21. International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare 2023
HSA_ias presents two papers from the CARE REGIO project

In the paper "Review of Care Transition Records and Their Transmission Process in Nursing Facilities and Hospitals in Germany - Results of an Online Questionnaire" we presented the results of an online survey in the care setting.
At the beginning of the research project, we collected results through a literature review and observations in facilities. The aim was to analyse these quantitatively and identify measurements that confirm or refute individual problems or opportunities. The main findings of the study show that the process of PÜB transmission is time-consuming, not standardised and often incomplete, leading to additional conversations to obtain missing information. In addition, most facilities transmit the PCR by physically handing it to the patient or resident, resulting in little or no preparation time for the person(s) in need of care.
The results of the online survey show similar problems to those already identified in the initial literature review and observations. This again underlines the urgency of addressing these issues in an iterative and user-centred approach and developing digital solutions.
Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in healthcare facilities, only 33 participants can be matched. However, the results support the previously collected findings.

Data and information problems in care
In the paper "Data and Information Problems in Health Care and How Creative Methods Might Solve Them", we presented the findings from an initial literature review on the topic of data and information problems in healthcare settings and their correlation to creative methods.
Data is generally not useful on its own, but only when it is further analysed and structured into information. An important area in which data is generated, processed into information and transmitted is healthcare. Medical staff can use the information gained from the data to improve the health status or satisfaction of patients, for example. However, the information can only be as valuable as the data provided. Using a specific example, the transfer of care transition reports (PÜB) in Germany, many problems with data and information become clear.
The application of creative methods such as user-centred design (UCD) or design thinking has shown promising results, particularly in the development and evaluation of software and hardware in the healthcare sector.
The question arises to what extent creative methods are already being used to solve data and/or information problems. This paper focuses on how researchers deal with data and information problems in healthcare and what role creative methods could play in this.