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Lectures from the study programs Architecture, Civil Engineering, E2D and Digital.Design and Production

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Sep 25, 2023
Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Die Lunch Lectures der Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen verbinden Wissensaufnahme mit Genuss und bieten gleichzeitig die Gelegenheit zum studiengangsübergreifenden Austausch zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden.

Die vier Studiengänge der Fakultät organisieren jeweils drei Vorträge immer Mittwochs während der Mittagspause von 13:15 bis 14:00 Uhr, bei denen alle Studierenden herzlich dazu eingeladen sind, ihr mitgebrachtes Mittagessen gemeinsam in der Alten Mensa zu sich zu nehmen und mehr zu einem ausgewählten spannenden Thema rund ums Bauen zu erfahren.

Termine & Themen






Gebaute Umwelt - Ein Desaster

Prof. Jürgen Huber
18.10.2023Alternative Housing Solutions for Post-Disaster Recovery in the Southeast United StatesDustin Albright, AIA; LEED AP
25.10.2023Bauprojekte neu denken: Die digitale Revolution in der Bauindustrie Linda Mayr
08.11.2023LoRaWAN: Das Rückgrat der SmartCityDirk Ochmann, Annemarie Binswanger und David Lux, swa
15.11.2023Projektbericht "planting future" UgandaStudierende des Studiengangs A, Prof. Victoria von Gaudecker

Das Überseequartier Hamburg

 Thomas Neuhäuser
06.12.2023Wer plant die Klimaanpassung?Dr. Sebastian Purwins, Prof. Dr. Markus Keck, Lehrstuhl Urbane Klimaresilienz an der Universität Augsburg
13.12.2023Re-thinking Portugese tradition and material: The Home ProjectKathi Stertzig, Álbio Nascimento


Zurückliegende Vorträge

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Lunch Lecture: Re-thinking Portugese tradition and material

Dec 13, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

As part of this year's special area, students of architecture in Lisbon have learned about craft, tradition and contemporary interpretations of it. What strategies are used to strengthen the regional identity and what role does material, place, tr...

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Lunch Lecture: Who plans for climate adaptation?

Dec 6, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Dr. Sebastian Purwins and Prof. Dr. Markus Keck from the Chair of Urban Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg take a critical look at the book by Swiss architect and urban planner Lucius Burckhardt "Who plans the planning?" (1980), crit...

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Lunch Lecture: LoRaWAN

Nov 8, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Smart City meets LoRaWAN. This Lunch Lecture by Stadtwerke Augsburg is less about the "what" (makes the city smart) and more about the "how" I can actually make Augsburg smart(er) with the help of the swa wireless data network.

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Lunch Lecture: Alternative Housing Solutions

Oct 18, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

This Lunch Lecture´s speaker is Dustin Albright, Associate Professor and Assistant Director at School of Architecture, Clemson University.
His presentation will describe ongoing research relating to alternative architectural solutions and productio...

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Lunch Lecture: International earthen building projects

Oct 11, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

"Architecture for me is a tool to improve living conditions." - Presenter Anna Heringer became internationally known with the construction of the METI School in Rudrapur, Bangladesh, which she designed as her diploma thesis at the Art University o...

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