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The cemetery navigation

Computer Science Interative Media
Jul 24, 2018

Project description

The larger the cemetery, the more difficult it is to find a specific grave. Especially for people whose job it is to find many different graves every day in cemeteries with many thousands of graves. This is exactly what our "Gravecare" app is designed for. With the help of a smartphone app, we significantly reduce the time spent searching for graves. Tasks for the corresponding graves can also be ticked off immediately.

Involved persons

Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Teynor

Cooperation Partner: Gartenbau Wörner

Students: 6


Das Team
GraveCare auf dem DemoDay
GraveCare auf dem DemoDay
Das Team auf dem Projekttag Informatik (qu. Gertraud Matzke)
Das Team auf dem Projekttag Informatik (qu. Gertraud Matzke)