

Incredibug is a third-person Singleplayer-Puzzle-Platformer featuring Metroidvania elements and a wholesome story with an underlying message. In this game, the player slips into the role of the Incredibug, a Pillbug named Bobo, and explores the world from the perspective of an intelligent insect with unique abilities and movement capabilities.

The game is designed for both casual and advanced players. It offers physics-based fun, intuitive puzzle mechanics and gives the players clear goals to achieve. More technical players will find joy in the mastery of game mechanics, the constant progression of abilities, and the room for experimentation offered when tackling challenges. Using physics-based game mechanics to maneuver through the levels, the player can traverse a familiar environment with a miniature twist. As the protagonist unlocks new abilities, the player’s freedom to explore levels will steadily increase and allow the player to solve the game’s challenges creatively.

Das Projekt wurde durch den FFF gefördert.

Übergabe des Förderbescheides an Elia Cakar stellvertretend für das Team.


Masterprojekt von Michael Braun, Moritz Naab, Mathias Sirch und Elia Cakar, betreut von Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist und Prof. Jens Müller.