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Interative Media
Jul 25, 2017

Project description

Leucare is a collaborative project involving the University Hospital Freiburg and the University of Basel. The mobile application supports an integrative care model for patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation. This procedure is often the only hope for patients with conditions such as leukemia. The aim of the application is to address the needs of patients during the period after chemotherapy and transplantation, providing support in their daily lives. An important aspect is the logging of symptoms and vital signs to provide medically valid information and recommendations.

During the project, requirements were gathered on-site in Freiburg through focus groups with nursing staff and physicians, as well as discussions with patients both in the hospital and at home. Based on these findings, an initial concept was developed and prototypically implemented. The main focus of this project was the development of an interactive symptom lexicon with recommendations for action based on individually entered values. Usability tests demonstrated good usability of the application. The project will continue in the winter semester of 2017/18.

You can visit the project website [here].

Involved persons

Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Teynor. Prof. KP Ludwig John

Cooperation Partner: Uniklinik Freiburg, Universität Basel

Students: 8

Das Team
Das Team beim Arbeiten