Maggio 1521
Mercore matina pimo de magio Lo re xpono mando adire ali gouuernatory Como erano preparate le gioie haueu þmesso de mandare aL re despagnia et que li pregaua cō li alti soi andasero disinare secho qella matina ɋ li la darebe andorono 24 homini in tera cō questi ando Lo nȓo astrologo che se chiamaua s. martín de siuilla yo non li pote andare þ che era tuto infiato per vna ferita de freza venenata che haueua nela fronte Jouan caruaio cō Lo barizello tornorono indietro et ne discero como visteno colui resa nato þ miracolo menare Lo prete acasa sua et þ questo seranno partittj per che dubitauāo de qalque malle nō dissero cosi presto le parolle que sentissimo grā gridi et Lamenti subito leuassemo lanchore et tirando molte bombarde nele case ne aþpinquassemo piu ala terra et cussi tirādo vedessemo Johā seranno in camiza ligato et ferito gridare nō douessemo piu tirare per che Lamazarebenno li domandassemo se tucti li alti con lo interprete erano morti disse tucti erano morti saluo linterprete ne prego molto Lo douessemo rescatare cō qalque merchadantia ma Johā caruiao suo compare non volsero þ restare loro patronj andasse Lo batello in tera Ma Johan seranno pur piangendo ne disse ɋ nō haueressemo cosi presto facto vella ɋ lauerianno amazato et disse ɋ pregaua ydio neL Jorno deL Juditio dimandasse Lanima sua a Johan caruiao suo compadre subito se partissemo nō so se morto o viuo lui restasse.
Jn questa yzola se troua cani gati rizo millio panizo sorgo gengero figui neranzi limone Canne dolci agio meL cochi chiacare zuche carne de molte sorte vino de palma et oro et e grande ysola con vno bon porto ɋ a due intrate vna aL ponente lalta aL grego et leuante sta de Latitudine aL polo articho in x gradi de longitudine de la linea de la repartitiōe cento sexanta cato gradi et se chiama Zubu Quiui inanzi ɋ morisse lo capo genneralle hauessemo noua de malucho Questa gente sonano de viola cō corde de ramo.
Vocabuli de questi populi gentili.
AL homo: | lac | ALa donna | paranpaon | ALa Jouene | beni beni | Ala maritata | babay | Ali capilli | bo ho | AL vizo | guay | Ale palpebre | pilac | Ale ciglie | chilei. | Al ocquio | matta. | AL nazo | Jlon. | Ale masselle | apin | Ali labri | oloL. | A la bocca | baba. | A li denti | nipin | Ale gengiue | leghex. | Ala linga | dilla | Alle orechie | delengan. | Ala gola | liogh. | AL collo | tangip | AL mento | q?ilan. | ALa barba | bonghot | Ale spalle | bagha. | A la schena | licud. | AL peto | dughan | AL corpo | tiam | Soto li braci | Jlot | AL bracio | botchen | AL gomedo | sico | AL polso | molanghai | ALa mano | camat | A la palma de la man | palan | AL dito | dudlo | Ala ongia | coco | AL Lombelico | pusut | AL membro | vtin | Ali testicoli | boto | Ala natura de le donne | billat | AL vzar cõ loro | Jiam | Ale cullate | samput | Ala cossa | paha | AL ginochio | tuhud. | AL Schincho | bassag bassag | ALa polpa de la gamba | bitis | ALa cauechia | bolboL | AL calcagnio | tiochid | Ala solla deL pie | Lapa lapa | AL horo | balaoan | AL argento | pilla | AL Laton | concach | AL fero | butan | Ale canne dolce | tube | AL cuchiaro | gandan | AL rizo | bughax baras | AL melle | deghex | ALa cera | talho | AL salle | acin | AL vino | tuba nio nipa | AL bere | MinuncubiL | AL mangiare | maCan. | AL porcho | babui | ALa capra | candin | ALa galina | monoch | AL miglio | humas | AL sorgo | batat | AL panizo | dana | AL peuere | manissa | Ali garofoli | chianche. | ALa Cannella | mana. | AL gengero | luia | AL ayo | Laxuna | Ali naransi | acsua | AL ouo | silog | AL coco | lubi. | AL acceto | zlucha | AL acqua | tubin | AL fuoco | Clayo. | AL fumo | assu. | AL sofiare | tigban. | Alle belancie | tinban | AL pezo | tahiL | Ala perla | mutiara. | Ale madre de le perle | tipay. | Ala zampognia | Subin | AL mal de sto Job. | Alupalan | portame | palatin comorica | Acerte fogacie de rizo | tinapai | buono | main | Nõ | ti da le | AL cortello | capol sundan | Ale forfice | catle | A tosare | chunthinch | AL homo ben hornato | pixao | Ala tella | balandan | A li panni q? se copreno | Abaca | AL conaglio | colon colon | Ali pater nr?j dogni sorte | tacle | AL petine | cutlei missamis | AL pentinare | monssughud. | ALa Camiza | Sabun. | ALa gugia de cosire | daghu | AL cusire | mamis | A La porcelana | mobuluc | AL cana | aian ydo | AL gato | epos. | Ali sui veli | gapas | Ali cristalini | balus | Vien qi | marica | Ala caza | Jlaga balai | AL legniame | tatamue | Alle store doue dormeno | Tagichan | Ale store de palma | bani | Ale cussini de foglie | Vliman | A li piati de legnio | dulan | AL suo ydio | Abba. | AL solle | adlo | ALa luna | songhot | Ala stela | bolan bunthun. | ALa aurora | mene | Ala matina | vema | Ala taza | tagha | grande | bassaL | AL archo | bossugh. | ALa freza | oghon. | Ali targoni | calassan. | A le veste inbotide ? combater | baluti | Ale sue daghe | calix baladao [196] | Ali sui tertiadi | Campilan. | A la Lancia | bancan. | El talle | tuan. | Ali figui | saghin | Ale zuche | baghin | Ale corde dele sue violle | gotzap | AL fiume | tau. | AL risaio ? pescare | pucat laia | AL batello | sampan. | A le canne grande | cauaghan. | Ale picole | bonbon. | Ale sue barche grande | balanghai | Ale sue barque picolle | boloto | Ali granci | Cuban | AL pesce | Jcam yssida | A vno pescie tuto depinto | panap sapã | A vno alto rosso | timuan. | A vno certo alto | pilax | A vno alto | emaluan. | Tuto e vno | Siama siama | A vno schiauo | bonsuL | A la forca | bolle | ALa naue | benaoa | A vno re o capo gñale | raia. |
| Vno | Vzza | duy | dua | tre | tolo. | Quato | vpat | Cinque | lima | Sey | onom | Sette | pitto | octo | gualu | Noue | Ciam. | Diece | polo. |
Longi dizodoto legue de questa ysola zzubu aL capo de qeLa alta ɋ se chiama bohol bruzassemo in mezo de questo arcipelago la naue conceptiōe per essere restati tropo pochi et fornissemo le altre due de le cose sue megliore pi gliassemo poy la via deL garbin et mezo di costando la Jzola ɋ si dise panilongon nela qalle sonno homini negi Como in etiopia poy ariuasẽo a vna ysola grande Lo re delaqalle þ fare pace cō noy Se cauo sangue de La mano sinistra sanguinandose lo corpo Lo volto et la cima de la linga in segnio de magior amitisia cosi facessemo ancho nui Jo solo anday cō Lo rey in tera þ vedere Questa ysola subito ɋ Jntrassemo in vno fiume molti pescatori presentarono pesce al re poy lo re se cauo li pannj que haueua intorno le sue þgonie cō alguni sui principali et cantando Co minciorono a vogare passando þ molti habitationi ɋ erano soura Lo fiume ariuassemo a due hore de nocte in casa sua daL principio de qƺsto fiume doue estauamo le naui fino a casa del re erāo due legue entrādo nela casa ne venirono incontra molte torcie de canna et de foglie de palma Queste torcie erano de anime Como li dete de soura fin ɋ se aparechio la cene lo re con dui principali et due sue femine belle beue rono vno grā vazo de vino pienno de palma senza mangiare niente Jo escusandomi hauere cennato non volce berre sinon vna volta beuendo faceuazāo tute le cerimonie Como eL re de mazaua venne poy La Cena de rizo et pescie molto salato posto in scutelle de porcelana mangiauāo lo rizo þ panne Cocono Lo rizo in questo modo prima meteno dento in pigniate de terra como le nȓe vna fogla grande che circunda tuta la pigniata poy li meteno lacque et iL rizo coprẽdola la lasciano bugliere fin ɋ venne lo rizo duro como panne poi Lo cauano fuora in pezi in tucte queste parte cocono Lo rizo in questa sorte Cenato ɋ hauessemo Lo re fece portare vna stora de canne con vnalta de palma et vna cucino de foglie acio yo dormisse soura queste iL re con le due femine ando a dormire in vno luoco separato dormi cō vno suo principali Venuto il giorno mentre se aparechio Lo disnare anday þ questa izolla vidi in queste loro case assay massaritie de oro et poca victuuaria poy disnassemo rizo et pescie finito Lo disnare dice aL [re] con segni vederia La reyna me respose era contento andassemo de Compania in çima duno alto monte doue era la casa de la reyna Quando entray in casa Le fece la reuerentia et ley cossi verso de me sedeti apresso a ella Laqalle faceua vna stora de palma þ dormire þ La casa sua eraño atacati molti vazi de porcelana et Quatro borquie de metalo vna magiore de Lalta et due piu picole þ senare gli eranno molti schiaui et schiaue ɋ La seruiuāo Queste case sonno facte como le alte Ja dete pigliata lisentia tornasemo in caza deL re subito fece darne vna Colatiōe de canne dolce La magior abundantia ɋ sia in questa ysola e de oro mi mostrorono certj valoni facendomi segnio que in qelli era tanto horo como li sui capilly ma non anno fero þ cauarlo ne ancque voleno qela fatiga Questa parte de La ysola e vna medesma terra con butuan et calaghan et passa sopra bohol et confina cō mazaua per che tornaremo vna alta fiata in questa izolla non dico alto passato mezo di volse tornare ale naui eL re volse venire et li alti principali et cussi venessemo neL medisimo balanghai retornando þ lo fiume viti aman drita sopa vno monticello tre huominj apicati a vno arbure ɋ haueua tagliati li ramy Domanday al re qi eran qelli risposi ɋ erano maLfactorj et robatorj Questi populi vano nudi Como li alti de supa Lo re se chiama raia Calanao eL porto he buono et quiui se troua rizo gengero porci capre galine et alte cose sta de Latitudine aL polo articho in octo gradi et cento sexantasete de longitudine della linea repartitionalle et longi da Zubu cinquanta legue et se chiama chipit due Jornate de ql aL maistrale se troua vna Jsola grande detta Lozon doue vanno ogni anno sey hoþo octo Junci deli populi lechij.
On Wednesday morning, the first of May, the Christian king sent word to the commanders that the jewels which he had promised to send to the king of Spagnia were ready, and that he begged them and their other companions to come to dine with him that morning, when he would give them the jewels. Twenty-four men went ashore, among whom was our astrologer, San Martín de Sivilla. I could not go because I was all swollen up by a wound from a poisoned arrow which I had received in my face. Jovan Carvaio and the constable returned, and told us that they saw the man who had been cured by a miracle take the priest to his house. Consequently, they had left that place, because they suspected some evil. Scarcely had they spoken those words when we heard loud cries and lamentations. We immediately weighed anchor and discharging many mortars into the houses, drew in nearer to the shore. While thus discharging [our pieces] we saw Johan Seranno in his shirt bound and wounded, crying to us not to fire any more, for the natives would kill him. We asked him whether all the others and the interpreter were dead. He said that they were all dead except the interpreter. He begged us earnestly to redeem him with some of the merchandise; but Johan Carvaio, his boon companion, [and others] would not allow the boat to go ashore so that they might remain masters of the ships. But although Johan Serrano weeping asked us not to set sail so quickly, for they would kill him, and said that he prayed God to ask his soul of Johan Carvaio, his comrade, in the day of judgment, we immediately departed. I do not know whether he is dead or alive.
In that island are found dogs, cats, rice, millet, panicum, sorgo, ginger, figs [i.e., bananas], oranges, lemons, sugarcane, garlic, honey, cocoanuts, nangcas, gourds, flesh of many kinds, palm wine, and gold. It is a large island, and has a good port with two entrances – one to the west and the other to the east northeast. It lies in x degrees of latitude toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-four degrees from the line of demarcation. Its name is Zubu. We heard of Malucho there before the death of the captain-general. Those people play a violin with copper strings.
Words of those heathen people
For Man | lac | for Woman | paranpaon | for Young woman | beni beni | for Married woman | babay | for Hair | boho | for Face | guay | for Eyelids | pilac | for Eyebrows | chilei | for Eye | matta | for Nose | ilon | for Jaws | apin | for Lips | olol | for Mouth | baba | for Teeth | nipin | for Gums | leghex | for Tongue | dilla | for Ears | delengan | for Throat | liogh | for Neck | tangip | for Chin | queilan | for Beard | bonghot | for Shoulders | bagha | for Spine | licud | for Breast | dughan | for Body | tiam | Armpit | ilot | for Arm | botchen | for Elbow | sico | for Pulse | molanghai | for Hand | camat | for the Palm of the hand | palan | for Finger | dudlo | for Fingernail | coco | for Navel | pusut | for Penis | utin | for Testicles | boto | for Vagina | billat | for to have Communication with women | jiam | for Buttocks | samput | for Thigh | paha | for Knee | tuhud | for Shin | bassag bassag | for Calf of the leg | bitis | for Ankle | bolbol | for Heel | tiochid | for Sole of the foot | lapa lapa | for Gold | balaoan | for Silver | pilla | for Brass | concach | for Iron | butan | for Sugarcane | tube | for Spoon | gandan | for Rice | bughax baras | for Honey | deghex | for Wax | talho | for Salt | acin | for Wine | tuba nio nipa | for to Drink | minuncubil | for to Eat | macan | for Hog | babui | for Goat | candin | for Chicken | monoch | for Millet | humas | for Sorgo | batat | for Panicum | dana | for Pepper | manissa | for Cloves | chianche | for Cinnamon | mana | for Ginger | luia | for Garlic | laxuna | for Oranges | acsua | for Egg | silog | for Cocoanut | lubi | for Vinegar | zlucha | for Water | tubin | for Fire | clayo | for Smoke | assu | for to Blow | tigban | for Balances | tinban | for Weight | tahil371 | for Pearl | mutiara | for Mother of pearl | tipay | for Pipe [a musical instrument] | sub in | for Disease of St. Job | alupalan | Bring me | palatin comorica | for certain Rice cakes | tinapai | Good | main | No | tidale | for Knife | capol, sundan | for Scissors | catle | To shave | chunthinch | for a well adorned Man | pixao | for Linen | balandan | for the cloth with which they cover themselves | abaca | for hawk'sbell | coloncolon | for Pater nosters of all classes | tacle | for Comb | cutlei, missamis | for to Comb | monssughud | for Shirt | sabun | for Sewing-needle | daghu | for to Sew | mamis | for Porcelain | mobuluc | for Dog | aian, ydo | for Cat | epos | for their Scarfs | gapas | for Glass Beads | balus | Come here | marica | for House | ilaga, balai | for Timber | tatamue | for the Mats on which they sleep | tagichan | for Palm-mats | bani | for their Leaf cushions | uliman | for Wooden platters | dulan | for their God | abba | for Sun | adlo | for Moon | songhot | for Star | bolan, bunthun | for Dawn | mene | for Morning | uema | for Cup | tagha | Large | bassal | for Bow | bossugh | for Arrow | oghon | for Shields | calassan | for Quilted garments used for fighting | baluti | for their daggers | calix, baladao | for their Cutlasses | campilan | for Spear | bancan | for Like | tuan | for Figs [i.e., bananas] | saghin | for Gourds | baghin | for the Cords of their violins | gotzap | for River | tau | for Fishing-net | pucat, laia | for small Boat | sampan | for large Canes | cauaghan | for the small ones | bonbon | for their large Boats | balanghai | for their small Boats | boloto | for Crabs | cuban | for Fish | icam, yssida | for a Fish that is all colored | panapsapan | for another red [Fish] | timuan | for a certain other [kind of Fish] | pilax | for another [kind of Fish] | emaluan | All the same | siama siama | for a Slave | bonsul | for Gallows | bolle | for Ship | benaoa | for a King or Captain-general | raia |
One | uzza | two | dua | three | tolo | four | upat | five | lima | six | onom | seven | pitto | eight | gualu | nine | ciam | ten | polo |
In the midst of that archipelago, at a distance of eighteen leguas from that island of Zzubu, at the head of the other island called Bohol, we burned the ship «Conceptione,» for too few men of us were left [to work it]. We stowed the best of its contents in the other two ships, and the laid our course toward the south southwest, coasting along the island called Panilongon, where black men like those in Etiopia live. Then we came to a large island [Mindanao], whose king in order to make peace with us, drew blood from his left hand marking his body, face, and the tip of his tongue with it as a token of the closest friendship, and we did the same. I went ashore alone with the king in order to see that island. We had no sooner entered a river than many fishermen offered fish to the king. Then the king removed the cloths which covered his privies, as did some of his chiefs; and began to row while singing past many dwellings which were upon the river. Two hours after nightfall we reached the king's house. The distance from the beginning of the river where our ships were to the king's house, was two leguas. When we entered the house, we came upon many torches of cane and palm leaves, which were of the anime, of which mention was made above. Until the supper was brought in, the king with two of his chiefs and two of his beautiful women drank the contents of a large jar of palm wine without eating anything. I, excusing myself as I had supped, would only drink but once. In drinking they observed all the same ceremonies that the king of Mazaua did. Then the supper, which consisted of rice and very salt fish, and was contained in porcelain dishes, was brought in. They ate their rice as if it were bread, and cook it after the following manner. They first put in an earthen jar like our jars, a large leaf which lines all of the jar. Then they add the water and the rice, and after covering it allow it to boil until the rice becomes as hard as bread, when it is taken out in pieces. Rice is cooked in the same way throughout those districts. When we had eaten, the king had a reed mat and another of palm leaves, and a leaf pillow brought in so that I might sleep on them. The king and his two women went to sleep in a separate place, while I slept with one of his chiefs. When day came and until the dinner was brought in, I walked about that island. I saw many articles of gold in those houses but little food. After that we dined on rice and fish, and at the conclusion of dinner, I asked the king by signs whether I could see the queen. He replied that he was willing, and we went together to the summit of a lofty hill, where the queen's house was located. When I entered the house, I made a bow to the queen, and she did the same to me, whereupon I sat down beside her. She was making a sleeping mat of palm leaves. In the house there was hanging a number of porcelain jars and four metal gongs – one of which was larger than the second, while the other two were still smaller – for playing upon. There were many male and female slaves who served her. Those houses are constructed like those already mentioned. Having taken our leave, we returned to the king's house, where the king had us immediately served with refreshments of sugarcane. The most abundant product of that island is gold. They showed me certain large valleys, making me a sign that the gold there was as abundant as the hairs of their heads, but they have no iron with which to dig it, and they do not dare to go to the trouble [to get it]. That part of the island belongs to the same land as Butuan and Calaghan, and lies toward Bohol, and is bounded by Mazaua. As we shall return to that island again, I shall say nothing further [now]. The afternoon having waned, I desired to return to the ships. The king and the other chief men wished to accompany me, and therefore we went in the same balanghai. As we were returning along the river, I saw, on the summit of a hill at the right, three men suspended from one tree, the branches of which had been cut away. I asked the king what was the reason for that, and he replied that they were malefactors and robbers. Those people go naked as do the others above mentioned. The king's name is Raia Calanao. The harbor is an excellent one. Rice, ginger, swine, goats, fowls, and other things are to be found there. That port lies in a latitude of eight degrees toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-seven degrees from the line of demarcation. It is fifty leguas from Zubu, and is called Chipit. Two days' journey thence to the northwest is found a large island called Lozon, where six or eight junks belonging to the Lequian people go yearly.

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 26r

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 38v