Concept-Art-Post-Effect-FiltersDevelopment and Evaluation of Concept-Art-Post-Effect-Filters in Realtime EnvironmentsGames are becoming more and more realistic this time. The level of realism cannot increase much further there will be a point when you will not be able to distinguish reality from virtuality. But there is another way. Some games use stilistic designs, like Toon Shading, or comic like stylized objects. How do game studios choose their art? They use the power and inspiration of Concept Artists. As one of the first publications in print magazines and the internet, Concept Art will be shown. These nice images fire your imagination but in rare instances will be converted 1:1 into final ingame art. Why, is the question. It cannot rely on technology when you can produce ultra realistic images. With CGI there are no limitations. You can do anything you want. Only problem is usage in realtime environments. So I ask, if you can manipulate images with filters (like Photoshop drawing filters), it is just a matter of time and energy to use these filters or allied filters in games. Masterthesis by Michael Hebel, supervised by Prof. Thomas Rist and Prof. Jens Müller. |