- The Author
- James Augustine Aloysius Joyce, the eldest of ten children, was born in Dublin on Feb. 2, 1882. In 1898, Joyce entered University College, Dublin, where he studied philosophy and languages. In 1902 he went to Paris to study medicine, but returned to Dublin in 1903 as his mother was dying. In 1904 he met Nora Barnacle, his lifelong companion, and they left for Trieste, where he taught languages in the Berlitz school. In 1912 Joyce visited Dublin for the last time in his life. He spent the First World War in Zürich with Nora and two children in great poverty. In 1920 he moved to Paris, where he lived for nineteen years. The outbreak of World War II forced him to move once again to Zürich, where he died on Jan. 13, 1941.
- The Work
- The Holy Office (1904/05)
Stephen Hero (1904/05)
Chamber Music (1907)
Gas from a Burner (1912)
Dubliners (1914)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)
Exiles (1918)
Ulysses (1922)
Pomes Penyeach (1927)
Collected Poems (1936)
Finnegans Wake (1939)
Critical Writings
- Appendix
- Sources/Colophon