
Lunch Lecture: Digital Timber Construction - Robotic fabrication of light weight shell structures

Vortrag am 22.05.2024 von Karl Ahlund

22.05.2024, 13:15
Alte Mensa (C1.22)

In the Lunch Lecture, Karl Ahlund will discuss his research and work focused on digital fabrication and robotic fabrication. The lecture will be held in English.

Karl Ahlund will discuss and give insight as to how fabrication technologies has been a driving force for architectural style throughout history and how the tools we use as architects extends ones abilities and opens possibilities. Through his research examples he will also show practical applications of his research with robotic fabrication and its impact on how we can create more sustainable buildings.

©Karl Ahlund

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Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Die Lunch Lectures der Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen verbinden Wissensaufnahme mit Genuss und bieten gleichzeitig die Gelegenheit zum studiengangsübergreifenden Austausch zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden.

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