- T h e A u t h o r
- Katherine Mansfield was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1888. Her father was a successfuls banker and in his later years director of the Bank of New Zealand. In 1903 she was sent to London and studied at Queen's College. Back in New Zealand in 1906, she published her first short stories in the Australian monthly “Native Companion”. In 1908 she returned to London determined on a literary career. There she had affairs with several men, and became pregnant. She went to Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, where she suffered a miscarriage. During her stay in Germany she wrote satirical sketches, which were published in 1911 under the title “In a German Pension”. In 1909 she married George Bowden, but left him soon afterwards. In 1911 she met John Middleton Murray, an editor and critic, and published in his quarterly “Rhythm”. After the death of her beloved younger brother in World War I, she centered her writing around her childhood in New Zealand, greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov. In 1918 she married John Murray. Diagnosed as suffering from tuberculosis, she lived much of her time in the Riviera town of Menton, France, renting the Villa Isola Bella, and in Switzerland. Despite periods of recuperation, her health continued to decline. Disillusioned with conventional medical practice, she entered the Gurdjieff Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man near Fontainebleau, France. There she died in 1923.
“Now - now I want to write recollections of my own country. Yes, I want to write about my own country till I simply exhaust my store. Not only because it is a 'secret debt' that I pay to my country because my brother and I were born there, but also because in my thoughts I range with him over all the remembered places. I am never far away from them. I long to renew them in writing.”
(The Journal of Katherine Mansfield, ed. by J. M. Murry, London 1927)

Katherine Mansfield by Anne Estelle Rice
- T h e W o r k s
- Enna Blake (1898)
In a German Pension (1911)
Germans at Meat
The Baron
The Sister of the Baroness
Frau Fischer
Frau Brechenmacher attends a Wedding
The Modern Soul
At Lehmann's
The Luft Bad
A Birthday
The Child-Who-Was-Tired
The Advanced Lady
The Swing of the Pendulum
A Blaze
The Woman at the Store (1911)
Ole Underwood (1912)
Mollie (1912)
Prelude (1918)
The stranger (1918)
Bliss and Other Stories (1920)
Je ne parle pas francais
The wind blows
The man without a temperament
Mr. Reginald peacock's day
Sun and moon
Feuille d'album
A dill pickle
The little governess
The escape
At the bay (1921)
Sixpence (1921)
The doll's house (1921)
The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922)
The garden party
The daughters of the late colonel
Mr. and Mrs. Dove
The young girl
Life of Ma Parker
Marriage a la mode
The voyage
Miss Brill
Her first ball
The singing lesson
The stranger
Bank holiday
An ideal family
The lady's maid
A cup of tea (1922)
The fly (1922)
The canary (1922)
Poems (1923, ed. by J. M. Murry)
The Dove's Nest and Other Stories (1923, ed. by J. M. Murry)
Something Childish, and Other Stories (1924, ed. by J. M. Murry)
The Journal (1927, ed. by J. M. Murry)
The Letters (1928-1929, ed. by J. M. Murry)
Novels and Novelists (1930, ed. by J. M. Murry)
- A p p e n d i x
- Biography
Katherine Mansfield page