CLAIRSurvival GameCLAIR is a first-person single-player psychological horror artistic experience that delves into the human psyche in a retro-futuristic setting. The player assumes the role of an assistant—later revealed to be the AI itself—using advanced experimental technology to enter the mind of a patient struggling with mental distress. The objective is to 'cure' the patient by identifying and neutralizing the trauma anchor, thereby enabling the patient to swiftly resume normal activities. Our primary aim is to provide players with an abstract and immersive experience, one that can be interpreted in varied ways depending on individual perspectives. TeamMasterprojekt von Raffaela Chenlu Kammer, Thi Diep Thao Pham und Elia Sedat Çakar, betreut von Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist und Prof. Jens Müller |