Doest thow thincke I will buy Oysters? I tell ye gett thee packing, or else I must needes bee offénded.
O Sunne, sayde Cleophila? howe long shall this Cloude live to darcken thee? and the pore Creatures that live onely by thee bee deprived of thee?
These speeches to her self putt Dametas oute of all patience: So that hitting her upon ye brest with the blunt ende of his Bill, Mayde Maryan (saide hee) am not I a person to bee answered? But Cleophila, no sooner felte the blowe, but that the fyer sparckling oute of her eyes, and rysing up with a right Pyrocles Countenaunce in a Cleophila face; vyle Creature (saide shee, laying her hande uppon her sworde) force mee not to defyle this sworde in thy base blood? Dametas that from his Chyldehood had ever feared ye blade of a sworde, rann backward with his handes above his heade at least xxti paces, gaping and staring with the very Countenaunce of those Clownish Churles, that, by Latonas prayer were turned into Frogges: At lengthe, staying hee came a litle nearer her ageane, but still withoute the Compas of blowes, holding one legg, as yt were, redy to runne away and then fell to scolding and rayling, swearing, that yt was but a litle bashfullnes in him, that had made him goo back.
And that yf shee stayed any longer, hee woulde make her see, his blood come oute of the eldest shepeardes howse in that Contry, but, seeyng her walke up and downe, without marcking what hee sayde, hee went for more help to his Lodg: where knocking a good while, at lengthe hee cryed to his wyfe Miso, that in a whores name shee shoulde come oute to him; but in steade of that hee might heare a hollow rotten voyce, that byd him lett her alone, like a knave as hee was for shee was busy aboute my Lady Pamela. This dasshed pore Dametas more then any thinge, for oulde acqueyntance had taughte him, to feare that place, and therefore, calling with a more pityfull voyce, to his Daughter, hee mighte see a face looke oute of a wyndow, ynoughe to have made any blynde man in Love: yt was Mistris Moisa, that in stede of answer asked him whether hee was madd to forgett his Dewty to her Mother? Dametas shroncke downe his shoulders, like the pore Asse, that layes downe his eares, when hee must needes yeelde to the Burthen: And yet his tounge the valyantest parte of him coulde not forbeare to say these wordes, Here ys forreyn warres abroade and uncivill warres at home, and all with woemen, Now, (saide hee) the black Jaunders, and the red flixe take all the wrabbed kynde of yow.
And with this prayer hee went to the other Lodge, where the Duke at that tyme, was sleeping, as yt was in the heate of the day, and there hee whistled, and stamped, and knocked, Cryinge, O my Leege, with suche faces, as mighte well shewe, what a deformity a passion can bringe a man into, when yt ys not governed with reason: Till at lengthe, the faire Philoclea came downe, in suche lose aparell as was ynoughe to have bounde any mans fancyes, and with a sweete locke asking him, what hee woulde have? Dametas withoute any reverence, comaunded her in the Dukes name, shee should teell the Duke, he was to speake with the Duke, for hee, forsoothe had thinges to tell the Duke, which perteyned to the Dukes service: Shee answered him hee shoulde bee obeyed, since, suche was the fortune of her and her Sister.
And so went shee to tell her father of Dametas beeyng there, leaving him chafing at ye dore, and whetting his bill, swearing, yf hee mett her ageane, neyther shee nor the tallest woman in the parish shoulde make him ronne away any more: But, the Duke understanding by his Jewell Philoclea, that some thing there was, whiche greatly trubled Dametas conscyence, came downe presently unto him, to knowe the matter. Where hee founde Dametas talking to him self and making faces like an Ape, that had newly taken a purgacyon, pale, shaking, and foming at the mouthe, and a greate while yt was before the Duke coulde gett any worde of him: At lengthe, putting his legg before him, (which was the maner of his Cursy) hee tolde the Duke, that, saving the reverence of his Duety, hee shoulde keepe him self from henceforward, hee woulde take no more charge of him. The Duke accustomed to take all well at his handes, did but laughe, to see his rage, and stroaking his heade, desyered him of fellowship to lett him knowe the matter: I tell yow (saythe Dametas) yt ys not for mee to bee an officer, withoute I may bee obayed. But, what trubles thee my good Dametas, (saythe the Duke), I tell yow, saide Dametas, I have bene a man in my dayes whatsoever I bee nowe: And reason (answered the Duke) but let mee knowe, that I may redress thy wronges: Nay sayde Dametas, no wronges neyther, but, thus falles oute the Case, my Leege. I mett with suche a Mankynde creature yonder with her sworde by her hipp, and with suche a visage, as, yf yt had not bene for mee and this bill, (god save yt) shee had come hether, and killed yow and all youre howse: What? stryke a woman, sayde the Duke? In deede saide Dametas, I made her but a litle weepe, and after I had pity on her. It was well and wysely done sayde the Duke, but, I pray thee shewe mee her: I pray yow saide Dametas first, calle for more Company, to holde mee from hurting her, for my stomack ryseth ageanst her.
Let mee but see the place (saide the Duke) and then yow shall knowe whether my wordes or youre bill bee the better weapon: Dametas went stalcking on before the Duke, as yf hee had bene afrayde to wake his Chylde, and then poynting with his bill towardes her, was not hasty to make any nere approches. But the Duke no sooner sawe Cleophila, but, that hee remayned amased at the goodlynes of her stature, and ye statelynes of her Marche (for at that tyme shee was walking with a countenaunce well setting forthe an extreme distraction of her mynde) And as hee came nerer her, at the excellent perfection of her beauty: In somuche, that forgetting any anger hee conceyved in Dametas behalf and dooyng reverence to her as to a Lady in whome hee sawe much worthy of greate respect.
Fayre Lady saide hee, yt ys no thinge straunge that suche a solitary place as this shoulde receyve solitary persons, but muche do I marveyle, howe suche a beauty as youres ys, coulde bee suffered to bee thus alone: Shee looking with a grave majesty uppon him, as yf shee founde in her self, Cause, why, shee shoulde bee reverenced; They are never alone (sayde shee) that are accompanyed with noble thoughtes. But, those thoughtes (sayde ye Duke replying for the delighte hee had to speake further with her) can not in this youre Lonelynes, neyther warrant yow from suspicion in others, nor defend yow from Melancholy in youre self: Cleophila looking upon him as thoughe hee pressed further then hee needed, I seeke no better warraunte sayde shee, then myne owne conscyence, nor no greater pleasure then myne owne contentacyon. Yet vertue seekes to satisfy others, saide Basilius: Those that bee good, aunswered Cleophila and they will bee satisfyed so long as they see no evill. Yet will the best in this Contry saide the Duke, suspect so excellent a beauty, beeyng so weykely guarded: Then are the best but starck naughte answered Cleophila, for open suspecting others comes of secret condempning them selves. But in my Contry (sayde shee) continewing her speeche with a brave vehemency (whose maners I am in all places to meynteyne, and reverence) the generall goodnes which ys norished in oure hartes, makes every one thinck that strengthe of vertue in an other, wherof they fynde the assured foundacion in them selves.
But, Basilius, who began to feele the sparckles of those flames, which shortly after burned all other thoughtes oute of his harte, felt suche a musick, as hee thoughte, in her voyce, and suche an eye pleasing in her face, that hee thoughte his retyring into this solitary place was well employed, yf yt had bene onely to have mett with suche a guest: And therefore, desyerus to enter into nerer poyntes with her, Excellent Lady (sayde hee) yow prayse so greatly and yet so wysely youre Contry that I must needes desyer to knowe what the Nest ys oute of which suche byrdes do flye. Yow must first deserve that knouledge (saide shee) before yow obtayne yt: And by what meanes saide Basilius, shall I deserve to know youre estate? By letting mee first know youres saide shee. To obay yow, saide hee, I will doo yt, allthoughe yt were so muche more reason youres shoulde be knowne first, as yow do deserve in all poyntes to bee preferred: Knowe yow faire Lady (saide hee) that my name ys Basilius, unworthely Duke of this Contry, the rest eyther fame hathe all redy broughte to youre eares, or yf yt please yow, To make this place happy by youre presence, at more Leysure yow shall understand of mee. Cleophila, who had from the beginning suspected, yt shoulde bee hee but, woulde not seeme shee did so, (to keepe her Matie the better) making some Reverence to him, Mighty Prince (saide shee) Let my not knowyng of yow serve for the excuse of my boldenes, and the litle reverence I doo to yow, impute yt to the maner of my Contry, whiche ys the Invincible Lande of the Amazons, my self neece to Semicia, queene of that Contry, lineally discended of the famous Penthesilea, slayne before Troy, by the bloody hande of Pyrhus. I having in this my yowthe determyned to make the worlde see the Amazons excellencyes, aswell in private, as in publique vertues, have passed many daungerus adventures in dyvers Contryes: Till the unmercyfull sea deprived mee of all my Company, so that Shipwrack broughte mee to this Realme, and uncerteyne wandering guyded mee to this place.
Whosoever sawe a man, to whome a beloved Chylde longe lost did (unlooked for) returne, mighte easily figure unto his fancy, the very fashion of Basilius Countenaunce, so farr had Love become his Master, and so had this younge Syren charmed his olde eares: Insomuche, that with more vehement importunacy, then any greedy Hoste woulde use to well acqueynted passingers, hee fell to intreate her aboade there for some tyme. Shee, allthoughe no thing coulde come fitter to the very poynte of her desyer, yet had shee all redy learned that womanish quality to counterfet backwardnes, in that shee moste wished: So that hee desyerus, to proove, whether intercession coming oute of fitter mouthes mighte better preveyle, called to Dametas, and comaunded him, to bringe forthe his wyfe and twoo Daughters, three Ladyes, allthoughe dyvers, yet all of excellent beauty.
The Duches Ginecia in grave Matrone like attire with a countenaunce and behavyour farr unlike to falle into those inconvenyences shee afterwardes tasted of. The faire Pamela whose noble hart had longe disdayned to fynde the trust of her vertue reposed in the handes of a Shepeheard, had, yet (to shewe an obeydyence) taken on a Shepeardish apparrell, which was of Russet vellvet, cutt after theyre fashion with a streyte body open brested the nether parte full of pleytes with wyde open sleeves hanging downe very lowe, her hayre at the full lengthe wounde aboute with golde Lace: By the Comparyson, to shewe, how farr her hayer did excell in coloure, betwixt her brestes, whiche sweetly ryse up like twoo faire mounteynettes in the plesaunt vale of Tempe, there hanging downe a Jewell whiche shee had devysed as an Impresa, of her owne estate, yt was a perfect white Lambe tyed at a stake, with a greate nomber of Chaynes, as yf yt had bene feared leste the silly Creature shoulde do some greate harme, neyther had shee added any worde unto yt, (whiche ys as yt were the lyfe of an Impresa) but eeven tooke syilence as the worde of the pore Lambe, shewing suche humblenes, as not to use her owne voyce for compleynte of her misery. But, when the Ornament of the earthe, younge Philoclea appeared in her nymphelike apparell, so nere nakednes, as one might well discerne parte of her perfections: And yet so apparelled as did shewe, shee kept the best store of her beautyes to her self, her excellent faire hayer drawen up into a nett, made onely of yt self, A nett in deede to have caughte the wyldest Disposicion, her body covered with a lighte taffita garment, so cutt, as the wrought smock came throughe yt in many places, ynoughe, to have made a very restrayned imaginacyon have thoughte what was under yt: with the sweete cast of her black eye, whiche seemed to make a Contention whether that in perfect blacknes, or her skinne in perfect whitenes were the moste excellent.
Then I say the very Cloudes seemed to give place to make the heaven more faire, at least, the Cloudes of Cleophilas thoughtes quyte vanisshed, and so was her brayne fixed: withall that her sighte seemed more forcible and clere, then ever before, or since shee founde yt. With suche straunge delighte unto her (for still faire Ladyes, you remember that I use the Shee tytle to Pyrocles since so hee woulde have yt) that shee stoode like a well wrought image, with showe of lyfe, but withoute all exercyse of lyfe: So forcibly had love transferred all her Spirites into the present Contemplacyon of the Lovely Philoclea, and so had yt bene like ynoughe shee woulde have stayed longe tyme, but yt by chaunce Ginecia stopped betwixte her sight, and the Lady Philoclea. And the chaunge of the object made her recover her sences, so that shee coulde with good manner receyve the salutacyon of ye Duchess and the Princess Pamela: Doyng them yet, no further reverence then one Princess useth to an other.
But when shee came to ye Lady Philoclea, shee fell downe on her knees, taking by force, her faire handes, and kissing them with great shewe of extreme affection, and with a bowed downe countenaunce began this speech unto her. Devyne Lady, (saide shee) let not the worlde nor this greate Princess merveyle, to see mee contrary to my maner, doo this especiall honor unto yow, since all bothe men and woemen owe this Homage to the perfection of youre beauty. Philocleas blusshing cheekes quickly witnessed, how muche shee was abasshed, to see the singularity used to her self, & therefore, causing Cleophila to ryse, Noble Lady (saithe shee) yt ys no merveyle, to see youre judgment muche mistaken in my beauty, since yow begin with so greate an error, as to doo more honor unto mee, then unto them, to whome I my self owe all service: Rather (answered Cleophila) that shewes the power of youre beuty which hathe forced mee, to falle into suche an error, yf yt were an error. Yow are so acquaynted (saide Philoclea, sweetely smyling) with youre owne beauty, that yt makes yow easely falle into the Discourse of beauty: Beauty in mee (saide Cleophila? deepely sighing), alas yf there bee any, yt ys in my eyes, whiche youre happy presence hathe imparted unto them. Basilius was eeven transported with delighte to here these speeches betuixt his wellbeloved Daughter, and his better-Loved Lady, & so made a signe to Philoclea, that shee shoulde intreate her to remayne with them: whiche, shee willingly obeyed, for all redy shee conceyved delighte in Cleophilas presence,and thereforesayde unto her: It ys a greate happynes (I confess) to bee praysed for them, that are them selves moste prayse worthy; and well I fynde yow an Invincible Amazon, synce yow will overcome in a wrong matter: But, yf my beuty bee any thing saide shee, then let yt obteyne thus muche of yow, That, yow will remayne in this Company, some tyme to ease youre owne travell, and oure solitarynes. First, let mee dye saide Cleophila, before any worde spoken by suche a mowthe shoulde come in vayne, I yeelde wholly to youre Commaundement, fearing no thing, but yt yow commaunde that which may bee trublesome to youre self. Thus with some other wordes of enterteyning, her staying was concluded to ye inspeakeable joy of the Duke, allthoughe perchaunce with some litle envy in the other Ladyes, to see younge Philocleas beuty so advaunced.
Yow Ladyes knowe best whether sometymes yow feele impression of that passion, for my parte, I wolde hardly thincke that the affection of a mother and the noble mynde of Pamela coulde bee over throwne with so base a thing as envy ys: Especially, Pamela, to whome fortune had all redy framed an other, who no less was dedicated to her excellencyes, then Cleophila was to Philocleas perfection, as yow shall shortly heare. For, the Duke goynge into the Lodge with his wyfe and Daughters, Cleophila desyered them excuse her for a while, for that shee had thoughtes to pass over with her self, & that shortly after shee woulde come unto them: In deede meaning to fynde her frende Musidorus, and to glory with him of ye happyties of her choyce, but when shee looked in the grove, and coulde no where fynde him, merveyling something at yt, shee gave her self to feede on those sweete thoughtes, which now had the full possession of her hart: sometymes thincking how farr Philoclea her self passed her picture, sometymes fore imagening with her self, howe happy shee shoulde bee yf shee coulde obteyne her desyers. Till having spent thus an hower or twoo, shee mighte perceyve a farr of, one coming towardes her in the apparrell of a Shepeard, with his Armes hanging downe gOoyng, a kynde of Languisshing pace, with his eyes some tymes cast up to heaven, as thoughe his fancyes strave to mounte up higher, some tymes throwne downe to the grounde: As yf the earthe coulde not beare the burden of his paynes; at lengthe shee hearde him with a Lamentable tune singe these fewe verses.
Come Shepearde weedes become youre Masters mynde,
Yeelde owteward shewe, what Inwarde chaunge hee tryes:
Nor bee abashed, synce suche a guest yow fynde,
Whose strongest hope in youre weyke comforte lyes.
Come Shepeard weedes attend my woofull Cryes,
Disuse youre selves from sweete Menalcas voyce:
For others bee those Tunes which sorrowes tyes,
From those clere notes which freely may rejoyce.
Then powre oute pleynte, and in one worde say this:
Helples his pleynte, who spoyles him self of blis.
And having ended, shee mighte see him stryke him self upon ye brest, uttering these wordes: O myserable Wretche, whether doo thy Destenyes guyde thee? yt seemed to Cleophila, shee knewe ye voyce, and therefore, drawyng nearer that her sighte mighte receyve a perfect discerning, shee sawe playnely, to her greate amasement, yt was her dere frende Musidorus.
And nowe, having named hym, mee thinckes yt reason, I shoulde tell yow, what chaunse broughte him to this chaunge: I lefte him lately (yf yow remember fayre Ladyes) in the grove, by the twoo Lodges, there to see what shoulde befalle to his dere new transformed Frende. There hearde hee all the Compleyntes (not withoute greate Compassion) that his frende made to him self, and there, (not withoute some Laughter) did hee see what passed betuixt him and Dametas, and howe stately hee playde ye parte of Cleophila, at the Dukes first comming: And falling into many kynde of fancyes towardes him, sometyme pitying his Case, sometymes praysing his behavyour, hee woulde often say to him self. O sweete Pyrocles how arte thow bewitched? where ys thy vertue? where ys the use of thy reason? Howe muche am I inferior unto thee in all the powers of thy mynde? And yet knowe I, that all the heavens, can not bring mee to suche a thraldome. Scarsely (thinck I) hee had spoken these wordes, but that the Duchess (beeyng sent for to enterteyne Cleophila) came oute with her twoo Daughters: Where the beames of ye Princess Pamelas beauty, had no sooner stricken into his eyes, but, that hee was wounded with more sodeyn vyolence of Love then ever Pyrocles was.
Whether in deede yt were that this straunge power woulde bee bravely revenged on him, for the bitter wordes hee had used, or that his very resisting made the wounde the creweller: As wee see the Harquebush dothe moste endomage the stiffest mettall, or rather that ye continuall healthfullnes of his mynde made this sodeyn evill the more incurable: As the soundest bodyes once infected, are moste mortally endaungered. But, howesoever the Cause was, suche was the effect, that not beeyng able to beare the vehement payne, hee ranne away throughe ye grove like a madd man: Hoping perchaunce (as the fever sick folckes doo), that the chaunge of places mighte ease his greef, but therein was his Luck in deede better then his providence. For, hee had not goñ a litle, but that hee mett with a Shepearde (according to his estate) handsomely apparrelled, who was as then goynge to meete with other Shepeardes (as uppon certeyne dayes they had accustomed) to doo exercyses of activity, and to play newe invented Ecclogues before the Duke: whiche, when Musidorus had learned of him (for Love ys full of desyer, and desyer ys allwayes inquisitive) yt came streyghte into his heade, that there was no better way for him to come by the often enjoying of the Princess Pamelas sighte, then to take the apparell of this Shepearde uppon him. Whiche hee quickly did giving him his owne muche richer, and withall, leste the matter by him bee discovered, hyered him withowte stay to goo into Thessalia, wryting twoo or three wordes by him, (in a payre of Tables well closed up) to a servaunt of his, that hee shoulde uppon the receipte, arrest and keepe him in good order, till hee hearde his further pleasure: yet before Menalcas departed, (for so was his name) hee learned of him bothe his owne estate, and the maner of theyre pastymes and Egglogues.
And thus furnished hee returned ageane to the place, where his harte was pledged, soo oppressed in mynde, that, yt seemed unto him his Legges were uñeth able to beare him: whiche greef hee uttered with the Dolefull songe I tolde yow of before, and was Cause that his dere hee shee frende Cleophila came unto him.
Who, when shee was assured yt was hee (with wonted entiernes embrasing him) demaunded of him what sodeyn chaunge, had thus sodeynly chaunged him? whether the goddess or those woodes had suche a power, to transforme every body, or whether in Deede, as hee had allwayes in all enterpryzes moste faythfully accompanyed her, so hee woulde continew to matche her in this new Metamorphosis.
But Musidorus looking dolefully uppon her, wringing his handes, and powring oute abundance of teares, began to recoumpt unto her all this I have allredy toulde yow: But with suche passionate delating of yt, that, for my parte I have not a feeling Insighte enoughe into the matter, to bee able lyvely to express yt, suffyseth yt, that what so ever a possessed hart, with a good tongue to a dere frende coulde utter, was at that tyme largely sett forthe. The perfect frendship Cleophila bare him, and the greate pity shee by good experience had of his Case, coulde not keepe her from smyling at him, remembring howe vehemently hee cryed owte ageanst ye folly of Lovers, so that shee thoughte good a litle to punish him, playing with him in this maner: Why, howe now Dere Cossen saide shee yow that were even now so highe in the pullpett, ageanst Love, are yow now become so meane an Auditor? Remember, that love ys a passion, and that a worthy manns reason must ever have the Masterhod. I recant, I recant, cryed Musidorus, and with all falling downe prostrate O thow Celestiall, or infernall Spirite of Love (saide hee) or what other heavenly or hellish tytle thow list to have (for bothe those effectes I fynde in my self) have Compassion of mee, and let thy glory bee as greate in pardoning them that bee submitted to thee, as in Conquering those that were rebellyous: No no, saide Cleophila (yet further, to urge him) I see yow well enoughe, yow make but an enterlude of my myshappes, and doo but counterfeit thus, to make mee see the deformity of my passyons, but, take heede (saide shee) Cossen, that this Jeste doo not one day turne to earnest. Now, I beseeche yee saide Musidorus taking her fast by the hande, even for the truthe of oure Frendship, of whiche (yf I bee not alltogether an unhappy man) thow haste some remembrance, And by those secret flames whiche (I knowe) have likwyse nerely touched thee, make no Jeste of that, which hathe so earnestly persed mee throughe, nor let that bee light unto thee which ys to mee so burdenous that I am not able to beare yt? Musidorus did so lyvely deliver oute his inwarde greeffes, that Cleophilas frendly harte felt a great Impression of pity withall, as certeynly all persons that fynde them selves afflicted, easely falle to Compassion of them who taste of like misery, partely ledd by the comon Course of humanity; But principally bycause under the Image of them, they Lament theyre owne mishappes, and so the Compleyntes that others make, seeme to tuche the righte tune of theyre owne woes, which did mutually worck so in these twoo young Princes that, looking rufully, one uppon the other they made theyre speeche (a great while) no thimge but Dolefull sighes, yet, some tymes they woulde yeelde oute suche like Lamentacions: Alas what farther evill hathe fortune reserved for us? what shall bee the ende of this oure tragicall pilgrimage? Shipwrackes, Daily daungers, absence from oure Contry, have at lengthe broughte forthe this Captiving of us within oure selves, whiche hathe transformed the one in Sexe, and the other in state, as muche as the uttermoste worcke of chaungeable fortune can bee extended unto.
And then woulde they kisse one an other, vowyng to continew partakers of all eyther good or evell fortune, & thus perchaunce woulde they have forgotten them selves some longer tyme; But that Basilius, whose harte was now sett on fyer with his newe Mistris, fynding her absence longe, sent oute Dametas, to her, to knowe yf shee woulde comaunde any thinge, and to invite het to goo with his wyfe and Daughters to a fayre Meadowe, there by, to see the Sportes and heare the Eglogues of his Contry Shepeardes. Dametas came owte with twoo or three swordes aboute him, his hedging bill on his neck, and a chopping knyfe under his girdle, armed onely behynde, as fearinge moste the blowes that mighte falle on the raynes of his back: For, in deede Cleophila had putt suche a sodeyn feare into his heade, that from thenceforthe he was resolved, never to come oute any more yll provyded, yet, had his blunt braynes perceyved some favoure the Duke bare to this newe come Lady. And so framing him self thereunto, (as withoute doubte the moste servile flatery ys moste easily lodged in the moste grosse Capacity, for theyre ordinary Conceipte drawes a yeelding to theyre greaters, and then have they not witt to discerne the right degrees of goodnes) hee no sooner sawe her, but with hed and armes hee layde his reverence before her, enoughe to have made any man forsworne all Curtesy: And then, in the Dukes name did hee requyer her, shee wolde take paynes to see theyre pastoralls, for so theyre sportes were termed, But when hee espyed Musidorus standing by her, (for his eye had bene placed all this while uppon her) not knowing him, woulde fayne have perswaded him self to have bene angry, but yt hee durst not.
Yet muttering and Champing as thoughe his Cudd trubled him, hee gave occasion to Musidorus to come nerer him, and to frame a Tale of his owne lyfe, that hee was a younger brother of the Shepeard Menalcas, by name Dorus, sent by his Father in his tender age to Athens, there to learne some Cunning more then ordenary, for to excell his fellowe Shepeardes in theyre Eglogues: And that his brother Menalcas latily gone thether to fetche him home, was deceassed, where uppon his Deathe bed hee had charged him to seeke the service of Dametas, and to bee wholly and onely guyded by his Counsell, as one in whose Judgment and integrity the Duke had singuler Confidence. For token whereof hee gave him a Some of golde in redy Coyne, whiche Menalcas had bequeathed him, uppon Condicion, hee shoulde receyve this pore Dorus into his service, that his mynde and maners mighte growe the better, by his daily ensample: Dametas, no sooner sawe the golde, but that his harte was presently infected with the self conceipte hee tooke of yt, whiche beeyng helped by the tickling of Musidorus prayses, so turned ye brayne of good Dametas, that hee became slave to that whiche hee that wolde bee his servaunt bestowed upon him. And gave in him self an ensample for ever, that the foole can never bee honest, since (not beeynge able to ballance what poyntes vertue standes uppon) every present occasion catches his senses, and his senses are Masters of his silly mynde: yet for countenaunce sake, hee seemed very squeymish (in respect hee had ye chardge of the Princes Pamela) to accept any new servaunt into his howse. But, suche was the secret operacyon of the golde, helped with the perswasion of the Amazon Cleophila (who saide yt was pity so proper a younge man shoulde bee any where else, then with so good a Master) that, in the ende hee agreed to receyve him for his Servaunt: So as, that day in theyre pastoralles, hee prooved him self active in mynde and body: And thus went they to the Lodge, with greater joy to Musidorus (nowe onely pore Shepearde Dorus) then all his lyfe before had ever brought forthe unto him; so manifest yt ys, that the greatest poynte owteward thinges can bringe a man unto, ys the Contentment of mynde (which once obteyned) no estate ys miserable, and withoute yt no Princes state restfull.
There founde they Ginecia with her twoo Daughters, redy to goo to the Meadowe, whither allso, they went: For, as for Basilius hee desyered to stay behynde them, to debate a litle with him self of this newe guest that had entered and possessed his braynes: There yt ys sayde the pore olde Basilius beeyng nowe alone (for as I sayde, the rest were gon to see the Pastoralles) had a sufficyent Eglogue in his owne head, betuixt Honor, with the longe experience hee had had of the worlde on the one syde, and this new assaulte of Cleophilas beauty, on the other syde. There hard by the Lodge walked hee, carrying this unquyet contention aboute him, but, passion ere longe, had gotten the absolute Masterhood, bringing with yt the shewe of present pleasure fortifyed with ye autority of a Prince, whose power mighte easily satisfy his will ageanst ye farr fett (thoughe true) reasons of the Spirite, whiche in a man not trayned in the way of vertue, hathe but slender worcking: So that ere longe hee utterly gave him self over to the Longing desyer, to enjoy Cleophila, whiche fynding an olde broken vessell of him, had more power in him then perchaunce yt would have had in a younger man, and so, as all vyce ys foolish, yt wroughte in him the more absurde follye.
But, thus as I say, in a nomber of intermixed imaginacyons hee stayed solitary by the Lodge, wayting, for the returne of his Company from ye pastoralles some good space of tyme: Till hee was sodenly stirred oute of his deepe muses, by the hasty and fearefull ronning unto him, of moste parte of the Shepeardes, who came flying from the pastorall sportes, cryinge one to an other, to stay and save the Duchess & younge Ladyes. But, even whilest they cryed so, they ranne away as fast as they Coulde so that the one tumbled over the other, eche one showing hee woulde bee glad, his fellow shoulde doo valyantly, but his owne harte served him not. The Duke amased to see suche extreme shewes of feare asked the matter of them, but, feare had so possessed theyre Inwarde partes, that theyre breathe coulde not serve to tell him, But after suche a broken maner, that I thinke yt not best, to truble yow, fayre Ladyes, with theyre panting speeches, but, to make a full Declaracion of yt my self, and thus yt was.
Ginecia with her twoo Daughters, Cleophila the Shepeardes Dorus and Dametas beeyng parted from ye Duke whome they lefte solitary at the Lodge, came into the fayre Meadowe appoynted for theyre Shepeardish pastymes: It was in deede a place of greate delighte, for throughe the middest of yt there ranne a sweete brooke, whiche did bothe holde the eye open with her beutyfull streames, and close the eye with the sweete purling noyse yt made upon ye pible stones yt rann over. The Meadow yt self yeelding so liberally all sortes of flowers, that yt seemed to norish a Contention betuixt the Coloure and the smell, whether in his kynde were the more delightfull: Rounde aboute the Meadowe (as yf yt had beene to enclose a Theater) grewe all suche sorte of Trees, as eyther excellency of fruite, statelynes of grouthe, continuall greeñes, or Poeticall fancyes have made at any tyme famous. In moste parte of which Trees, there had bene framed by Arte, suche plesant Arboures, that yt became a gallery a lofte from one Tree to the other, allmoste rounde aboute, whiche beelowe yeelded a perfect shadowe, in those whott Contryes counted a greate pleasure: In this place, under one of these Trees the Ladyes satt downe, inquiring many questyons of younge Dorus, now newly perceyved of them.
Whilest the other Shepeardes made them redy to the pastymes, Dorus keeping his eye still uppon ye Princess Pamela, answered with suche a trembling voyce, and abasshed Countenaunce, and often tymes so farr from the matter, that yt was some sporte to the Ladyes, thinking yt had bene wante of education which made him so discountenaunced with unwonted presence: But Cleophila that sawe in him the glasse of her owne misery, taking ye faire hande of Philoclea, and with more then womanish ardency, kissing yt began to say these wordes. O Love, sithe thow arte inchangeable to mens estates, howe arte thow so Constant in theyre tormentes? when, sodenly, there came oute of the wood, a monsterus Lyon, with a shee Beare, of litle less fercenes, whiche having beene hunted in forrestes farr of had by chaunce come to this place, where suche Beastes had never before bene seene. Whiche when the Shepeardes sawe, like silly wretches that thinke all evill ys ever next them selves, ran away in suche sorte, as I have tolde yow, till they came to ye Dukes presence: There, mighte one have seene at one instant, all sortes of passyons lyvely paynted oute in the younge Lovers faces, an extremity of Love shyning in theyre eyes, feare for theyre Mistresses, assured hope in theyre owne vertue, Anger ageanst the Beastes, Joy, that occasion employed theyre services, sorrowes, to see theyre Ladyes in agony: For in deede, the sweete Philoclea no sooner espyed the Ravenus Lyon, but, that, opening her armes shee fell so righte upon the brest of Cleophila, sitting by her, that theyre faces at unawares closed together whiche so transported all what so ever Cleophila was, that shee gave leysure to the Lyon to come very nere them, before shee ridd her self from the dere Armes of Philoclea. But, necessity the onely over Ruler of affections did force her then gently to unfolde her self from those sweete embracementes, and so drawing her sworde wayted the present assaute of the Lyon: who seeyng Philoclea flee away, sodenly turned after her, for assoone as shee had risen up with Cleophila, shee rañ as fast as her delicate legges woulde carry her towardes the Lodge, after the fugitive Shepeardes.
But Cleophila, seeyng how greedily the Lyon went after the Praye (shee her self so muche desyered) yt seemed all her Spirites were kindled with an unwonted feare, so that, equalling the Lyon, in swiftnes, shee overtooke him, as hee was redy to have seized him self of this beutyfull chase: And disdeynfully saying, are yow become my Competitour?, thrust the Lyon throughe the brest, farr into the body, yet, the valyant Beast came with all so farr upon the weapen, that with his pawe, hee gave a sore wounde to the lefte shoulder of Cleophila: And mortall yt woulde have bene, had not the Deathe wounde hee receyved, allredy, taken away the greatest effect of his force, but, therewithall hee fell downe, and gave Cleophila leysure to take of his heade, to carry yt for a present to her Lady Philoclea. Who, all this while, not knowyng, what was done behynde her, kept on her Course, as Arethusa, when shee rañ from Alpheus, her light Nimphlyk apparell beeyng carryed up with the wynde, that, muche of those beutyes shee woulde at an other tyme have willingly hidden, were presented to the eye of the twyce wounded Cleophila: which made Cleophila not followe her over hastely, leste shee shoulde too soone deprive her self of that pleasure. But carrying the Lyons heade in her hande, did not fully over take her, till, they came, bothe into ye presence of Basilius, at that tyme examening the Shepeardes, of what was past, and preparing him self to come to theyre succoure: Neither were they longe there, but, that Ginecia came to them, whose looke had all this while bene uppon the Combate eying so fixedly Cleophilas maner of feighting, that no feare did preveyle over her.
But, assoone as Cleophila had cutt of his heade, and ran after Philoclea, shee coulde not fynde in her harte, but to ronne likewyse after Cleophila, so that yt was a newe sighte fortune had prepared to those woodes, to see these three greate Personages thus rone one after the other: Eche carryed away with the vyolence of an Inwarde evell, the sweete Philoclea, with suche feare, that shee thoughte shee was still in the Lyons mowthe, Cleophila with a paynefull delighte shee had to see, withoute hope of enjoying, Ginecia, not so muche with the love shee bare to her best beloved Daughter, as with a newe wonderfull passionate love had possessed her harte of the goodly Cleophila. For so the truthe ys that, at the first sighte shee had of Cleophila, her harte gave her, shee was a man, thus for some straunge Cause disguysed, whiche now in effect this Combate did assure her of, bycause shee measured the possibility of all woemens hartes, oute of her owne. And this Doubte framed a Desyer in her to knowe, and desyer to knowe brought forthe shortly suche a longing to enjoy, that yt reduced her whole mynde to an extreme and unfortunate slavery, pitifully truely considering her beuty and estate. But for a perfect marcke of the Tryumphe of Love, who coulde in one moment overthrowe the harte of a wyse Lady, so, yt neyther Honor longe meynteyned, nor Love of hushand and Children coulde withstand yt, but of that yow shall after heare: For, now, they beeyng come before the Duke, and the fayre Philoclea scarcely then stayed from her feare, Cleophila kneeling downe presented the heade of ye Lyon unto her which these wordes.
Onely Lady saide shee, here see yow the punishment of that unnaturall beast, which contrary to his owne kynde woulde have wronged Princess blood, neither were his eyes vanquishd with the Duety all eyes beare to youre beuty: Happy am I and my beuty bothe answered the faire Philoclea (the blood coming ageane to her Cheekes pale before for feare) that yow Excellent Amazon were there to teache him good mañers. And even thancke that beuty, saide Cleophila, which forceth all noble swordes to bee redy to serve yt.
Having finisshed these wordes the Lady Philoclea perceyved the blood that ran abundantly downe uppon Cleophilas shoulder, so that starting asyde with a countenance full of sweete pity: Alas, (saide shee) now I perceyve my good happ ys wayted on with great misfortune, synce my savety ys wroughte with the Daunger of a muche more worthy person. Noble Lady (answered shee) yf youre Inward eyes coulde discerne the woundes of my sowle, yow shoulde have a plentifuller Cause to exercyse youre Compassyon: But yt was sporte to see howe in one instant bothe Basilius & Ginecia (like a Father and Mother to a beloved Chylde) came ronning to see the wounde of Cleophila, into what rages Basilius grewe, and what teares Ginecia spent: For yt seemed that Love had purposed, to make in those solitary woodes, a perfect Demonstration of his unresistable force, to shewe that no Dezart place can avoyde his Darte hee must flie from him self that will shonne his evill. But so wonderfull and in effect incredible, was the passion which rayned asweil h1 Ginecia, as Basilius and all for the pore Cleophila dedicated, an other way: That yt seemes to my self I use not wordes enowe to make yow see, how they coulde in one moment bee so overtaken.
But, yow worthy Ladyes, that have at any tyme feelingly knowne what yt meanes, will easily beleeve the possibility of yt, let the ignorant sorte of people give credit unto them that have passed the Dolefull passage, and duely fynde, that quickly ys the infection gotten, whiche in longe tyme ys hardly cured: Basilius woulde kisse her forehead, blessing the Destenyes that had joyned suche beuty and valour together, Ginecia woulde kisse her more boldly by the liberty of her womanish shewe, allthough her hart were sett on no thinge Lesse. For allredy was shee fallen into a Jelous envy agenst her Daughter Philoclea, bycause shee found Cleophila shewed suche extraordenary dutifull favour unto her, and even that setled her opinion ye more of her Manhood: And this doubtfull Jelousy served as a Bellowse to kyndle the vyolent Coles of her passion, but as the overkynde Nurse may some tymes with kissing forgett to give the Chylde suck, so had they with twoo muche kyndenes unkyndly forgotten the wounde of Cleophila, had not Philoclea (whose harte had not yet goñ beyond the limittes of a right good will) advysed her self, and desyerd her Mother to help her, to dress the wounde of Cleophila. For bothe those greate Ladyes were excellently seene in that parte of surgery, an Arte in that Age greatly esteemed, bycause yt served as a Minister to vertuous Corage: whiche in those worthy dayes, was even by Ladyes more beloved, then any owteward bewty. So that to the great Comfort of Cleophila more to feele the delicate handes of Philoclea, then for ye Care shee had of her wounde, these twoo Ladyes had quickly dressed yt, applying so precyous a balme, as all the heate and payne was asswaged with aparant hope of some amendement: In which dooyng I know not whether Ginecia tooke some greater Conjectures of Cleophilas sexe.
But even then and not before, did Cleophila remember her self of her dere frende Musidorus, for having onely had Care of ye excellent Philoclea, shee neyther missed her frende, nor the Princess Pamela: Not somuche to bee marveyled at in her, since bothe the Duke and Duchess had forgotten theyre Daughter, so were all theyre thoughtes plunged in one place. Besydes Cleophila had not seene any daunger was like to falle unto him, for her eye had still bene fixed uppon Philoclea, and that made her ye more Careles: But nowe with a kynde of rysing in her harte, leste some evill shoulde befalle unto her chosen frende, shee hastely asked what was become of the Princess Pamela with the twoo Shepeardes Dametas & Dorus. And then the Duke and Ginecia remembred theyre forgetfullnes, and with greate astonishment made like inquiry for her: But of all the Company of the Shepeardes (so had the Lyons sighte putt them from them selves) there was but one, that coulde say any thinge of her, & all hee sayde was this, that as hee rañ away, hee might perceyve a greate Beare roñe directly towardes her. Cleophila (whose corage was allwayes redy withoute deliberacyon) tooke up the sworde lyinge by her, with mynde to bestow her lyfe for the succour or Revenge of her Musidorus and the gracyous Pamela: But as shee had roñe twoo or three steppes, they mighte all see Pamela coming betwixt Dametas & Dorus. Pamela having in her hand the pawe of the Beare, which the Shepeard Dorus had newly presented unto her, desyering her to keepe yt as of suche a Beast, whiche thoughe shee was to bee punished for her over great Cruelty, yet, was her witt to bee esteemed, since shee coulde make so sweete a Choyse: Dametas, for his parte, came pyping and Daunsing, the merryest man of a parrishe, but when hee came so nere, as hee might bee hearde of the Duke, hee sange this Songe, for Joy of theyre success.
Now thancked bee the great god Pan,
That thus preserves my loved lyfe:
Thancked bee I that keepe A man,
Who ended hathe this fearefull stryfe.
So, yf my Man must prayses have;
What then must I, that keepe the knave?
For, as the Moone the eye dothe please,
With gentle beames not hurting sighte:
Yet hathe Sir Sunn the greatest prayse,
Bycause from him dothe come her lighte.
So, yf my man must prayses have;
What then must I, that keepe the knave?
Yt were a very superfluous thinge to tell yow, how glad eche party was of the happy returning from those daungers: And doubt yow not, fayre Ladyes, there wanted no questioning how thinges had passed, but bycause I will have the thanckes my self; yt shall bee I yow shall heare yt of, And thus thc Auncyent Recordes of Arcadia say, yt fell owte. The Lyons presence had no sooner driven away the hartless Shepeardes, and followed, as I tolde yow the excellent Philoclea, but that there came oute of the same woodes a monsterus shee Beare, whiche fearing to deale with the Lyons pray, came furyously towardes the Princess Pamela: who whether yt were, shee had heard, that suche was the best refuge ageanst yt Beast, or that feare, (as yt fell oute moste likely) broughte forthe ye effectes of wisdome, shee, no sooner sawe the Beare coming towardes her, but, shee fell downe flatt uppon her face. Whiche when the Prince Musidorus sawe (whome bycause suche was his pleasure, I am bolde to calle the Shepearde Dorus) with a true Resolved magnanimity allthoughe hee had no other weapon, but a great Shepeardes knyfe, hee lepte before the heade of his dere Lady, and (saying these wordes unto her, receyve here the sacrifice of that harte, whiche ys onely vowed to youre service) attending with a quyet Corage, the Coming of ye Beare, whiche according to the maner of that Beastes feighte (especially agenst A man that resistes them) rose up uppon her hinder feete, so to take him in her ougly pawes: But as shee was redy to give him a mortall embrasement, The Shepeard Dorus, with a lusty strengthe & good fortune thrust his knyfe so righte into the harte of the Beaste, that shee fell downe Dead, withoute ever beeyng able to tuche him. Whiche beeyng done, hee turned to his Lady Pamela, at that tyme in a swounde with extremity of feare, and softely taking her in his Armes, hee tooke the advauntage to kisse and rekiss her a hundred tymes, with suche exceeding delighte that hee woulde often after say, hee thoughte the Joy woulde have carryed his lyfe from him, had not the greef hee conceyved to see her in suche Case some thing Diminisshed yt: But, longe, in that delightfull agony hee was not, for the Lady Pamela, beeyng come oute of her sounde, opened her fayre eyes, and seeyng her self in the handes of this Newcome Shepehearde, with greate disdayne putt him from her.
But when shee sawe the Ougly Beare lying by her, starting asyde (for, feare gave not reason leave to determeyn whether yt were Deade or noo) shee forgatt her anger, and cryed to Dorus to help her: wherefore, hee cutting of the fore pawe of the Beare, and shewyng unto her ye bloody knyfe, toulde her, shee mighte well perceyve by this, that there was no harte so base, nor weapon so feeble, but, that the force of her beuty was well able, to enable them for the performance of great matters. Shee enquyring the maner, and whether him self were hurte, gave him great thanckes for his paynes, with promyse of Rewarde: But, beeynge asshamed to fynde her self so alone with this younge Shepearde, looked rounde aboute, yf shee coulde see any body, and at lengthe they bothe perceyved the gentle Dametas, lyinge with his head and brest, as farr as hee coulde thrust him self into a Busshe, drawyng up his Legges as close unto him, as hee coulde. For, in deede, assoone as hee sawe ye Beare coming towardes them, (Like a man that was very apte to take pitty of him self) hee ran headlonge into this Bussh, with full resolution, yt at the worst hand hee woulde not see his owne deathe: And when Dorus pusshed him, bidding him bee of good Corage, yt was a great while, before hee coulde perswade him, that Dorus was not the Beare, so that, hee was fayne to pull him oute by the heeles, and shewe him her as Deade as hee coulde wishe her, whiche yow may beleeve was a very joyfull sighte unto him. And yet like a man of a Revengefull spirite, hee gave the deade body many a wounde, swearing by muche yt was pitty, suche Beastes shoulde bee suffered in a Comon Welthe: And then with as imoderate Joye, as before with feare (for his harte was framed never to bee withoute a passyon) hee went by his fayre charge, daunsing, pyping, and singing, till they all came to the presence of the carefull Company, as before I tolde yow. Thus nowe this litle, (but Noble) Company united ageane together, the first thinge was done, was the yeelding of the greate thanckes and prayses of all sydes, to the vertuous Cleophila: The Duke tolde with what a gallant grace shee ranñ after Philoclea with the Lyons heade in her hande, like an other Pallas with the spoyles of Gorgon. Ginecia sware, shee sawe the very face of younge Hercules killing ye Nemean Lyon, and all with a gratefull assent confirmed ye same prayses; Onely pore Dorus (thoughe of equall desert) yet, not proceeding from equall estate, shoulde have bene lefte forgorten, had not Cleophila, (partely to putt by the occasion of her owne excessive prayses but principally for the true remembrance shee had of her professed frende), with greate admiracion spoken of his hazardous acte, asking a fressh (as yf hee had never before knowne him) what hee was, and whether hee had haunted that place before: Protesting, that uppon her Conscyence, shee coulde not thinck, but that hee came of some very Noble blood, so noble a Countenaunce hee bare, and so worthy an acte hee had performed.
This, Basilius tooke, (as the Lovers harte ys apte to receyve all sodeyn sortes of impression) as thoughe his Mistris, had given him a secrett reprehension, that hee had not shewed more gratefullnes to ye valiant Dorus: And therefore, as nymbly as hee coulde, began forthewith to enquyer of his estate, adding promyse of greate Rewardes, amonge the rest, offering him that, yf hee woulde exercyse his valure in Souldyery, hee woulde Committ some charge unto him under Philanax governour of his frontiers: But, Dorus, whose Ambicion stretched a quyte other way, having first answered (tuching his estate) that hee was brother to the Shepeard Menalcas, whome the Duke had well knowne and excused his goynge to Souldyery, by the unaptnes hee founde in him self that way, toulde the Duke that his Brother in his last Testament had commaunded him to dedicate his service to Dametas: And therefore, aswell for the Due obeydyence thereto as for the satisfaction of his owne mynde (whiche was wholly sett upon pastorall affaires) hee woulde thincke his service greatly rewarded, yf hee mighte by that meanes obtayne, to live in the sighte of ye Duke, more then the rest of his fellowes, and yet practize that his chosen vocation The Duke liking well of his modest maner charged Dametas to receyve him like a sonne in his howse telling hym, bycause of his tryed valor, hee woulde have him bee as a Guarde to his Daughter Pamela: To whome likewyse hee recomended him, sticking not to say, suche men were to bee cherisshed, since shee was in danger of some secrett mysadventure. All this while Pamela saide litle of him and even as litle did Philoclea of Cleophila, allthoughe every body else filled theyre mouthes with theyre prayses: Wherof seeking the Cause, yt they whiche moste were bounde, sayde leste, I note this to my self (faire Ladyes) That, eeven at this tyme they did begin to fynde, they them selves coulde not tell, what kynde of inclinacyon towardes them. Whereof feeling a secret accusation in them selves, and in theyre simplicity not able to warraunt yt, closed up all suche motion in secrett, withoute daring scarcely to breathe oute the Names of them, who allredy began to breede unwonted warr in theyre Spirites: For in deede, Fortune had framed a very stage play of Love amonge these fewe folkes, making the Olde age of Basilius the vertue of Ginecia, and the simplicity of Philoclea, all affected to one. But, by a three kynde of passyon, Basilius assuring him self shee was (as shee pretended) a younge Lady, but greatly dispayring for his owne unworthynes sake, Ginecia hoping her Judgment to bee Righte of his disguysing: But, therein fearing a greater sore yf his harte were pledged to his Daughter. But, sweete Philoclea grewe shortly after of all other into worste Terme, for taking her to bee suche as shee professed, desyer shee did, but shee knewe not what: And shee longed to obteyne that, wherof shee her self coulde not imagyn the Name, but full of unquyet imaginacyons, rested onely unhappy, bycause shee knewe not her good happ. Cleophila hathe (I thincke) sayde ynoughe for her self, to make yow knowe (fayre Ladyes) that shee was not a litle enchaunted: And as for Dorus, a Shepeardes Apparell uppon the Duke of Thessalia will answer for him. Pamela was the onely Lady that woulde needes make open warr upon her self, and obteyne the victory, for, in deede even now fynde shee did, a certeyne worcking of a newe come Inclination to Dorus: But, when shee founde perfectly in her self whether yt must drawe her, shee did over master yt, with the Consideracyon of his meañenes: But, how therein Dorus soughte to satisfy her, yow shall after heare, For, now the Day beeyng closed up in darckenes the Duke woulde fayne have had Cleophila goñ to rest bycause of the late receyved wounde: But, shee that founde no better salve, then Philocleas presence, desyered first, that by Torche lighte, they mighte see some of the pastoralles the Lyons coming had disordered, whiche accordingly was done: whereof I will repeate a fewe, to ease yow fayre Ladyes of the tedyousnes of this longe discourse.
Here endes The Firste Booke, or Acte.