
Concept and Implementation of a Skill System for a Role Playing Game

In the genre of RPGs a lot of games use systems which rely on skill points to give the players the power to choose character abilities which suit their playstyle. In some games, skill points can also be reset or redistributed in order to change skill sets up.. There are not many skill systems in RPGs that use actions to unlock new skills. “Fir” in this case provides a more unique approach to skill systems. In contrast to “Ancestors”, once a skill is unlocked it stays available for the player. Additionally instead of having somewhat unbalanced skills like “Skyrim”, the more powerful skills can only be unlocked later in the skill trees to prevent players from unlocking overpowered skills early in the game. Compared to “The Elder Scrolls Online”, skills that have been equipped also need to be actively used by players in order to unlock the next skill tier.

Masterarbeit von Jenny Neuhard, betreut von Prof. Jens Müller und Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist