
5th International Week 2024

The School of Business welcomes guests from all over the world

School of Business

From 11 to 13 June 2024, the School of Business put the spotlight on internationalisation in higher education, offering a platform for the international community and partners to share, reflect and develop ideas whilst fostering international friendships. The guests enriched the School of Business with lectures from their field of expertise, offering insights into their teaching and research. The programme also included a wide range of events for the representatives of partner universities, such as presentations on current THA projects, a company visit, and leisure activities.


Fostering intercultural exchange and strengthening international relations

The International Week, that was organized by the International Coordinators Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht and Helene Wetzel, created a platform for intercultural exchange and highlighted the broad international profile of the School of Business: from Switzerland to Finland to China, the guests from 15 different countries accepted the invitation of the faculty and offered an insight into their teaching and research.

At the official start, the President of the THA, Prof. Dr. Gordon Rohrmair, heartly welcomed the international guests to the ceremonial opening: „Our university is honored to host such a diverse and vibrant gathering of minds from across the globe. Internationality is a cornerstone of our institution. It is through international collaboration and the blending of diverse perspectives that we foster innovation and growth. However, the importance of internationality goes beyond economic advantages. At its core, it is about creating understanding and fostering empathy among people from different cultures and backgrounds.“ Prof. Dr. Erdmann, the Vice Dean of the School of Business, humorously compared the International Week to this year’s Olympic Games in Paris and the European Football Championships: „Just like these sports events, this week promises to be an enriching experience filled with cultural appreciation and the forging of new friendships. We aim to foster knowledge exchange, build strong partnerships, and create further opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff to grow and develop in an international environment.“

Prof. Dr. Michael Feucht introduced the city of Augsburg and the faculty and also gave a taste of the varied programme. The highlights included the visit of the THA projects, ELLSI and Starkstrom, which showcase cutting-edge research and innovation, providing the guests with insights into the university’s dynamic academic environment. In addition to exploring the campus, the guests visited the family-run Beautyness Company GRANDEL, known for premium quality cosmetics and health products developed and produced in Augsburg. This visit was designed to introduce the town as a vibrant metropolitan hub for business and innovation.

Outstanding Lectures in Research and Innovation Across Multiple Disciplines

The academic programme featured a series of inspiring lectures delivered by the international guests, showcasing a diverse range of topics and expertise:

Dr. Ferhat Oztutus from Hakkari University, Turkey, and Prof. Dr. Patrick Hung from Ontario Tech University, Canada, initiated the series with sessions on Financial Time Series Analysis and Modelling, and Project Management for Data Science, respectively. Prof. Sven D’Hondt from Hogeschool Gent provided clarity on derivative financial instruments, while Prof. Jillaine Farrar offered valuable insights into intercultural leadership.

Rabia Balci’s lecture on ISO 45001 focused on its role in enhancing workplace safety and reducing risks. Profs. Elisabeth Frank and Sara Lorenzo Ros captivated the audience with their talk on gamification in education, showcasing virtual escape rooms as tools for promoting collaborative learning and critical thinking.

Thursday was all about marketing: Tarja Autio and Tuula Ryhänen from Haaga-Helia University, Finland, discussed strategies for leveraging TikTok in entrepreneurship. This was followed by Prof. Dr. Julio Jimenez’s insights on Marketing Research and Jonathan Schoppig’s strategies for creating an optimal performance atmosphere. Prof. Michela Ornati from SUPSI, Switzerland, explored the interplay between luxury and art, highlighting collaborations between luxury brands and contemporary artists. Schoppig also delved into the psychological and environmental factors essential for high performance, providing practical leadership tips. Finally, Prof. Oliver Kessler addressed Strategy and Leadership in Public and Nonprofit Management, rounding off an enriching week of lectures that spanned multiple disciplines and global perspectives.

All in all, during the International Week, the School of Business presented itself as a cosmopolitan host for guests from all over the world, blending academic discussions with cultural experiences. It not only strengthened international collaborations but also set a precedent for future initiatives aimed at fostering global academic exchanges.