Decembre 1521
Domenica pimo de decembre Questo gouuernatoȓ Se parti ne fu deto iL re de tadore hauergli dato panny de seta et algune de qelle borchie acio Custuy piu presto li mandasse li garofoli luni iL re ando fuora de la ysola þ garofoli mercore matina þ essere giorno de Sta. barbara et þ la venuta deL re se descarico tuta lartigliaria la nocte Lo re venne ne la riua et volse vedere Como tirauamo li rochetti et bombi de fuoco dilque lo re piglio grã piacere Joue et vennere se Compero molti garofoli cussi nella cita como nelle naui þ catro bracia de frizetto ne danão vno bahar de garofoli þ due Cadenelle de Latonne ɋ valeuão vno marcello ne detero cento libre de garofoli in fine þ nõ hauer piu merchadantie ogni vno li daua qi le cape eqi li sagli et qi le Camise cõ altre vestimentj þ haueȓ La sua quintalada Sabato tre figlioli diL re de tarenate con tre sue moglie figliole deL nȓo re et pietro alfonso portughesi venironno ale nauj donassemo ogni vno deli tre fratelli vn bichier de vetro dorato ale tre donne forfice et altre cose Quando se partironno forenno scaricate molte bombarde poy mandassemo in tera a la figliola deL nȓo re Ja moglie diL re de tarennatte molte cose perche nõ volse vegnire cõ le alte a le nauj tutta Questa gente cussi homini Comme donne vanno sempre descalsi.
Domenica a octo di decembre þ essere giorno dela Conseptiõe se scarico molte bonbarde Rocheti et bombe di fuoco luni sul tardi lo re venne ale naui cõ tre femine li portauão il betre alti non pone menare seco donne se nõ iL re dopo venne lo re de Jaialolo et volse vedere nuy vnalta fiata cõbatere insieme dopo alquanti giornj il nȓo re ne disse lui assimigliare vna fanciulo che lattasse et cogniocesse la sua dulce madre et qella parten dosi lo lassiare solo magiormente lui restare descosolato þ che gia ne haueua Cogniossuto et gustato alchune cose di spagnia et þ che doueuão tardare molto aL retornare Carissamamente ne prego li lasciassemo þ sua defentiõe alquanti de li [sui: crossed out in original MS.] ɣsi nȓi et ne auiso Quanto fossemo partiti nauigassemo se non de giorno þ li molti bassi sonno in queste ysolle li respondessemo se voleuão andar in spagnia nera forsa nauigaȓ de giorno et de nocte alhora disse farebe þ nui ogni giorno oratiõe aL suo ydio açio ne conducesse a saluamēto et dissene Como deueua venire le re de bachian þ maritare vno suo fratello cõ vno dele sue figliole ne prego volessemo far alchuna festa in segnio dallegreza ma nõ scaricassemo le bombarde grosse þ che farebenno grã danno ale nauj þ essere carigate in questi giorni venne pietro alfonso portuguese Con la sua donna et tute le altre sue cose astare ne le naui deli a duy giornj venne ale naui chechili de roix figliolo deL re de tarennate in vn prao ben fornito et disse aL portuguese decendesse vn poco aL suo prao li rispose nõ li voleua discendere þ che veniua nosco in spagnia Alhora lui volse intrare nele naui ma nuy nõ lo volsemo lasciar Jntraȓ Costui þ essere grãde amicho deL capo de malaca portughese era venuto þ pigliarlo et grido molto aqelli stantiauão apresso iL portuguese þ cio Lo haueuão Lasciato partire sensa sua lisentia.
Domenica a quindici de decembre sul tardi iL re de bachian et iL suo fratello veni rono in vno prao cõ tre many de vogatorj þ ogni banda eranno tucti cento et vinti con molte bandiere de piuma de papagalo bianque Jalle et rosse et con molti soni de qelle borquie þ que aquesto sonny li vogatori voganno atempo et cõ dui alti prao de donzelle þ pñtarle a la sposa Quando passarono apresso li naui li salutassemo con bonbarde et loro þ salutarne circundorono ly naui et iL porto Jl re nosto þ essere costume nungune re de descendere ne le terre de altrui venne þ congratularse secho. Quando iL re de bachian lo viste venire se leuo daL tapeto oue sedeua et posessi de vna banda iL nȓo re non volse sedere soura lo tapeto ma da lalta parte et cosi niuno staua sopa Lo tapeto iL re de bachian dete aL nȓo re cinquecento patolle þ che desse sua figliola þ moglie aL suo fratello Queste patolle sonno panny de oro et de seta facti nela chijna et molti preciati fra costoro. Quando vno de questi more li alti soi þ farli piu honnore Se vestonno de questi panny danno þ vno de questi tre bahar de garofali et piu et meno secondo ɋ sonno.
Luni iL nȓe re mando vno conuito aL re de bachian þ cinquanta donne tucte vestite de panny de seta dela cinta fina aL genochio. Andauano a due a due cõ vno homo in mezo de loro ogniuna portaua vno piato grande pienno de altri piatelli de diuerse viuande li homini portauão solamēte Lo vino in vazi grandi dieze donne dele piu vechie eranno le maçiere andaro no in questo modo fina aL prao et apresentarono ogni cosa aL re ɋ sede ua soura lo tapeto soto vno baldachino rosso et giallo tornando costoro indie tro pigliarono alguni deli nȓj et se loro volsero essere liberi li bisognio darli qalche sua coseta Dopo questo il re nȓo ne mando capre cochi vino et altre cose hogi metessemo le velle noue ale naui neleqalle era vna croce de sto Jacobo de galitia cõ litere ɋ diceuão Questa he la figura de la nȓa bonna ventura.
Marti donassemo al nȓo re certi pezi de artigliaria Como archibusi ɋ haueuão pigliati in questa india et alguni versi deli nȓj cõ cato barilli de polueȓ pigliassemo quiui octanta botte de hacqua þ ciascuna naue gia cinque giorni lo re haueua mandato cento homini afare legnia þ noy ala ysola de mare þ che conueniuamo passare þ iui ogi lo re de bachian cõ molti alti deli suoi dicendete in terra þ fare pace cõ nui dinanzi de luy an dauano quato homini cõ stochi driti in mano disse in pñtia deL nȓo re et de tucti li alti Como sempre starebe in seruitio deL re despagnia et saluaria in suo nome li garofoli lasciati dali porthuguesi finque veni se vnalta nȓa armata et may li darebe a loro senza lo nȓo consentimēto mando adonare aL re despagnia vno schiauo duy bahar de garofoli gli ne mandaua x male naui þ essere tropo Cargate nõ li poterono portaȓ et dui vcceli morti belissimi Questi vcceli sonno grossi Como tordi anno Lo capo picolo cõ Lo becquo longo le sue gambe sonno longue vn palmo et sotilli Como vn Calamo non anno ale ma in loco de qelle penne longue de diuersi colori como gȓa penachi la sua coda he como qella deL tordo tute le altre sue penne eccepto le alle sonno deL colore de taneto et may nõ volano senon Quando he vento Costoro ne dicero questi vcceli venire daL paradiso terestre et le chiamano bolon diuata çioe vceli de dio ognj vno deli re de maluco scrissero aL re despagnia ɋ semþ volenão eserly Suy veri subditi JL re de bachian era forsi de setanta anny et haueua questa vzansa Quando voleua andare a Combatere ho vero a fare qalche alta cosa importante pima sil faceua fare due ho tre volte da vno suo seruitoȓ che nol teniua adalto efecto sinon þ queste.
Vn giorno il nȓo re mando a dire aqelli nȓi ɋ stauão nela casa de la merchã tia non andassero de nocte fora de casa þ certi deli sui homini que se ongeno et vano de nocte et parenno siano senza capo Quando vno de questi truoua vna deli alti li toca la mano et li la ongie vn pocho dento subito colui se infirma et fra tre o quato giornj more et quando questi trouano tre o cato insieme nõ li fanno alto male sinon ɋ linbalordis cono et che lui ne haueua facto impicare molti Quando questi po puli fanno vna casa de nuouo pima li vadanno ad habitare dento li fanno fuoco intorno et molti conuiti poy atachano alteto de la casa vn poco dogni cosa Se troua nela ysola acio nõ possino may manchare taL cose ali habitanti in tucte queste ysole se troua gin gero noy lo mangiauamo ɣde como panne lo gingero non e arbore ma vna pianta picola che pulula fuora de la terra certi coresini lon gui vn palmo como qelle deli canne et cõ le medesime foglie ma piu strecte questi coresini nõ valeno niente ma la sua radice he iL gengero et non e cussi forte verde como secho Questi populi lo sechano in calsina þ che altramente non durarebe.
Mercore matina þ voler se partire de malucho iL re de tadore QueL de Jaialolo qeL de bachian et vno figliolo deL re de tarennate tucti erão venuti þ aCompagniarne infino alisola de mare la naue victoria fece vela et discostosi alquanto aspectando la naue trinitade ma qella non potendo leuare lanchora subito fece hacqua neL fondo a lhora la victoria torno aL suo luocho et subito Cominciamo a scaricare La trinitade þ vedere se poteuamo remediarli si sentiua venire dento lacqua Como þ vn canone et non trouauamo doue La entraua tuto ogi et el di seguente non facessemo alto sinon dare aLa bomba ma niente li Jouauamo JL nȓe re Jntendendo questo subito venne nela naue et se afatigo þ vedere doue veniua lacqua mãdo ne lacqua cinque de li suoy þ vedere se hauesseno potuto trouare la sfissura steteno piu de meza hora soto lacqua et may la trouarono vedendo iL re costoro non potere Jouare et ogni ora crescere piu la hacqua disse casi piangendo mandarebe aL capo de la ysola þ tre homini stauão molto soto hacqua Vennere matina a bona hora venne lo nȓo re cõ li tre hominj et presto mandoli ne lacqua con li capilli sparsi açio cõ qelli trouassero lo sfissura Costoro stetero vna bonna hora soto hacqua et may la trouarono iL re quando viste nõ poterli trouare remedio disse piangendo ɋ andaremo in spaga daL mio s. et darli noua dime li respondessemo li andarebe la victoria þ non perdere li leuanti liqalli Cominciauão a la alta fin se conciasse espetarebe li ponenti et poy andaria aL darien che e neL alta parte deL mare nela tera de diucatan iL re ne disse haueua duzento vinticinque marangonj ɋ farebeno il tuto et li nosti ɋ restauão yui li tenirebe como sui figlioli et non se afaticarebeno se non dui in Comandare ali marangonj como douescero fare dice ua queste parolle cõ tanta pasionne ɋ ne fece tucti piangere nuy de la naue victoria dubitando se aparisse la naue þ essere tropo cari cata la ligerissemo de sexanta quintali de garofoli et questi face semo portare nela casa doue eranno li alti alguni de la nȓa naue volsero restare quiui þ paura ɋ la naue non potesse durare fin in spagnia ma molto piu þ paura de morire de fame.
Sabato a vinti vno de decembre giorno de S thomaso il re nȓo venne ale naui et ne consignio li dui piloti haueuamo pagati þ che ne Conducessero fora de qʒste ysolle et disseno Como alhora era bõ tempo da partirse ma þ lo scriuere de li nȓj in spagnia nõ si partissemo sinon amezo di Venuta lora le naui pigliarono lisentia luna de lalta con scaricare le bombarde et pareua loro lamentarsi þ la sua vltima partita li nȓj ne aCompagniarono vn pocho cõ loro batello et poi cõ molte lagrime et abraciamentj si dispartissemo lo gouuernatoȓ deL re venne cõ nuy infino a La ysola deL mare non fussemo cossi presto Jonti com parseno quato prao caricati de legnia et in mancho duna hora caricassemo la naue et subito pigliassemo la via deL garbin Quiui resto Johan caruaio cõ cinquanta tre þsonne deli nȓj nuy eramo quaranta sette et tredicj Jndj Questa ysola de tadore tenne epischopo et alhora ne era vno Que haueua quarante moglie et assaissimi figlioli.
Jn tucte queste ysolle de malucho se trouano garofoli genegero Sagu qeL sue panne di legnio riso capre oche galine cochi figui mandolle piu grosse de le nȓe pomi granati dolci et garbi naranci limonj batate mele de ape picolle Como formicque leqalli fanno la melle neli arbori Canne dolci olio de cocho et de giongioli Meloni Cocomari zucque vno fructo refrescatiuo grande como le angurie deto comulicai et vno alto fructo casi Como lo persicho deto guaue et altre cose da mangiare et seli trouano papagali de diuersi sorte ma fra le altre alguni bianchi chiamati Cathara et alguni tucti rossi decti nori et vno de questi rossi vale vn bahar de garofoli et parlano piu chiaramente que li altri Sonno forsi cinquanta anny Que Questi mori habitano in malucho pima li habitauano gentilli et non apreciauano li garofali gli ne sono anchora alguni ma habitano ne li monti doue nascono li garofoli.
La ysola de tadore sta de latitudine al polo articho in vintisete menutj et de longitudine de la linea de la repartitiõe in cento et sesanta vna grado et longi de la pima ysola de Larcipelago detta zanial [i.e., Zamal] noue gradi et mezo aLa carta deL meso Jorno et tramõtana ɣso grego et garbin tarenate sta de latitudine alartico in dui tersi Mutir sta pontualmente socto La linea equinoctialle Machian sta aL polo antarticho in vn quarto et bachiã ancora lui aL antarticho in vn grado Tarenate tadore mutir et machiã sonno quato monti alti et pontini oue nascono li garofoli essendo in queste quato ysolle non se vede bachian ma lui emagiore de ciascuno de queste quato ysolle et il suo monte de li garofoli non e cussi pontino como li altri ma piu grande.
Vocabuli de questi populi morj
AL suo ydio alla. | AL xp~iano | naceran | AL turco | rumno | AL moro | musulman Jsilam | AL gentille | caphre. | AL sue meschite | Mischit | Ali sui preti | maulana catip mudin | Ali hominj sapientj | horan pandita | Ali homini sui deuotj | Mossai. | A le sue ceremonie | zambahehan de ala meschit | AL padre | bapa | Ala madre | mama ambui | Al figliolo | anach. | AL fratello | saudala. | AL fratello de questo | capatin muiadi | AL germano | saudala sopopu | AL auo | niny | AL socero | minthua | AL genero | mi nanthu | AL homo | horan | A la femina | poran poan | A li capili | lambut | AL capo | capala | AL fronte | dai | AL ochio | matta | Ale ciglie | quilai | Ale palpebre | Cenin | AL nazo | Jdon | Ala boca | mulut | Ali labri | bebere. | Ali denti | gigi | Ale gengiue | Jssi. | ALa lingua | lada. | AL palato | langhi. | AL mento | aghai. | Ala barba | Janghut. | Ali mostaqi | missai | Ala macella | pipi. | ALa orechie | talingha. | ALa golla | laher. | AL colo | tun dun. | Ale spale | balachan. | AL peto | dada. | AL core | Atti. | ALa mamela | sussu. | AL stomacho | parut. | AL corpo | Tun dunbutu. | AL membro | botto. | A la natura dele donne | bucchij. | AL vzare cõ loro | amput. | Ale nalghe | buri. | Ale coscie | taha. | Ala gamba | mina. | AL schinquo de la gamba | tula. | Ala sua polpa | tilor chaci. | ALa cauechia deL pie | buculali. | AL calcagnia | tumi. | AL piede | batis. | Ale solle deL piede | empachaqi. | Ala ongia | Cuchu. | AL bracio | Langhan. | AL gomedo | sichu. | ALa mano | tanghan. | AL dito grosso de la mano | Jdun tanghan. | AL secondo | tungu | AL terso | geri. | AL carto | mani | AL Quinto | Calinchin | AL rizo | bugax. | AL cocho in malucho et in burne | Biazzao | in Lozon | nior | in Jaua magiore | CalambiL | AL figuo | pizan. | Ale canne dolce | tubu. | Ale batate | gumbili | Ale radice como raui | ?bi | Ale ciachare | mandicai Sicui | AL melone | antimon. | Ale angurie | labu. | ALa vacqua | Lambu | AL porco | babi | AL bophalo | Carban. | Ala pecora | birj | ALa capra | Cambin. | AL gaLo | sambunghan. | Ala galina | aiambatina | AL caponne | gubili | AL ouo | talor. | AL occato | Jtich | Al ocqua | ansa. | Al vccelo | bolon. | Al elephante | gagia. | AL caualo | cuda. | AL leonne | huriman | AL ceruo | roza. | AL canne | Cuiu | Alle hape | haermadu. | Al melle | gulla. | Ala cera | lelin. | Ala candela | dian. | AL suo stopino | Sumbudian | AL fuoco | appi | AL fumo | asap. | Ala cenere | abu. | AL cucinato | azap. | AL molto cucinato | Lambech. | AL hacqua | tubi. | AL oro | amax | AL argento | pirac | ALa pietra preciosa | premata | ALa perla | mutiara. | AL argento viuo | raza | AL metalo | tumbaga | AL fero | baci. | AL piombo | tima | Ale sue borchie | agun. | Alo cenaprio | galuga sadalinghan | AL argento | soliman danas | AL panno de seta | cain Sutra | AL panno rosso | cain mira | AL panno negro | cain ytam. | AL panno biancho | cain pute | AL panno verde | cain igao | AL panno giallo | cain cunin | AL bonnet | cophia. | AL cortello | pixao | ALa forfice | guntin. | AL spequio | chiela min | AL petine | sissir | AL cristalino | manich. | AL sonaglio | giringirin | AL annello | sinsin. | Ali garopholi | ghianche. | ALa cannela | caiumanis | AL peuere | lada | AL peuere longo | Sabi. | Ala noce moscada | buapala gosoga | AL filo de ramo | Canot | AL piato | pinghan. | Ala pigniata | prin | Ala scutela | manchu. | AL piato de legnio | dulan | ALa conqua | Caiunpan. | Ale sue mesure | Socat | Ala terra | buchit | Ala tera ferma | buchit tana | Ala montagnia | gonun. | ALa pietra | batu. | AL ysola | polan | A vn capo de tera | taniun buchit | AL fiume | songhai. | Como se chiama questo | apenamaito | AL oleo de cocho | Mignach. | AL oleo de giongioli | lana lingha | AL sale | garan Sira. | AL muschio et al suo animale | castori | AL legnio q~ mangiã li castori | Comaru | ALa sansuga | linta | AL gibeto | Jabat | AL gato q~ fa lo gibeto | Mozan | Al reobarbaro | Calama | AL demonio | Saytan. | Al mondo | bumi | AL from?to | gandun | AL dormire | tidor. | Ale store | ticaL | Al cussino | bantaL | AL dolore | sachet | A la sanitate | bay | Alla sedola | cupia | AL sparauentolo | chipas | A li sui panni | chebun. | Ale camise | bain | Ale sue case | pati alam. | AL anno | tanu. | AL mese | bullan. | AL di | alli | Ala nocte | mallan. | AL tarde | malamarj | AL mezo di | tam hahari. | Ala matina | patan patan. | AL solle | mata hari | Ala luna | bulan. | Ala meza luna | tanam patbulã | Ale stelle | bintan | AL ciello | Languin | AL trono | gunthur | Al merchadante | Sandgar | Ale citade | naghiri | AL castello | cuta | ALa casa | rinna | AL sedere | duodo | sedeti gentilhomo | duodo orancaia | sedeti homo da benne | duodo. horandai et anan | Signor | tuan | AL puto | Cana cana | A vno suo alieuo | Lascar. | AL schiauo | a lipin. | AL Si | ca. | AL no | tida. | AL intendere | thao. | AL non intendere | tida taho. | non megardare | tida liat | guardame | liat | A essere vna medesina cosa | casjcasi. siama siama. | AL mazare | mati | AL mangiare | macan. | AL cuchiaro | Sandoch | Ala magalda | SondaL | grande | bassaL | Longo | pangian | picolo | chechiL | Corto | pandach | AL hauere | Ada | AL nõ hauere | tida ha da | Signior ascolta | tuan diam | doue viene il Jonco | dimana ajun | ALa guquia da cusire | Jalun. | AL cusire | banan. | AL filo da cusire | pintaL banan | Ala scufia deL capo | dastar capala. | AL re | raia | ALa reyna | putli | AL legnio | caiu | AL Stentar | Caraiar. | AL Solassare | buandala. | A la venna deL bracio doue se salassa | vrat paratanghan. | AL sangue que vien fora deL bracio | dara CarnaL | AL sangue buona | dara. | Quando stratuitano diceno | ebarasai | AL pece | ycam. | AL polpo | Calabutan. | ALa carne | dagin | AL corniolo | Cepot | poco | serich. | Meso | Satanha SapanghaL | AL fredo | dinghin | AL caldo | panas | Longi | Jan. | Ala verita | benar. | Ala bugia | dusta | AL robare | manchiuri | Ala rognia | Codis | piglia | na | Dame | ambiL | grasso | gannich. | magro | golos. | AL capelo | tundun capala. | Quanti | barapa. | Vna fiata | satu chali | Vno bracio | dapa | AL parlare | catha. | A quiui | Siui | Ala | Sana datan. | Bõ Jorno | salamalichum. | AL rispondere | alichum salam. | Signori bon pro vi facia | Mali horancaia macan. | gia ho mangiato | Suda macan | homo leuati deli | pandan chita horan. | AL disdisidare | banunchan. | Buona sera | Sabalchaer. | AL risponder | chaer Sandat | AL dare | minta | A dare ad alguno | bri pocoL. | Ali cepi de fero | balanghu | o Como puza | bosso chini | AL homo Jouene | horan muda. | AL vechio | tua | AL scriuano | xiritoles | Ala Carta | Cartas | AL scriuere | mangurat | Ala penna | Calam. | AL inchiosto | dauat | AL calamaro | padantan. | Ala letera | surat | Non lo ho | guala. | Vien qi | Camarj | Che volettj | Appa man. | Che mandati | appa ito | AL porto de mare | Labuan. | Ala galia | gurap | ALa naue | CapaL | ALa proa | asson. | ALa popa | biritan | AL nauigare | belaiar. | AL suo arbore | tian. | ALantena | laiar. | Alle sartie | tamira | ALa vella | leier. | Ala gabia | sinbulaia. | Ala corda de lancora | danda | ALa anchora | San. | AL batello | sanpan. | AL remo | daiun | Ala bombarda | badiL | AL vento | anghin | AL mare | laut | huomo vienqi | horan itu datan | A li sui pugniali | Calix golog. | AL suo manicho | daga nan. | ALa spada | padan gole. | Ala zorobotana | Sumpitan | Ale sue freze | damach | A lerba venenata | ypu | AL carchasso | bolo. | AL archo | bolsor. | A le sue freze | anat paan. | A li gati | cochin puchia | AL sorge | ticus | AL legoro | buaia | Ali vermi que mangiano le naui | Capan lotos | AL hamo da pescare | matacanir | Ala sua escha | Vnpan. | ALa corda deL hamo | tunda | AL lauare | mandi | Non hauer paura | Tangan tacut | Straca | lala. | Vno baso dolce | Sadap manis | AL amicho | sandara | AL nemicho | Sanbat | Certo he | zonhu | AL merchadantare | biniaga | Non ho | anis. | A essere amicho | pugna. | due cose | Malupho. | Si | oue. | AL rufo | zoroan pagnoro. | Adarce piacere | Mamain | A essere agrizato | Amala. | AL mato | gila. | AL interprete. | giorobaza. | Quanti lingagi Sai | barapa bahasa tan. | Molti | bagna | AL parlare de malaca | chiaramalain | doue sta cului | dimana horan | ALa bandiera | tonghoL | Adesso | Sacaran | da matina | hezoch. | lalto giorno | luza | hieri | Calamarj | AL martelo palmo | colbasi. | AL chiodo | pacu | AL mortaro | Lozon. | AL pilone da pistare | Atan. | AL balare | manarj | AL pagare | baiar. | AL chiamare | panghiL | A nonessere maritato | Vgan. | Aessere maritato | suda babini | Tuto vno | Sannia | ALa piogia | Vgian. | AL ebriaco | Moboch. | Ala pelle | culit | Ala bissa | Vllat | AL Conbater | guzar. | Dolce | Manis | Amaro | azon. | Como stai | Appa giadi | Benne | bay | Malle | sachet | Portame qello | biriacan. | Questo huomo he vn poltrone. | giadi hiat horan itu. | Basta | suda | | | |
li Venti
Ala tramõtana | Jraga. | Al mezo di | Salatan. | AL leuante | timor | AL ponente | baratapat | AL griego | Vtara. | AL garbin | berdaia. | AL maestrale | bardaut | AL siroco | tunghara. | | | | |
Vno | satus | dui | dua | tre | tiga | catro | ampat | cinque | lima. | Sey | anam. | Sette | tugu. | octo | duolappan. | Noue | sambilan | diece | Sapolo. | Vinti | duapolo. | trenta | tigapolo | Quaranta | ampatpolo. | Cinquanta | limapolo. | sexanta | Anampolo. | settanta | Tuguppolo. | octanta | dualapanpolo. | Nouanta | Sambilampolo. | Cento | Saratus. | duzendo | duaratus | trecento | tigaratus | Quatro cento | Anamparatus | Cinque cento | Limaratus | Sey cento | anambratus | setecento | Tugurattus | octocento | dualapanratus | Nouecento | Sambilanratus | Mille | Salibu. | due millia | dualibu | tre millia | tigalibu | Quatro mille | ampatlibu | Cinque millia | limalibu | Sey millia | Anamlibu | Sette millia | tugulibu | octo millia | dualapanlibu | Noue millia | Sambilanlibu. | diece millia | Salacza. | Vinti millia | dualacza. | trenta millia | Tigalacza. | Quarãta millia | Ampatlacza | Cinquãta millia | limalacza | Sesanta millia | Anamlacza | Settanta millia | tugulacza | octanta millia | dualapanlacza | Nouanta millia | Sambilanlacza | Cento mille | Sacati. | Ducento millia | duacati | trecento millia | Tigacati | Quatro cento millia | Ampatcati | Cinque cento millia | limacati | sey cento millia | Anamcati | Setecento millia | Tugucati | Octo cento millia | dualapancati | Nouecento millia | Sambilancati | Diece fiate cento millia | Sainta. |
Tucti li cento li mille li diece mille li cento mille et diece fiate cento mille se congiungenno cõ il numero de Satus et dua et &c.
Andando aL nȓo camino pasassemo fra queste ysolle Caioan laigoma Sico giogi Caphi in questa ysola de caphi nascono homini picoli Como li nanj piaceuoli liqalli Sonno li pigmei et stanno subiecti þforsa aL nȓo re de tadore Laboan toliman Titameti bachian Ja deto Lalalata Tabobi Maga et batutiga passando fuora aL ponente de batutiga Caminassemo fra ponente et garbin et discopersemo eL mezo giorno alquante ysolete þ ilque li piloti de malucho ne dicero se ariuasse þ cio ne caciauamo fra molte ysolle et bassi ariuassemo aL Siroco et descemo in vna ysolla ɋ sta de latitudine aL polo antartico in dui gradi et cinquãta cinque legue Longi de maluco et chiamasse sulach li homini de questa sonno gentili et non hanno re mangião carne humana vano nadi cosi homini Como femine ma solamēte portano vn pezo de scorsa larga dui diti intorno la sua ɣgonia Molte ysolle sonno þ Quiui que mangiano carne humana li nomy de algune sonno questi Silan noselao biga atulabaou leitimor tene tun gondia pailarurun manadan et benaia poi costegiasemo due ysole dete lamatola et tenetun da sulach circa x. legue a La medesima via trouassemo vna ysola assay grande nelaqalle se troua riso porci capre galine cochi canne dolci Sagu vno suo mangiare de fighi elqalle chiamano Chanali Chiachare aqueste chiamão nangha le chiachare sonno fructi Como le angurie de fora nodose de dentro año certi fructi rossi pocoli come armelini non hanno osso ma þ qello hanno vna medola como vn fazolo ma piu grande et al mangiar tenere Como castagnie et vn fructo facto como la pignia de fuora Jallo et biancho de dentro et al tagliare Como vn pero ma piu tenero et molto megliore deto Connilicai la gente de questa ysola vanno nudi Como qelli de solach sonno gentili et non hanno re Questa ysola sta de latitudine al polo antartico in tre gradi et mezo et longi da malucho Setantacinque [gradi: crossed out in original MS.] leghe et chiamasse buru la leuante de questa ysola diece legue ne sta vna grande ɋ confina cõ Jiaalolo laqalle he habitata de mori et da gentili li morj stanno apresso iL mare et li gentili de dentro nella terra et questo mãgião carne humana nasce in questa le cose Ja dete et se chiama ambon fra buru et ambon Se trouano tre ysole circondate da bassi chiamate Vu dia Cailaruri et benaia circa de buru cato leghe aL mezo di sta vna ysola picola et chiamasse ambalao.
Longi da Questa ysola de buru circa trentacinque leghe a la carta deL mezo Jorno verso garbin Se truoua bandan bandan et dudici ysole in sey de queste nasce la matia et nosce moscada et li nomi loro sono questi Zoroboa magiori de tucte le altre CheliceL Samiãapi pulac pulurun et rosoghin le altre sey sonno queste Vnuueru pulan baracõ lailaca manucan Man et meut in queste nõ li trouano nosce moscade se nõ Sagu rizo cochi figui et alti fructi et sonno vicine luna de lalta Ly populi de questo sonno morj et non hanno re Bandan sta de latitudine aL polo antarticho in Sei gradi et di longitudine dela linea repartitionalle in cento et sexantre gradi et mezo et þ essere vn pocho fuora deL nȓo Camino nõ fussemo iui.
On Sunday, the first of December, that governor departed. We were told that the king of Tadore had given him some silk cloth and some of those gongs so that he might send the cloves quicker. On Monday the king went out of the island to get cloves. On Wednesday morning, as it was the day of St. Barbara, and because the king came, all the artillery was discharged. At night the king came to the shore, and asked to see how we fired our rockets and fire bombs, at which he was highly delighted. On Thursday and Friday we bought many cloves, both in the city and in the ships. For four brazas of ribbon, they gave us one bahar of cloves; for two brass chains, worth one marcello, they gave us one hundred libras of cloves. Finally, when we had no more merchandise, one man gave his cloak, another his doublet, and another his shirt, besides other articles of clothing, in order that they might have their share in the cargo. On Saturday, three of the sons of the king of Tarenate and their three wives, the daughters of our king, and Pietro Alfonso, the Portuguese, came to the ships. We gave each of the three brothers a gilt glass drinking-cup, and scissors and other things to the women. Many pieces were discharged at their departure. Then we sent ashore many things to the daughter of our king, now the wife of the king of Tarennatte, as she refused to come to the ships with the others. All those people, both men and women, always go barefoot.
On Sunday, December eight, as it was the day of the conception, we fired many pieces, rockets, and fire bombs. On Monday afternoon the king came to the ships with three women, who carried his betel for him. No one except the king can take women with him. Afterward the king of Jailolo came and wished to see us fight together again. Several days later our king told us that he was like a child at the breast who knew his dear mother, who departing would leave him alone. Especially would he be disconsolate, because now he had become acquainted with us, and enjoyed some of the products of Spagnia. Inasmuch as our return would be far in the future, he earnestly entreated us to leave him some of [his: crossed out in original MS.] our culverins for his defense. He advised us to sail only by day when we left, because of the numerous shoals amid those islands. We replied to him that if we wished to reach Spagnia we would have to sail day and night. Thereupon, he told us that he would pray daily to his God for us, asking Him to conduct us in safety. He told us that the king of Bachian was about to come to marry one of his brothers to one of his [the king of Tidore's] daughters, and asked us to invent some entertainment in token of joy; but that we should not fire the large pieces, because they would do great damage to the ships as they were laden. During that time, Pietro Alfonso, the Portuguese, came with his wife and all his other possessions to remain in the ships. Two days later, Chechili de Roix, son of the king of Tarennate, came in a well-manned prau, and asked the Portuguese to go down into it for a few moments. The Portuguese answered that he would not go down, for he was going to Spagnia with us, whereupon the king's son tried to enter the ship, but we refused to allow him to come aboard, as he was a close friend to the Portuguese captain of Malaca, and had come to seize the Portuguese. He severely scolded those who lived near the Portuguese because they had allowed the latter to go without his permission.
On Sunday afternoon, December fifteen, the king of Bachian and his brother came in a prau with three tiers of rowers at each side. In all there were one hundred and twenty rowers, and they carried many banners made of white, yellow, and red parrot feathers. There was much sounding of those gongs, for the rowers kept time in their rowing to those sounds. He brought two other praus filled with girls to present them to his betrothed. When they passed near the ships, we saluted them by firing pieces, and they in order to salute us went round the ships and the port. Our king came to congratulate him as it is not the custom for any king to disembark on the land of another king. When the king of Bachian saw our king coming, he rose from the carpet on which he was seated, and took his position at one side of it. Our king refused to sit down upon the carpet, but on its other side, and so no one occupied the carpet. The king of Bachian gave our king five hundred patols, because the latter was giving his daughter to wife to the former's brother. The said patols are cloths of gold and silk manufactured in Chiina, and are highly esteemed among them. Whenever one of those people dies the other members of his family clothe themselves in those cloths in order to show him more honor. They give three bahars of cloves for one of those robes or thereabouts, according to the [value of the] robe.
On Monday our king sent a banquet to the king of Bachian by fifty women all clad in silk garments from the waist to the knees. They went two by two with a man between each couple. Each one bore a large tray filled with other small dishes which contained various kinds of food. The men carried nothing but the wine in large jars. Ten of the oldest women acted as macebearers. Thus did they go quite to the prau where they presented everything to the king who was sitting upon the carpet under a red and yellow canopy. As they were returning, those women captured some of our men and it was necessary to give them some little trifle in order to regain their freedom. After that our king sent us goats, cocoanuts, wine, and other things. That day we bent the new sails in the ships. On them was a cross of St. James of Galitia, with an inscription which read: «This is the sign [figura] of our good fortune.»
On Tuesday, we gave our king certain pieces of artillery resembling arquebuses, which we had captured among those India [islands], and some of our culverins, together with four barrels of powder. We took aboard at that place eighty butts of water in each ship. Five days previously the king had sent one hundred men to cut wood for us at the island of Mare, by which we were to pass. On that day the king of Bachian and many of his men came ashore to make peace with us. Before the king walked four men with drawn daggers in their hands. In the presence of our king and of all the others he said that he would always remain in the service of the king of Spagnia, and that he would save in his name the cloves left by the Portuguese until the arrival of another of our fleets, and he would never give them to the Portuguese without our consent. He sent as a present to the king of Spagnia a slave, two bahars of cloves (he sent x, but the ships could not carry them as they were so heavily laden), and two extremely beautiful dead birds. Those birds are as large as thrushes, and have a small head and a long beak. Their legs are a palmo in length and as thin as a reed, and they have no wings, but in their stead long feathers of various colors, like large plumes. Their tail resembles that of the thrush. All the rest of the feathers except the wings are of a tawny color. They never fly except when there is wind. The people told us that those birds came from the terrestrial paradise, and they call them bolon diuata, that is to say, «birds of God.» On that day each one of the kings of Maluco wrote to the king of Spagnia [to say] that they desired to be always his true subjects. The king of Bachian was about seventy years old. He observed the following custom, namely, whenever he was about to go to war or to undertake any other important thing, he first had it done two or three times on one of his servants whom he kept for no other purpose.
One day our king sent to tell our men who were living in the house with the merchandise not to go out of the house by night, because of certain of his men who anoint themselves and roam abroad by night. They appear to be headless, and when any of them meets any other man, he touches the latter's hand, and rubs a little of the ointment on him. The man falls sick very soon, and dies within three or four days. When such persons meet three or four together they do nothing else than to deprive them of their senses. [The king said] that he had had many of them hanged. When those people build a new house, before they go to dwell there they make a fire round about it and hold many feasts. Then they fasten to the roof of the house a trifle of everything found in the island so that such things may never be wanting to the inhabitants. Ginger is found throughout those islands. We ate it green like bread. Ginger is not a tree, but a small plant which puts forth from the ground certain shoots a palmo in length, which resemble reeds, and whose leaves resemble those of the reed, except that they are narrower. Those shoots are worthless, but the roots form the ginger. It is not so strong green as dry. Those people dry it in lime, for otherwise it would not keep.
On Wednesday morning as we desired to depart from Malucho, the king of Tadore, the king of Jaialolo, the king of Bachian, and a son of the king of Tarennate, all came to accompany us to the island of Mare. The ship «Victoria» set sail, and stood out a little awaiting the ship «Trinitade.» But the latter not being able to weigh anchor, suddenly began to leak in the bottom. Thereupon, the «Victoria» returned to its anchorage, and we immediately began to lighten the «Trinitade» in order to see whether we could repair it. We found that the water was rushing in as through a pipe, but we were unable to find where it was coming in. All that and the next day we did nothing but work the pump, but we availed nothing. When our king heard of it, he came immediately to the ships, and went to considerable trouble in his endeavors to locate the leak. He sent five of his men into the water to see whether they could discover the hole. They remained more than one-half hour under water, but were quite unable to find the leak. The king seeing that he could not help us and that the water was increasing hourly, said almost in tears that he would send to the head of the island for three men, who could remain under water a long time. Our king came with the three men early on Friday morning. He immediately sent them into the water with their hair hanging loose so that they could locate the leak by that means. They stayed a full hour under water but were quite unable to locate it. When the king saw that he could be of no assistance, he asked us weeping who of us would go «to Spagnia to my sovereign, and give him news of me.» We replied to him that the «Victoria» would go there in order not to lose the east winds which were beginning to blow, while the other ship until being refitted would await the west winds and would go then to Darien which is located in the other part of the sea in the country of Diucatan [i.e., Yucutan]. The king told us that he had two hundred and twenty-five carpenters who would do all the work, and that he would treat all who remained here as his sons. They would not suffer any fatigue beyond two of them to boss the carpenters in their work. He spoke those words so earnestly that he made us all weep. We of the ship «Victoria,» mistrusting that the ship might open, as it was too heavily laden, lightened it of sixty quintals of cloves, which we had carried into the house where the other cloves were. Some of the men of our ship desired to remain there, as they feared that the ship would not last out the voyage to Spagnia, but much more for fear lest they perish of hunger.
On the day of St. Thomas, Saturday, December twenty-one, our king came to the ships, and assigned us the two pilots whom we had paid to conduct us out of those islands. They said that it was the proper time to leave then, but as our men [who stayed behind] were writing to Spagnia, we did not leave until noon. When that hour came, the ships bid one another farewell amid the discharge of the cannon, and it seemed as though they were bewailing their last departure. Our men [who were to remain] accompanied us in their boats a short distance, and then with many tears and embraces we departed. The king's governor accompanied us as far as the island of Mare. We had no sooner arrived at that island than we bought four praus laden with wood, and in less than one hour we stowed it aboard the ship and then immediately laid our course toward the southwest. Johan Carvaio stayed there with fifty-three of our men, while we comprised forty-seven men and thirteen Indians. The said island of Tadore has a bishop, and he who then exercised that office had forty wives and a multitude of children.
Throughout those islands of Malucho are found cloves, ginger, sago (which is their wood bread), rice, goats, geese, chickens, cocoanuts, figs [i.e., bananas], almonds larger than ours, sweet and tasty pomegranates, oranges, lemons, camotes [batate], honey produced by bees as small as ants, which make their honey in the trees, sugarcane, cocoanut oil, beneseed oil, watermelons, wild cucumbers, gourds, a refreshing fruit as large as cucumbers [augurie] called comulicai, another fruit, like the peach called guava, and other kinds of food. One also finds there parrots of various colors, and among the other varieties, some white ones called cathara, and some entirely red called nori. One of those red ones is worth one bahar of cloves, and that class speak with greater distinctness than the others. Those Moros have lived in Malucho for about fifty years. Heathens lived there before, but they did not care for the cloves. There are still some of the latter, but they live in the mountains where the cloves grow.
The island of Tadore lies in a latitude of twenty-seven minutes toward the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-one degrees from the line of demarcation. It is nine and one-half degrees south of the first island of the archipelago called Zamal, and extends north by east and south by west. Tarenate lies in a latitude of two-thirds of a degree toward the Arctic Pole. Mutir lies exactly under the equinoctial line. Machian lies in one-quarter degree toward the Antarctic Pole, and Bachian also toward the Antarctic Pole in one degree. Tarenate, Tadore, Mutir, and Machian are four lofty and peaked mountains where the cloves grow. When one is in those four islands, he cannot see Bachian, but it is larger than any of those four islands. Its clove mountain is not so sharp as the others, but it is larger.
Words of those Moro people
For their God | Alla |
for Christian | naceran |
for Turk | rumno |
for Moro | musulman; isilam |
for Heathen | caphre |
for their Mosque | mischit |
for their Priests | maulana catip mudin |
for their Wise Men | horan pandita |
for their Devout Men | mossai |
for their Ceremonies | zambahehan de ala meschit |
for Father | bapa |
for Mother | mama ambui |
for Son | anach |
for Brother | saudala |
for the Brother of so and so | capatin muiadi |
for Cousin | saudala sopopu |
for Grandfather | niny |
for Father-in-law | minthua |
for Son-in-law | mi nanthu |
for Man | horan |
for Woman | poran poan |
for Hair | lambut |
for Head | capala |
for Forehead | dai |
for Eye | matta |
for Eyebrows | quilai |
for Eyelids | cenin |
for Nose | idon |
for Mouth | mulut |
for Lips | bebere |
for Teeth | gigi |
for Cheeks | issi |
for Tongue | lada |
for Palate | langhi |
for Chin | aghai |
for Beard | janghut |
for Mustaches | missai |
for Jaw | pipi |
for Ear | talingha |
for Throat | laher |
for Neck | tun dun |
for Shoulders | balachan |
for Breast | dada |
for Heart | atti |
for Teat | sussu |
for Stomach | parut |
for Body | tun dunbutu |
for Penis | botto |
for Vagina | bucchii |
for to have communication with women | amput |
for Buttocks | buri |
for Thighs | taha |
for Leg | mina |
for the Shinbone of the leg | tula |
for its Calf | tilor chaci |
for Ankle | buculati |
for Heel | tumi |
for Foot | batis |
for the Sole of the Foot | empachaqui |
for Fingernail | cuchu |
for Arm | langhan |
for Elbow | sichu |
for Hand | tanghan |
for the large Finger of the hand [i.e., the Thumb] | idun tanghan |
for the Second Finger | tungu |
for the Third | geri |
for the Fourth | mani |
for the Fifth | calinchin |
for Rice | bugax |
for Cocoanut in Malucho and Burne | biazzao |
[for Cocoanut] in Lozon | nior |
[for Cocoanut] in Java Major | calambil |
for Fig [i.e., banana] | pizan |
for Sugarcane | tubu |
for Camotes [batate] | gumbili |
for the Roots like turnips | ubi |
for Nangca | mandicai sicui |
for Melon | antimon |
for Cucumbers | labu |
for Cow | lambu |
for Hog | babi |
for Buffalo | carban |
for Sheep | biri |
for She-goat | cambin |
for Cock | sambunghan |
for Hen | aiambatina |
for Capon | gubili |
for Egg | talor |
for Gander | itich |
for Goose | ansa |
for Bird | bolon |
for Elephant | gagia |
for Horse | cuda |
for Lion | huriman |
for Deer | roza |
for Reeds | cuiu |
for Bees | haermadu |
for Honey | gulla |
for Wax | lelin |
for Candle | dian |
for its Wick | sumbudian |
for Fire | appi |
for Smoke | asap |
for Cinders | abu |
for Cooked | azap |
for well cooked | lambech |
for Water | tubi |
for Gold | amax |
for Silver | pirac |
for the Precious Gem | premata |
for Pearl | mutiara |
for Quicksilver | raza |
for Copper [metalo] | tumbaga |
for Iron | baci |
for Lead | tima |
for their Gongs | agun |
for Cinnabar | galuga sadalinghan |
for Silver [color or cloth?] | soliman danas |
for Silk Cloth | cain sutra |
for red Cloth | cain mira |
for Black Cloth | cain ytam |
for White Cloth | cain pute |
for Green Cloth | cain igao |
for Yellow Cloth | cain cunin |
for Cap | cophia |
for Knife | pixao |
for Scissors | guntin |
for Mirror | chiela min |
for Comb | sissir |
for Glass Bead | manich |
for Bell | giringirin |
for Ring | sinsin |
for Cloves | ghianche |
for Cinnamon | caiumanis |
for Pepper | lada |
for Long Pepper | sabi |
for Nutmeg | buapala gosoga |
for Copper wire | canot |
for Dish | pinghan |
for Earthen pot | prin |
for Porringer | manchu |
for Wooden Dish | dulan |
for Shell | calunpan |
for their Measures | socat |
for Land [terra] | buchit |
for Mainland | buchit tana |
for Mountain | gonun |
for Rock | batu |
for Island | polan |
for a Point of Land [i.e., a Cape] | taniun buchit |
for River | songhai |
What is so-and-so's name? | apenamaito? |
for Cocoanut oil | mignach |
for Beneseed oil | lana lingha |
for Salt | garan sira |
for Musk and its Animal | castori |
for the wood eaten by the castors | comaru |
for Leech | linta |
for Civet | jabat |
for the Cat which makes the Civet | mozan |
for Rhubarb | calama |
for Demon | saytan |
for World | bumi |
for Wheat | gandun |
for to Sleep | tidor |
for Mats | tical |
for Cushion | bantal |
for Pain | sachet |
for Health | bay |
for Brush | cupia |
for Fan | chipas |
for their Cloths | chebun |
for Shirts | bain |
for their Houses | pati alam |
for Year | tanu |
for Month | bullan |
for Day | alli |
for Night | mallan |
for Afternoon | malamari |
for Noon | tam hahari |
for Morning | patan patan |
for Sun | mata hari |
for Moon | bulan |
for Half moon | tanam patbulan |
for Stars | bintan |
for Sky | languin |
for Thunder | gunthur |
for Merchant | sandgar |
for City | naghiri |
for Castle | cuta |
for House | rinna |
for to Sit | duodo |
Sit down, sir | duodo orancaia |
Sit down, honest fellow | duodo horandai et anan |
Lord | tuan |
for Boy | cana cana |
for one of their Foster-children | lascar |
for Slave | alipin |
for Yes | ca |
for No | tida |
for to Understand | thao |
for not to Understand | tida taho |
Do not look at me | tida liat |
Look at me | liat |
To be one and the same thing | casi casi; siama siama |
for to Kill | mati |
for to Eat | macan |
for Spoon | sandoch |
for Harlot | sondal |
Large | bassal |
Long | pangian |
Small | chechil |
Short | pandach |
for to Have | ada |
for not to Have | tida hada |
Listen, sir | tuan diam |
Where is the junk going? | dimana ajun? |
for Sewing-needle | jalun |
for to Sew | banan |
for Sewing-thread | pintal banan |
for Woman's headdress | dastar capala |
for King | raia |
for Queen | putli |
for Wood | caiu |
for to Work | caraiar |
for to take recreation | buandala |
for Vein of the arm where one bleeds himself | urat paratanghan |
for the Blood that comes from the arm | dara carnal |
for good blood | dara |
When they sneeze, they say | ebarasai |
for Fish | ycam |
for Polypus | calabutan |
for Meat | dagin |
for Sea-snail | cepot |
Little | serich |
Half | satanha sapanghal |
for Cold | dinghin |
for Hot | panas |
For | jan |
for Truth | benar |
for Lie | dusta |
for to Steal | manchiuri |
for Scab | codis |
Take | na |
Give me | ambil |
Fat | gannich |
Thin | golos |
for Hair | tundun capala |
How many? | barapa? |
Once | satu chali |
One braza | dapa |
for to Speak | catha |
for Here | siui |
for There | sana datan |
Good day | salamalichum |
for the Answer [to good day] | alichum salam |
Sir, may good fortune attend you | mali horancaia mancan |
I have eaten already | suda macan |
Fellow, betake yourself off | pandan chita horan |
for to Desire | banunchan |
Good evening | sabalchaer |
for the Answer [to good evening] | vchaer sandat |
for To give | minta |
To give to some one | bri pocol |
for Iron fetters | balanghu |
O what a smell! | bosso chini |
for Young man | horan muda |
for Old man | tua |
for Scribe | xiritoles |
for Writing-paper | cartas |
for to Write | mangurat |
for Pen | calam |
for Ink | dauat |
for Writing-desk | padantan |
for Letter | surat |
I do not have it | guala |
Come here | camari |
What do you want? | appa man? |
Who sent you? | appa ito? |
for Seaport | labuan |
for Galley | gurap |
for Ship | capal |
for Bow [of a boat] | asson |
for Stern [of a boat] | biritan |
for To sail | belaiar |
for the Ship's mast | tian |
for Yard [of a ship] | laiar |
for the Rigging | tamira |
for Sail | leier |
for Maintop | sinbulaia |
for the Anchor rope | danda |
for Anchor | san |
for Boat | sanpan |
for Oar | daiun |
for Mortar [i.e., cannon] | badil |
for Wind | anghin |
for Sea | laut |
Fellow, come here | horan itu datan |
for their Daggers | calix golog |
for their Dagger hilt | daga nan |
for Sword | padan gole |
for Blowpipe | sumpitan |
for their Arrows | damach |
for the poisonous Herb | ypu |
for Quiver | bolo |
for Bow [i.e., a weapon] | bolsor |
for its Arrows | anat paan |
for Cats | cochin puchia |
for Rat | ticus |
for Lizard | buaia |
for Shipworms | capan lotos |
for Fishhook | matacanir |
for Fishbait | unpan |
for Fishline | tunda |
for to Wash | mandi |
Not to be afraid | tangan tacut |
Fatigue | lala |
A pleasant cup | sadap manis |
for Friend | sandara |
for Enemy | sanbat |
I am certain | zonhu |
for to Barter | biniaga |
I have not | anis |
To be a friend | pugna |
Two things | malupho |
If | oue |
for Crowd (?) | zoroan pagnoro |
To give pleasure to one | mamain |
To be stiff with cold | amala |
for Madman | gila |
for Interpreter | giorobaza |
How many languages do you know? | barapa bahasa tan? |
Many | bagna |
for to speak of Malaca | chiaramalain |
Where is so-and-so? | dimana horan? |
for Flag | tonghol |
Now | sacaran |
Tomorrow | hezoch |
The next day | luza |
Yesterday | calamari |
for Palm-mallet | colbasi |
for Nail | pacu |
for Mortar | lozon |
for Rammer for crushing [rice?] | atan |
for to Dance | manari |
for to Pay | baiar |
for to Call | panghil |
Unmarried | ugan |
Married | suda babini |
All one | sannia |
for Rain | ugian |
for Drunken | moboch |
for Skin | culit |
for Anger | ullat |
for to Fight | guzar |
Sweet | manis |
Bitter | azon |
How are you? | appa giadi? |
Well | bay |
Poorly | sachet |
Bring me that | biriacan |
This man is a coward | giadi hiat horan itu |
Enough | suda |
The winds
for the North | iraga |
for the South | salatan |
for the East | timor |
for the West | baratapat |
for the Northeast | utara |
for the Southwest | berdaia |
for the Northwest | bardaut |
for the Southeast | tunghara |
One | satus |
Two | dua |
Three | tiga |
Four | ampat |
Five | lima |
Six | anam |
Seven | tugu |
Eight | duolappan |
Nine | sambilan |
Ten | sapolo |
Twenty | duapolo |
Thirty | tigapolo |
Forty | ampatpolo |
Fifty | limapolo |
Sixty | anampolo |
Seventy | tuguppolo |
Eighty | dualapanpolo |
Ninety | sambilampolo |
One hundred | saratus |
Two hundred | duaratus |
Three hundred | tigaratus |
Four hundred | anamparatus |
Five hundred | limaratus |
Six hundred | anambratus |
Seven hundred | tugurattus |
Eight hundred | dualapanratus |
Nine hundred | sambilanratus |
One thousand | salibu |
Two thousand | dualibu |
Three thousand | tigalibu |
Four thousand | ampatlibu |
Five thousand | limalibu |
Six thousand | anamlibu |
Seven thousand | tugulibu |
Eight thousand | dualapanlibu |
Nine thousand | sambilanlibu |
Ten thousand | salacza |
Twenty thousand | dualacza |
Thirty thousand | tigalacza |
Forty thousand | ampatlacza |
Fifty thousand | limalacza |
Sixty thousand | anamlacza |
Seventy thousand | tugulacza |
Eighty thousand | dualapanlacza |
Ninety thousand | sambilanlacza |
One hundred thousand | sacati |
Two hundred thousand | duacati |
Three hundred thousand | tigacati |
Four hundred thousand | ampatcati |
Five hundred thousand | limacati |
Six hundred thousand | anamcati |
Seven hundred thousand | tugacati |
Eight hundred thousand | dualapancati |
Nine hundred thousand | sambilancati |
One million [literally: ten
times one hundred thousand] | sainta |
All the hundreds, the thousands, the tens of thousands, the hundreds of thousands, and the millions are joined with the numbers, satus, dua, etc.
Proceeding on our way we passed amid those islands [those of] Caioan, Laigoma, Sico, Giogi, and Caphi. In the said island of Caphi is found a race as small as dwarfs, who are amusing people, and are pigmies. They have been subjected by force to our king of Tadore. [We also passed the islands of] Laboan, Toliman, Titameti, Bachian, of which we have already spoken, Lalalata, Tabobi, Maga, and Batutiga. Passing outside the latter on its western side, we laid our course west southwest, and discovered some islets toward the south. And inasmuch as the Malucho pilots told us to go thither, for we were pursuing our course among many islands and shoals, we turned toward the southeast, and encountered an island which lies in a latitude of two degrees toward the Antarctic Pole, and fifty-five leguas from Maluco. It is called Sulach, and its inhabitants are heathens. They have no king, and eat human flesh. They go naked, both men and women, only wearing a bit of bark two fingers wide before their privies. There are many islands thereabout where the inhabitants eat human flesh. The names of some of them are as follows: Silan, Noselao, Biga, Atulabaou, Leitimor, Tenetun, Gondia, Pailarurun, Manadan, and Benaia. Then we coasted along two islands called Lamatola and Tenetun, lying about x leguas from Sulach. In that same course we encountered a very large island where one finds rice, swine, goats, fowls, cocoanuts, sugarcane, sago, a food made from one of their varieties of figs [i.e., bananas] called chanali, and chiacare, which are called nangha. Nangcas are a fruit resembling the cucumber [augurie]. They are knotty on the outside, and inside they have a certain small red fruit like the apricot. It contains no stone, but has instead a marrowy substance resembling a bean but larger. That marrowy substance has a delicate taste like chestnuts. [There is] a fruit like the pineapple. It is yellow outside, and white inside, and when cut it is like a pear, but more tender and much better. Its name is connilicai. The inhabitants of that island go naked as do those of Solach. They are heathens and have no king. That island lies in a latitude of three and one-half degrees toward the Antarctic Pole, and is seventy-five [degrees: crossed out in original MS.] leguas from Malucho. Its name is Buru. Ten leguas east of the above island is a large island which is bounded by Jiaalolo. It is inhabited by Moros and heathens. The Moros live near the sea, and the heathens in the interior. The latter eat human flesh. The products mentioned above are produced in that island. It is called Ambon. Between Buru and Ambon are found three islands surrounded by reefs, called Vudia, Cailaruri, and Benaia; and near Buru, and about four leguas to the south, is a small island, called Ambalao.
About thirty-five leguas to the south by west of the above island of Buru, are found Bandan. Bandan consists of twelve islands. Mace and nutmeg grow in six of them. Their names are as follows: Zoroboa, the largest of them all, and the others, Chelicel, Samianapi, Pulac, Pulurun, and Rosoghin. The other six are as follows: Unuueru, Pulanbaracon, Lailaca, Manucan, Man, and Meut. Nutmeg is not found in them, but only sago, rice, cocoanuts, figs [i.e., bananas], and other fruits. Those islands are located near together, and their inhabitants are Moros, who have no king. Bandan lies in a latitude of six degrees toward the Antarctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty-three and one-half degrees from the line of demarcation. As it was a trifle outside of our course we did not go there.

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 68v

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 69r

Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano, Ms. L 103 Sup., fol. 72r