»Old Forge«
Historical gem and laboratory for interdisciplinary teaching and research

Project description
The "Alte Schmiede" on the Milchberg in Augsburg has been worked on by students and teachers in courses for several semesters and is gradually being repaired through a lot of voluntary commitment. In return, the large building can be used for projects and for work rooms and seminars. It is currently used as a laboratory for experimental building research.
The mysterious historical gem
The "Alte Schmiede" lies at the foot of the Milchberg in the lower old town and was mentioned in 1184 (probably for the first time) in a Swabian chronicle. The Augsburg monument in the Ulrichsviertel originally belonged to the St. Ulrich and Afra monastery and was used at that time as a farrier for shoeing animal hooves. Due to the long vacancy, you can still discover and admire many wonderful relics from different eras in the building. So on the upper floor there are beautiful wall paintings with floral patterns, a historical wall construction with wooden beams and hazel rods (these served as a substrate for the plaster at the time), or an original blacksmith's mess, which was used by various generations in everyday working life.
Laboratory for interdisciplinary teaching and research
In cooperation with the owner and under professional instruction from the field of building research as well as restoration and conservation technology, the cultural heritage could be revitalized in the coming years in accordance with monument protection and with the greatest care. The history of the building should remain perceptible and be made visible to every visitor. The motto is: as little as possible, as much as necessary.
The 10-year concept
The building is to be documented and designed in the concept of experimental building research. As a creative forge, the old forge should offer plenty of space for student workplaces, events of all kinds, exhibitions, training courses and seminars. In short: a platform for interdisciplinary exchange.
Are you interested and keen on culture?
Then we invite you to get to know this very special project better and to join us on a journey of discovery through history.
Walkable 3D model, DIMENSION3, Sven Exenberger
The building has just woken up and there are so many projects
A lot of interdisciplinary project work takes place in the forge:
The Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering will work together with the Augsburg municipal utility on a concept for heating the building with synthetic fuels and for generating electricity.
Since the winter semester 2o16, courses in the fields of architecture, civil engineering and energy-efficiency design in the field of renovation techniques, monument preservation, building technology and documentation have been carried out continuously at the Faculty of Architecture and Building.
In the Social Work program of the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, research is being carried out into the possibilities of using the forge as an inclusive place for seminars and discussions in the future, while the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is interested in using the centrally located building in the future to demonstrate technologies in the Use robotics area.
The association "PROJEKTschmiede e.V.", a non-profit support association for student projects at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, has been gradually refurbishing the building since the beginning of 2o19 so that it can later be used for work rooms, exhibitions and information events.
The University of Augsburg researches the history of the old smithy.
Reports from the press:
- Bayerischer Rundfunk, film in "Aus Schwaben & Altbayern", Jan 2o2o
- The old smithy on the Milchberg
- Online picture gallery of the Augsburger Allgemeine, Silvio Wyszengrad, August 2o19
- One-time experiment in the renovation of the "old forge" in Augsburg
Online and print article Augsburger Allgemeine, December 2o19 - Dilapidated building on the Milchberg: now there are plans for the "old smithy"
Online and print article Augsburger Allgemeine, October 2o19 - The "old smithy" becomes a prime example
Online and print articles Augsburger Allgemeine, June 2o2o - Open Monument Day 2o2o in Augsburg
Online contribution "News from the City", City of Augsburg, September 2o2o
Nationwide "Open Monument Day 2o2o" - The showcase project in Augsburg: "Die Alte Schmiede", German Foundation for Monument Protection, September 2o2o
- 360-degree tour through the Alte Schmiede: This is what the monument looks like from the inside, Online article Augsburger Allgemeine, November 2o2o
- "After 60 years back in the old forge" The 89-year-old Franz Singer talks about his training in the old smithy and the famine after the war, online and print article Augsburger Allgemeine, December 2o2o
- Max Kling receives the Hans Benedikt Prize for his commitment to the "Alte Schmiede" project, Online article, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, December 2o2o
- SAIV Prize goes to the "Alte Schmiede" project, Online article, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, April 2o21
Project participants
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Architecture and Construction:
B.Eng. Max Kling, B.Eng. Sebastian Steinbock, B.Sc. Louisa Hanke, B.Eng. Annika Volpert, Sven Hartlaub, Andreas Heinzler, M.Eng. Nadine Maier, B.Eng. Vevi Kröner, M.Eng. Ralf Lösch, B.Eng. Dominik Baumann, B.Eng. Marcus Stevenson, B. Eng. Michael Bauhof, M.Eng. Michael Sedlmeier, B.Eng. Elek Fogarassy, M.Eng. Lukas Dankesreiter, B.Eng. Sabrina Sommer, B.Eng. Stefan Schröder, B.Eng. Tim Thiede, M.Eng. Angi Fendt, M.Eng. Carmen Herrmann.
Prof. Dr. Christian Bauriedel, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nowak, Prof. Dr. Jens Gattermann, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zirwas, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Irmler, Prof. Dr. Marcus Rommel, Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt, Dipl. Ing.Markus Brand
Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wieler, laboratory supervisor Michael Ziegler
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Martin Stummbaum
Faculty of Electrical Engineering:
Prof. Dr. Florian Kerber
University of Augsburg
Chair of Medieval History
PD Dr. Mathias Kluge, Serafin Baur
Prizes, awards and grants:
- The forge project eXtended Reality receives prize at the digital hackathon STac_hack against Covid 19, April 2o2o
- The forge becomes a showcase project on the Open Monument Day, September 2o2o
- Max Kling receives the Hans Benedikt Prize at the Gp Awards for his commitment to the “Alte Schmiede” project, November 2o2o
- The SAIV Prize 2o2o (Swabian Architects and Engineers Association) sponsored by the Langner Foundation goes this year to the “Alte Schmiede” project, December 2o2o
- The forge project is included in the funding of the State Office for Monument Preservation, December 2o2o
Radio show "Das Bau-Juwel Alte Schmiede" on Bavaria 2, January 2o2o
Cooperation partners and supporters
- PROJEKTschmiede e.V. - Funding association for student projects
- Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation, Lorenz Schröter, Judith Sandmeier
- Lower monument protection authority, Dipl. Ing. Gerhard Huber
- DIMENSION3, Sven Exenberger
- SAIV Swabian Architects and Engineers Association
- Langner Foundation
- Thomas Schwarz, building research
- M.A. Amanda Natterer, Building Research
- Metal carving Sollfrank
- Institute for Energy Efficiency and Design e.V.
- Jürgen Halm, restoration
- Engineering office Dipl. Ing. Karl-Heinz Kling
- Stadtwerke Augsburg Holding GmbH, Dr. Florian Samweber, Head of the Innovation Unit
- Ing.Kresimir Dujimic, INTAIO
Contact persons:
- Owner: Bernhard Heilmann
- PROJEKTschmiede - Funding Association for Student Projects e.V .:
Amanda Natterer (Vice Chair)
[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] - Contact person for students: Max Kling
[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] - Contact for academic staff: Christian Bauriedel, Prof. Dr.
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Website: www.AlteSchmiede.rocks Email: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
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