1 Bücher für das Rechnertechnik-Labor¶
1.1 Schaltungstechnik und Elektronik¶
Darren Ashby und andere, Circuit Design: Know It All. Newnes 2008.
John Catsoulis, Designing Embedded Hardware, 2nd edition, 2005
1.2 Embedded Systems¶
Lewin Edwards, So You Wanna Be an Embedded Engineer, Newnes 2006.
Michael Barr, Anthony Massa, Programming Embedded Systems, 2nd edition, O’Reilly 2006.
Elecia White, Making Embedded Systems, O’Reilly 2011.
Bruce Powel Douglass, Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C, Newnes 2010.
Colin Walls, Embedded Software, 2nd Edition, Newnes 2012.
Jack Ganssle, Embedded Systems: World Class Designs, Newnes 2007.
Darin hat Lewin Edwards das Kapitel 4 geschrieben: „Some Example Sensor, Actuator and Control Applications and Circuits (Hard Task)“.
Jack Ganssle und andere, Embedded Hardware: Know It All, Newnes 2007.
Peter Barry, Patrick Crowley, Modern Embedded Computing, Morgan Kaufmann 2012.
Rob Toulson, Tim Wilmshurst, Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design. Applying the ARM mbed, Newnes 2012.
Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O’Reilly Media, 2011.
E. A. Lee and S. A. Seshia, Introduction to Embedded Systems - A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, http://www.LeeSeshia.org, 2011 (man kann das Buch frei herunterladen).
Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2008.
1.3 AVR¶
Alan Trevennor, Practical AVR Microcontrollers: Games, Gadgets, and Home Automation with the Microcontroller Used in Arduino, Apress 2012.
1.4 ARM¶
Joseph Yiu, The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3, 2nd Edition, Newnes, 2009.
Joseph Yiu, The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M0, Academic Press, 2011.
1.5 Arduino¶
Brian Evans, Beginning Arduino, Apress 2011.
1.6 MSP430¶
John Davies, MSP430 Microcontroller Basics, Newnes 2008
1.7 Programmieren in C und C++¶
Nick Parlante, Essential C, 2003 (45 Seiten).
Mike Banahan, The C Book, 1991
P.J. Deitel, C How to Program, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall 2006.
Ben Klemens, 21st Century C, 2nd edition, O’Reilly 2014.
Ciaran O’Riordan, Learning GNU C, 2008
Mark Burgess, Ron Hale-Evans, GNU C Programming Tutorial, edition 4.1, 2002
Peter van der Linden, Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets, Prentice Hall 1994.
Stanley B. Lippman, Essential C++, Addison-Wesley 1999.
Bruce Eckel, Thinking in C++
Frank B. Brokken, C++ Annotations
Allen B. Downey, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. C++ Edition
Victor Shtern, Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach, Prentice Hall, 2000.
GUI Entwicklung mit C++
Kalle Dalheimer, Programming with Qt, Second Edition, O’Reilly 2002.
Paul Carter, PC Assembly Language
Jonathan Bartlett, Programming from the Ground Up, 2004
Allen B. Downey, The Little Book of Semaphores, second edition, 2012 (erschienen unter der GFDL Lizenz).
1.8 Go¶
„Go“ ist eine neue Systemprogrammiersprache, die vielleicht einmal C ersetzen könnte. Die Go Homepage ist http://golang.org.
Caleb Doxsey, An Introduction to Programming with GO (CC)
Miek Gieben, Learning Go (frei)
Effective Go (frei)
Mark Summerfield, Programming in GO, Addison-Wesley 2012.
1.9 Linux¶
Siehe auch meine Sammlung freier Literatur zu Linux: linuxbib.html.
Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, Linux in a Nutshell, 6th edition, O’Reilly 2009.
William E. Shots, The Linux Command Line, 2009, http://linuxcommand.org (auch als Buch bei No Starch Press/O’Reilly erhältich).
Michael Kerrisk, The Linux Programming Interface, No Starch Press 2010.
Quelltext: http://man7.org/tlpi/code/index.html
Kay A. Robbins, Steven Robbins, Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and Threads, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Robert Love, Linux System Programming, O’Reilly 2007.
M. Tim Jones, GNU/Linux Application Programming, Second Edition, Course Technology PTR, 2008.
Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, Alex Samuel, Jeffery Oldham, Advanced Linux Programming, New Riders 2001.
Rafeeq Ur Rehman, Christopher Paul, The Linux Development Platform, Prentice Hall 2003 (Bruce Perens Open Source Series).
Loukides, Oram, Programming With GNU Software, O’Reilly 1996.
Eric Raymond, The Art of UNIX Programming, Addison-Wesley 2003 (frei)
Neal Stephenson, In the Beginning was the Command Line
Robert Love, Linux Kernel Development, Addison-Wesley Professional, 3rd edition, 2010.
1.10 GNU Toolchain¶
Norman Matloff and Peter Jay Salzman, The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD and Eclipse, No Starch Press 2008.
1.11 Embedded Linux¶
Christopher Hallinan, Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall 2010.
Karim Yaghmour; Jon Masters; Gilad Ben-Yossef; Philippe Gerum, Building Embedded Linux Systems, Second Edition, O’Reilly 2008.
Gene Sally, Pro Linux Embedded Systems, Apress 2009.
Craig Hollabaugh, Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing, Addison-Wesley 2002.
Bob Smith und andere, Linux Appliance Design, No Starch Press 2007.
Karim Yaghmour, Embedded Android, O’Reilly 2013.
Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran, Essential Linux Device Drivers, Prentice Hall 2008.
Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran, Debugging Linux Systems, Prentice Hall 2009.
1.12 Software Engineering¶
Kenneth S. Rubin, Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process, Addison-Wesley 2012.
Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley 2006.
Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley 2004.
Federico Biancuzzi, Masterminds of programming, O’Reilly 2009.
Steve McConnell, Code Complete, Microsoft Press 2005.
Kathrin Passig; Johannes Jander, Weniger schlecht programieren, O’Reilly 2013.
1.13 Angriffe, Einbrüche¶
James C. Foster, Buffer Overflow Attacks. Detect, Exploit, Prevent. Syngress 2005.
Jon Erickson, Hacking. The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition, No Starch Press 2008.
Tobias Klein, Buffer Overflows und Format-String-Schwachstellen: Funktionsweisen, Exploits und Gegenmaßnahmen, dpunkt Verlag 2003.
Tobias Klein, Aus dem Tagebuch eines Bughunters, dpunkt Verlag 2010.
Stuart McClure, Hacking Exposed (tm) 7: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
1.14 Python¶
Für Anfänger
Swaroop C H, A Byte of Python
Download: http://files.swaroopch.com/python/byte_of_python.pdf
Deutsche Übersetzung: http://abop-german.berlios.de
Allen B. Downey, Think Python. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2012.
Anthony Briggs, Hello! Python, Manning Publications 2012.
Lee Harr, Start Programming
Al Sweigart, Making Games with Python & Pygame, 2012
Al Sweigart, Invent with Python. Learn to program by making computer games, 2nd edition, 2010
Zed Shaw, Learn Python the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley 2012.
Magnus Lie Hetland, Beginning Python, 2nd edition Apress, 2008.
Mike McMillan, Learning Python Programming, InfiniteSkills, 2012.
Paul Barry, Head First Python, O’Reilly 2010.
Bernd Klein, Python Kurs
Allen B. Downey, Think Python, O’Reilly 2012.
Vern Ceder, The Quick Python Book, Second Edition, Manning Publications, 2010.
Mark Pilgrim, Dive into Python, 2004
Mark Pilgrim, Dive Into Python 3, 2011
Doug Hellman, The Python Standard Library by Example, Addison-Wesley, 2011.
David Beazley; Brian K. Jones, Python Cookbook, 3rd edition, O’Reilly 2013.
Mary Alchin, Pro Python, Apress 2010.
Ninad Sathaye, Python Multimedia, Packt Publishing 2010.
Wesley Chun, Core Python Applications Programming, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
Brandon Rhodes, John Goerzen, Foundations of Python Network Programming: The comprehensive guide to building network applications with Python, Second Edition, Apress 2010.
Magnus Lie Hetland, Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, Apress 2010.
Tarek Ziade, Expert Python Programming: Learn best practices to designing, coding, and distributing your Python software, Packt Publishing 2008.
Rance D. Necaise, Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python, John Wiley, 2010.
Mark Summerfield, Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming, Prentice Hall 2007.
Julie Steele, Noah Iliinsky, Beautiful Visualization, O’Reilly 2010 (nicht nur Python).
John M. Hughes, Real World Instrumentation with Python, O’Reilly 2010.
Craig Finch, Sage, Packt Publishing, 2011.
Noah Gift, Jeremy M. Jones, Python for Unix and Linux System Administration, O’Reilly 2008
Jeff McNeill, Python 2.6 Text Processing Beginners Guide, Packt Publishing, 2010.
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Sandro Tosi, Matplotlib for Python Developers, Packt Publishing 2009.
Shai Vaingast, Beginning Python Visualization, Apress 2009.
Hans Petter Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, Springer 2011.
Eli Bressert, SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers, O’Reilly 2012.
Cyrille Rossant, Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization, Packt Publishing, 2013.
Wes McKinney, Python for Data Analysis, O’Reilly 2012.
Ivan Idris, NumPy 1.5, Packt Publishing 2011.
Ivan Idris, NumPy Cookbook, Packt Publishing 2012.
Francisco J. Blanco-Silva, Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing, Packt Publishing, 2013.
Erik Westra, Python Geospatial Development, Packt Publishing, 2010.
Joseph Howse, OpenCV Computer Vision with Python, Packt Publishing, April 2013.
Python Bibliography, O’Reilly 2011
1.15 Ruby¶
why’s (Poignant Guide) to Ruby
Mr. Neighborly’s Humble Little Ruby Book
Neil Smyth, Ruby Essentials
Chris Pine, Learn to Program
1.16 Statistik¶
Allen B. Downey, Think Stats, 2011
Norman Matloff, The Art of R Programming, 2009
1.17 Komplexität¶
Allen B. Downey, Think Complexity, 2011
1.18 Inkscape¶
Tavmjong Bah, A Guide to Inkscape
1.19 HTML und CSS¶
Stefan Münz (und andere), SELFHTML
Mark Pilgrim, Dive Into HTML5
w3schools.com, HTML Tutorial
w3schools.com, CSS Tutorial
CSS Tutorial
1.20 JavaScript¶
w3schools.com, JavaScript
Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent JavaScript. A Modern Introduction to Programming, 2012
Neil Smyth, JavaScript Essentials, 2012
David Matuszek, A Concise Introduction to JavaScript. Part I: The Core Language, 2007
David Matuszek, A Concise Introduction to JavaScript. Part II: Client-side JavaScript, 2007
Node.js http://nodejs.org/
Golo Roden, Node.js & Co: Skalierbare, hochperformante und echtzeitfähige Webanwendungen professionell in JavaScript entwickeln, dpunkt Verlag, 2012
Felix’s Node.js Guide
Ryan Dahl, Mastering Node
Andy Harris, JavaScript and AJAX For Dummies, For Dummies, 2009.
Adam Freeman, Pro jQuery, Apress 2012.
w3schools jQuery Tutorial
jQuery UI
Flot - Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery
James Lao, Visualizing Data with Flot, 2008 (Tutorial)
1.21 Ada¶
John English, Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming, Prentice-Hall 1997 (jetzt frei).