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Information booth at the meeting of digital agencies in Germany

How ethics can be embedded in agile software development

Sep 12, 2024

On 12 September 2024, Germany's digital agencies met at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences to share their experiences. The aim was to jointly explore how digitalisation and artificial intelligence can be used profitably in public administration. This always raises ethical questions. We were able to address this topic with an information stand and vividly present the DARE method (deliberative - agile - responsive - ethical). With the help of the ethics slider, it was easy to show that not all ethical goals can always be achieved at the same time.

Gruppenbild mit Bayerns Digitalminister Dr. Fabian Mering (1. Reihe, 2.v.r.): Treffen der deutschen Digitalagenturen an der THA. Aktuelle Projekte aus dem KI-Produktionsnetzwerk der THA stellten Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Nadine Warkotsch (1. Reihe, r.) und Prof. Dr. Björn Häckel (2. Reihe, 1.v.r.) vor. © Bayern Innovativ