Avrile, Maggio, Giunio, Luglio 1520
Stessemo in questo porto el qaL chiamassemo porto de sto. Julianno cirqua de cinque mesi doue acadetenno molte cose. Açio ɋ vȓa IlLma sa ne sapia algune fu ɋ subito entrati neL porto li capitani de le altre quato naue ordinorono vno tradimẽto þ amazare iL capo genneralle et questi erano eL vehadore de Larmata ɋ se chiamaua Johan de cartegena eL thesorero alouise de mendosa eL contadore anthonio cocha et gaspar de cazada et squartato eL veador de li homini fo amazato lo thesorƺ apognialade esendo descoperto Lo tradimento de li alquantj giornj gaspar de casada þ voler fare vno alto tradimẽto fo sbandito cō vno prete in questa tera patagonia. eL Capo generale nō volse far lo amazare perche Lo imperatoȓ don carlo lo haueua facto capo Vna naue chiamata sancto Jacobo þ andare a descourire la costa Se perse tucti li homini Si saluarono þ miracolo nō bagniandosse apenna dui de questi venirono ali naui et ne discero el tuto þ il que eL capo gñale ge mando alguni homini cō sacqi pienny de biscoto þ dui mesi ne fu forsa portarli eL viuere þ che ogni giorno trouauano qalque cosa de la naue eL viagio ad andare era longuo 24 legue ɋ sonno cento millia la via asprissima et pienna de spini stauano 4 giorni in viagio le nocte dormiuano in machioni nō trouauano hacqua da beuere senon giaçio il que ne era grandisima fatiga. Jn questo porto era asayssime cape Longue ɋ le chiamano missiglioni haueuano perle neL mezo ma picole ɋ non le poteuano mangiare ancho se trouaua Jnsenso struzi volpe passare et conigli piu picoli assay de li nostri Qui in cima deL piu alto monte drizassemo vna croce in signo de questa terra, ɋ err deL re de spagnia et chiamassemo questo monte monte de xo.
In that port which we called the port of Santo Julianno, we remained about five months. Many things happened there. In order that your most illustrious Lordship may know some of them, it happened that as soon as we had entered the port, the captains of the other four ships plotted treason in order that they might kill the captain-general. Those conspirators consisted of the overseer of the fleet, one Johan de Cartagena, the treasurer, Alouise de Mendosa, the accountant, Anthonio Cocha, and Gaspar de Cazada. The overseer of the men having been quartered, the treasurer was killed by dagger blows, for the treason was discovered. Some days after that, Gaspar de Casada, was banished with a priest in that land of Patagonia. The captain-general did not wish to have him killed, because the emperor, Don Carlo, had appointed him captain. A ship called «Sancto Jacobo» was wrecked in an expedition made to explore the coast. All the men were saved as by a miracle, not even getting wet. Two of them came to the ships after suffering great hardships, and reported the whole occurrence to us. Consequently, the captain-general sent some men with bags full of biscuits [sufficient to last] for two months. It was necessary for us to carry them the food, for daily pieces of the ship [that was wrecked] were found. The way thither was long, [being] 24 leguas, or one hundred millas, and the path was very rough and full of thorns. The men were 4 days on the road, sleeping at night in the bushes. They found no drinking water, but only ice, which caused them the greatest hardship. There were very many long shellfish which are called missiglioni in that port [of Santo Julianno]. They have pearls, although small ones in the middle, but could not be eaten. Incense, ostriches, foxes, sparrows, and rabbits much smaller than ours were also found. We erected a cross on the top of the highest summit there, as a sign in that land that it belonged to the king of Spagnia; and we called that summit Monte de Christo [i.e., Mount of Christ].

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 14v