
Weiterbildungsangebot: Effective Research Strategy

14.10.2024, 12:00 – 16.10.2024, 16:00


Liebe Promovierende,

in der Zeit vom 14.10.-16.10.2024 bietet Ihnen die THA Graduate School ein englischsprachiges Seminar zum Thema "Effective Research Strategy" an. Dafür konnte Dr. Mark Wickham (Senior Lecturer in Social Enterprise Strategy at the Tasmanian School of Business & Economics at University of Tasmania) gewonnen werden.

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Ihre THA Graduate School


Dr Mark Wickham is a Senior Lecturer in Social Enterprise Strategy at the Tasmanian School of Business & Economics (University of Tasmania). His teaching and research focuses on best-practice 'social sustainability' and 'strategic corporate social responsibility' in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. Mark’s research has been published in a range of prestigious outlets, including the Australian Journal of Public Administration, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, and the Journal of Sustainable Tourism. He also reviews papers for The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Sustainability, and The Qualitative Report. In 2015, Mark was awarded the Outstanding Reviewer for International Journal of Organizational Analysis in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. As at September 2024, Mark has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and supervised 13 candidates to the successful completion of their PhD (see University of TasmaniaProfile: Dr Mark Wickham).

Mark will be delivering a three-day post-graduate research seminar series from Monday, October 14th until Wednesday October 16th at the THA campus in Augsburg. The seminar series will focus on the academic research process and offer insights into the planning and execution of the research tasks required to successfully complete a PhD thesis (and build the skills needed to publish research papers in quality journal outlets). The seminar series is designed to be highly interactive, and students will have the opportunity to develop their presentation and research goal-setting skills during the three-day program.

Seminar: Effective Research Strategy


Learning Objective:

At the completion of the seminar, students to be able to define specific research outcomes they wish to achieve, and design effective strategies to achieve them.

Topics and times:

14th of October (12-5 pm):

1. Prologue (Introduction)

2. Approaching your Research Project (including “thesis structure“)

3. Analysing Qualitative Data & Content Analysis (including the use of computer technologies)

4. Managing your research Part I: Peer-mentoring strategies


15th of October (10 am-3 pm):

5. Managing your research Part II: Managing your supervisor(s)

6. Academic Communication Part I: Best Practice Oral Presentations

7. Academic Communication Part II: Publishing Strategies


16th of October (2-4 pm) (optional):

8. Training: Oral Presentations


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